Recent Fire Damage Posts

Safely Enjoy Outdoor Grilling and Bonfires | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

6/3/2024 (Permalink)

campfire style bonfire with dark night background Don't forget about fire safety! Follow these tips from SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to ensure a fun and