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Protect Your Home from Summer Storms | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

dark gray cloudy background with torrential downpour rain overlay When storms strike, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to restore your property to preloss condition faster!

Summer is a time for fun in the sun, but it also brings the threat of severe weather. In Cape Girardeau and our surrounding communities summer storms can strike with little warning, bringing heavy rains, high winds, and even hail. Understanding how to prepare and protect your home can save you from costly damage and keep your family safe.

The Cape experiences its fair share of severe summer weather. Thunderstorms, often accompanied by lightning, heavy rainfall, and strong winds, are common. Occasionally, these storms can lead to flash flooding or power outages, making it crucial to be prepared.

Preparing Your Home for Summer Storms

Inspect and Repair Your Roof. One of the first lines of defense against summer storms is a sturdy roof. Regularly inspect your roof for missing or damaged shingles and make necessary repairs. This simple step can prevent leaks and water damage during heavy rains.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts. Clogged gutters can lead to water overflow and damage to your home’s foundation. Ensure that gutters and downspouts are clear of debris so water can flow freely away from your home. Consider installing gutter guards to minimize future clogs.

Trim Trees and Secure Outdoor Items. High winds can turn tree branches into projectiles and cause significant damage. Trim any overhanging branches near your home and remove dead or weak trees. Additionally, secure outdoor furniture, grills, and other items that could become hazardous in strong winds.

Check Windows and Doors. Ensure that windows and doors are properly sealed to prevent water from seeping in. Consider installing storm shutters for added protection. If shutters aren’t an option, plywood can be a temporary solution during a storm warning.

Create an Emergency Kit. Having an emergency kit on hand is essential. Include items such as bottled water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, and important documents. Make sure everyone in your household knows where the kit is located and what it contains.

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties Is Here to Help®

Even with the best preparation, storm damage can still occur. If your home suffers from storm damage, the experts at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties are ready to assist. Our team has the experience and equipment to handle everything from minor repairs to major restoration projects.

Act Now to Protect Your Home

Don’t wait for a storm to hit—take action now to safeguard your home and loved ones. Make these steps part of your regular routine so that even the fastest moving storm doesn’t catch you off-guard. With regular home maintenance and a well-rehearsed emergency plan, you will be ready for anything.

Stay safe and enjoy a worry-free summer!

If you have storm damage, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties and recover fast.

Why Every Business Should Have an Emergency Plan | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

7/3/2024 (Permalink)

man in suit at computer working on a standard erp SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is Here to Help® your business prepare for disaster with an updated ERP!
Protecting Your Business with a Solid Emergency Plan

Disasters, whether natural or man-made, can strike at any moment, leaving businesses vulnerable and unprepared. Imagine a severe storm blowing through, a fire breaking out, or a plumbing failure causing floods that leaves your property dealing with damages. These scenarios highlight the importance of having an emergency plan in place to ensure your business can withstand and quickly recover from unexpected events.

Minimize Downtime and Financial Loss

One of the primary reasons every business should have an emergency plan is to minimize downtime and financial loss. When a disaster strikes, every second counts. An effective emergency plan enables you to act swiftly, reducing the time it takes to get your business back up and running. This not only saves money but also maintains your reputation with clients and customers.

Ensure Employee Safety

The safety of your employees should always be a top priority. An emergency plan provides clear instructions on what to do in various disaster scenarios, ensuring everyone knows their role and the safest actions to take. Regularly practicing these plans through drills can make a significant difference in a real emergency, keeping your team safe and calm.

Protect Your Assets

Your business assets, including equipment, inventory, and critical data, are vital to your operations. An emergency plan helps protect these assets by outlining measures such as backup systems, secure storage, and insurance coverage. Knowing your assets are safeguarded allows you to focus on other critical aspects during a disaster.

Maintain Customer Trust

In times of crisis, maintaining customer trust is crucial. If your business can quickly respond and continue providing services, customers will feel more confident in your reliability. A well-prepared emergency plan ensures continuity of operations, reinforcing your commitment to serving your clients even in challenging times.


Creating an emergency plan might seem daunting, but you don’t have to do it alone. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties specializes in helping businesses develop comprehensive emergency plans tailored to their specific needs. Our expertise ensures that your plan is robust, covering all potential risks and ensuring a swift recovery process.

Your business deserves the best chance to thrive, no matter what challenges come your way.

Don’t wait until disaster strikes to think about emergency preparedness. Start today by visiting SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties and let our experienced team guide you through the process of creating a plan that protects your business, your employees, and your future.

Protect Your Home from Strong Thunderstorms | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.
Understanding the Risks: How Strong Thunderstorms Can Damage Your Home

Strong thunderstorms are a force of nature that can wreak havoc on your home if you’re not prepared. From heavy rain and lightning to powerful winds and hail, these storms bring a variety of risks that can lead to costly damage. As a homeowner, it’s crucial to understand these risks and take proactive steps to protect your property.

Research conducted by the National Severe Storms Laboratory has shown that strong thunderstorms can produce wind speeds exceeding 50 miles per hour, which are strong enough to cause significant damage to roofs, siding, and windows. Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology found that hailstorms are becoming more frequent and severe, posing a greater threat to homes and vehicles.

Proactive Measures to Mitigate Damage

To minimize the risk of damage to your home during strong thunderstorms, it’s essential to take proactive measures. Start by inspecting your roof regularly for any signs of damage or wear and tear. Replace missing or damaged shingles and reinforce weak areas to ensure your roof can withstand high winds and hail.

Another critical step is to secure outdoor furniture, equipment, and decorations before a storm hits. Strong winds can turn these items into dangerous projectiles, causing damage to your home and posing a threat to your safety. Additionally, consider installing impact-resistant windows and doors to protect your home from flying debris and hail damage.

Trust SERVPRO® to Protect Your Home

At SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties, we understand that even the most prepared home may still see damage during severe weather. Our team of highly trained professionals is ready to respond to your property as soon as things are safe, so you can get back to life fast no matter what happens.

Don’t wait until it’s too late—take proactive steps to protect your home today.

Contact us now to safeguard your home against strong thunderstorms!

Safely Enjoy Outdoor Grilling and Bonfires | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

campfire style bonfire with dark night background Don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to ensure a fun and safe night.
Grilling Season is Here: Let’s Keep It Safe!

With the warmer weather upon us, many of us are eager to fire up the grill, gather around a bonfire, or head out for a camping trip. However, amidst the excitement, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is here to offer some essential tips to ensure you can enjoy outdoor activities without any hazards.

Understanding the Risks

Before we dive into safety tips, let’s take a quick look at the risks associated with outdoor grilling, bonfires, and camping fires. According to a study by the National Fire Protection Association, outdoor cooking grills caused an average of 10,600 home fires per year in the United States, resulting in millions of dollars in property damage. Additionally, the U.S. Fire Administration reports that nearly 5,000 injuries occur annually due to outdoor fires, with a significant portion resulting from grilling accidents.

Safety Tips from the Experts
  1. Location, Location, Location: Whether you’re grilling in your backyard or enjoying a bonfire at a campsite, always ensure that your fire pit or grill is placed on a stable, non-flammable surface. Keep it away from any structures, trees, or overhanging branches.

  2. Proper Ventilation: Good airflow is essential for safe outdoor fires. Make sure your grill or fire pit is positioned in an open area away from any obstructions that could impede ventilation.

  3. Keep a Watchful Eye: Never leave a fire unattended, especially when children or pets are nearby. Assign someone to monitor the fire at all times and have a fire extinguisher or water source readily available in case of emergencies.

  4. Use the Right Fuel: Only use charcoal or propane grills outdoors and never indoors or in enclosed spaces. When using wood for a bonfire or camping fire, ensure it’s seasoned and dry to minimize excessive smoke and prevent sparks.

Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Outdoor Adventures!

By following these simple safety tips, you can ensure that your outdoor grilling, bonfires, and camping trips are enjoyable and hazard-free. Remember, safety should always be a top priority, so take the necessary precautions to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property.

For more information on fire safety and restoration services, visit SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. Let’s make this outdoor season a safe and memorable one!

Storm Planning With Kids | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to help you recover.

When a storm blows in, it can create a chaotic scene. Anxiety can get high as your dogs begin to pace around or hide, your kids are starting to panic and you aren’t sure if you should tuck everyone into bed or into the safest spot of your home.

With the threat of tornadoes, strong thunderstorms and floods not uncommon for our area, it’s important to make sure your household is prepared for anything—especially your young kiddos.

Make storm safety planning a family affair. You can ease everyone’s nerves and ensure that your whole family will respond quickly and safely any time a storm moves in.

Knowing What to Look For

Spending time looking at the clouds with your kids can be a really fun experience. While you try to decide what shapes you see, talk about how to identify storm clouds. Make sure they understand that fast-moving, dark or green-tinted clouds mean it is time to head inside. Introduce them to the sounds of thunder, and talk about what lightning is.

As you talk about how storms look and sound, make sure you also explain the sounds of safety as well. Play tornado sirens on your phone for them, and then find out the next time they will be tested around town. Take the kids outside to hear them well, and then make a game out of it—whoever hears the siren first wins. Keep it light, but make sure they understand that noise is there so they can safely get to shelter ahead of a storm.

Preparing for the Event

If you don’t already have a family storm emergency plan, it’s time to make one. Gather everyone together and start talking about what will happen when the weather starts getting rough.

Let the kids tell you what they think the safest part of your home is, and talk about why a spot on a low level without windows is a good choice. Walk them down to where your safe space will be, and let them add some comfort items. Comfy blankets, pillows, books and toys can help ease stress levels when you do have to wait out a warning.

Make an emergency kit together to keep near that space. Include flashlights, batteries and first-aid supplies. Choose some shelf-stable snacks that everyone likes, and keep plenty of water available as well. Make your kit kid-friendly with fun band-aids, and give them their own flashlights to use as well.

While most items can live in your kit permanently, when storms are predicted add your prescription medications, candles and matches in order to be fully prepared for potential damage or power outages.

You might want to stock up on non-electronic toys like board games, activity books and other fun items. If your power is out for an extended amount of time these will be a great way to keep everyone happy and distracted.

Keeping Calm

Fear of storms is common in all ages, but children can be particularly nervous when lightning and thunder are picking up. For many children, offering them solid facts can quell a lot of concerns.

Tell them the low likelihood of experiencing extreme damage during a thunderstorm or tornado. While you can never rule out damage, most homes primarily suffer roof, siding and damage in the yard.

Most importantly, find ways to keep yourself calm so that you can focus on the safety of your family. The more you can prepare ahead of time, the easier riding out every severe weather event will be.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

Preparing Ahead of the Storm | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

5/6/2024 (Permalink)

Cutting Limbs From Roof Top When the storm passes, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties for all your storm damage restoration needs.

Mother Nature is something we have to develop a little respect for. Sometimes we will hate what she brings us, and other times we will be singing her praises. Regardless of how we feel about her, we always need to be prepared for the weather she shares everyday. 

Each season brings us a variety of things to both prepare for and be thankful for. Spring and summer bring plenty of rain and occasional severe weather, but it also comes with moderate heat and plenty of reasons to get outside. In the fall and winter, we still see rain and occasional freezes, but most of the days are still just warm enough to get outside every once and a while. 

Regardless of what the weather does bring, the more we are prepared, the safer we can stay. Taking action to get our homes ready and ourselves ready ahead of any storm will mean we ride out every storm well. 

Preparing Your Home

The first step to being ready for any storm is taking care of your home. You can prepare your house throughout the year in order to mitigate as much damage as possible when the weather does get severe. 

Start outside with a little yard prep. Make sure your gutters and downspouts are clear, and that water can run away from your home. Add sloping or organic material to your yard in order to increase absorption and drainage. 

Trim your trees regularly to prevent falling limbs, and secure any furniture that lives outside permanently. Our area can frequently see flooding or tornadoes, so stay prepared for water and wind to mitigate damage. 

Keep up with roof repairs and make sure your attic is well-sealed. Replace loose shingles, and ensure your gutter system isn’t loose anywhere. Walk the outside of your house at least twice a year to look for any wear and tear that you can fix before it turns into a bigger problem. 

Inside your home, dedicate a safe space on the lowest level of your home to ride out severe thunderstorms or tornadoes. Keep emergency supplies nearby as well. Store important paperwork in a location that might not be drenched if the Mississippi rises or your roof springs a leak. 

Preparing Yourself

Along with keeping your home prepared to weather storms well, you should also take some regular steps to prepare yourself. 

Always have two ways to receive weather alerts. This should include something that does not require electricity in case a storm blows through that knocks out the power. 

Create a plan with your family so that everyone knows where to go when things get severe. This should especially include how to stay safe during a tornado and a flood. Make sure everyone knows what your evacuation plan is as well, in case orders are issued. 

The more you can do throughout the year to keep yourself and your home safe from storms, the less your damage will be. Being prepared also means you can rest a little easier and enjoy the nice weather each season brings. 

Do you have storm damage on your property? Contact us to get things repaired quickly.

What Happens After a Water Leak | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all your water damage restoration needs.

Is there anything worse than dealing with a water leak in your home? It’s no fun when you are home and can deal with it immediately, but it’s even worse when you have been away for a while and come back to find water all over the floor.

Dealing with water, especially anything that has been allowed to sit for a little while, is much more involved than just grabbing some towels or a mop and bucket. If water has been hanging out in your home, there is a good chance you are also dealing with mold and odors.

The faster you can call in the pros, the easier your restoration process will be.

Addressing Water Leaks

When water starts getting into all the places it shouldn’t be, it can cause complete havoc in your home. Even a small amount of water can end up in your walls, under the floors and in some of the most difficult-to-reach places of your house.

Unfortunately, drying up the water you can see may not be enough, especially when you don’t catch leaks right away. Moisture that gets under your floorboards or into your drywall doesn’t just evaporate or dry up on its own either. Due to the enclosed, tight nature of some of the spots water can get into, water droplets can linger long enough to create mold, smells and other damage.

The longer moisture is allowed to stay inside your walls without airflow, the more things can start to wear down over time. Metal support systems can start to rust, and mold can start to set in and spread. When mold starts spreading, it can move fast, leaving your home at serious risk for a major outbreak.

Following Your Nose

One of the earliest signs of mold and mildew growth is a musty odor. If you notice a wet, earthy smell after you have cleaned up a water leak, use your nose to sniff out the source. If you can’t locate where the smell is coming from, it’s time to call in the pros.

With one call, day or night, our water damage restoration experts will start reversing water damage and everything that comes along with it. We will remove and replace damaged drywall, warped or soft floorboards and track down and stop mold growth. We will disinfect and remove as much odor-causing mold and moldy materials as we can, and we will seal anything that cannot be removed permanently.

We will also dig a little deeper to make your house smell like home again by cleaning your HVAC system and sanitizing all the surfaces around the affected area. We won’t be done with your recovery until every sign that a leak happened in the first place is gone.

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO® for a full recovery.

Managing Insurance Claims, Made Simple | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

4/15/2024 (Permalink)

team of servpro workers unloading a branded work van and entering a business for a commercial job SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is Here to Help® with your business' disaster recovery!

When a disaster strikes, there are so many things that will go through your mind. Considerations for your safety and the safety of those around you are likely the first things you will think about, along with how much damage has been done to your house.

While you start sorting out everything that has happened, thinking about filing an insurance claim might initially be far from a priority. Safety should always be your No. 1 focus, but the faster you can start your recovery process, the better.

Our crew is here to pick up the pieces around the clock after a flood, fire, storm or any other disaster. We will get you on the right road to recovery, including working with your insurance company, so you can keep your focus on caring for the ones you love.

Start Fast, Document Often

Regardless of the kind of disaster that has happened, the faster you can start your recovery process, the less compounding damage you will have. Remember to make safety your first priority, though—stay in a safe location, out of floodwaters, away from downed power lines and clear of potential fire hotspots until you know everything is completely safe.

When you can safely move around, check in with loved ones and neighbors to ensure immediate medical attention isn’t required. Once you know everyone is OK, call our SERVPRO® office while you safely walk your property. We will put together a team to head to your property as we gather as much information about your situation as possible.

Take as many photos as possible of the damage done. The more you can document, the easier your claim process will be. If you see immediate issues that can be corrected—like a faucet that can be turned off, for example—go ahead and fix them, but make note of what was wrong and how you corrected it.

Leave It to Our Team

Once our crew arrives, we will prioritize securing your home to prevent any further damage. As your roof is secured or broken windows are covered, we will also take a look at everything you have already documented in order to start the insurance claim process. Our team is highly trained not just in repairing damage, but in what is required by insurance companies for an expedient and successful claim.

Our crew will put together an itemized list of your losses, as well as the photos you took and the ones our professionals will take in order to make reporting damage simple. We are also trained to meet insurance inspection standards in order to lower your potential costs. With a goal of restoring rather than replacing, our team works hard to keep as much of your property as possible, further lowering your recovery costs.

When you leave it to our team, we will not only get your home put back together quickly—we will make sure your insurance claim process is smooth and your losses are minimized. With one call, we can put your life back together after any disaster.

When a disaster strikes, call us to make your recovery process—insurance claims and all—simple.

Preventing Flood Damage: The Basics | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

Have you ever thought about how if you really want to get something done well, you just have to take it back to the basics? If you have kids and have ever had to help with their math homework, going back to the basics is the easiest way to avoid the tears (yours) that can come along with learning new skills.

Going back to the basics is a good way to protect your home from potential disasters, too. With basic home maintenance, you can take action against most of what Mother Nature has in store for us. We may not be able to keep her completely in check, but when you have covered the basics, you can mitigate major damage and get back on your feet faster.

Flooding is one of the top ways homes across the nation are damaged—which make covering the basics of preventing flood damage crucial.

Know Your Zone

Flooding can happen in a number of ways, and not all of them stem from the weather. While manmade disasters can catch you off-guard and leave behind a good deal of damage, they often tend to be easier to find, correct and recover from than a natural disaster. Flash floods, ponding water from heavy rain, roof leaks and other flooding can be pretty devastating, and they can happen to anyone.

Get to know our area’s flood zones. This can help you better understand your risks and how much preparation you need to do.

Even if you are not in a flood zone, it’s important to note how wet your yard and community can be when rains get heavy. If you are in a low-lying area, it may be helpful to add extra drainage to your yard or lengthen your downspouts to keep water away from your home.

If your home is surrounded by a lot of trees, covering your gutters to prevent blockages can be a great investment. It is also a good idea to keep a close eye on your roof during the fall and after windstorms to keep everything clear so water can move cleanly and quickly away. The more you can get to know your area, the safer you can keep your home.

Prepare to Prevent

While getting to know your area is a great first step toward protecting your home from water damage, there are a few other steps you should take as well. Start with your yard—the more you can help the rain move, the less likely it will be to enter your home.

Make sure your yard slopes away from your home. If there is a particular spot in your yard that just stays wet, consider adding a rain garden or other organic materials that will pull water down into the earth. Go underground with your gutter downspouts if you can. These can run the length of your yard and dump water directly into drainage areas to help keep things dry.

Inside your home, make sure your basement, windows and doors are well-sealed. Check and update caulking seasonally as needed, and have your basement professionally sealed when there are visible cracks. Add a sump pump to your basement to pull water out before things get flooded.

Taking things back to the basics is the best way to get and stay prepared. Add these simple items to your monthly checklist and rest easy knowing that your home is protected from flooding—and it was easier to do than teaching your kid math.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Dealing With Sewage Leaks | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

3/15/2024 (Permalink)

sewage water pooling on a kitchen floor after a leak SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is always ready to respond to your call when biohazard incidents strike.

On the list of things you never want to deal with, sewage leaks should rank pretty highly. A sewage leak at home or your office may not be the most destructive disaster that could happen, but it is likely one of the grossest ones!

Sewage leaks are actually fairly common, and they can happen to anyone at any time. The faster you can respond when things start to get stinky, the less damage and mess you will have to deal with.

What to Do First

Most sewage backups happen because of a block or clog somewhere in the septic system. When wastewater can’t flow down into your tank or sewers, it rises back up into just about any drain it can reach, including your sinks and showers. Sewage leaks can also happen if a pipe or water line is damaged or begins to wear down.

There are three kinds of water that can leak into your home, including white water, gray water and black water. While white water and gray water are generally considered non-toxic, black water is toxic and a biohazard. Sewage leaks are always in the black water category, and you need to stay out of them if at all possible. This kind of water can continue bacteria, viruses and other particles that can make you extremely sick.

As safely as you can, find your water shutoff valve and cut the water to your home. Open windows around the area containing the leak to allow for fresh air. Tell your family to stay away, and block off the area so any pets you have can’t get into the mess. Call us right away.

Where SERVPRO® Comes In

From the moment you get us on the phone, we will start putting together a restoration team. Our professional crew is trained to handle biohazard situations safely and quickly.

We will gather as much information as we can about the source of the leak so that when our team arrives they are prepared with the proper safety equipment and tools to get your home or office cleaned up.

While you are waiting for our team to arrive, take some photos of the sewage leak. While these aren’t exactly keepsakes, they can help to identify the cause and subsequent damage for insurance purposes. The more pictures you can get, the better.

When our professionals arrive, we will first attempt to identify the source of the leak in order to correct it. At the same time we will begin removing the sewage and water from your property. Because sewage is toxic, this should only be done by our trained crew with the proper protective gear on—so remember to keep everyone away.

Our cleaning process will include deep-cleaning and sanitization of the entire space. We will also ensure odors are addressed so that nothing sticks around long-term. Any other physical damage will also be repaired while we get everything put back together. Our goal is always to get your space back to normal as fast as we can.

If you experience a sewage leak, stay out of it and call us for fast restoration. We will get things cleaned up and safe so you can get back to living.

Sewage leaks should always be cleaned up by professionals. Call SERVPRO, and we will take care of you.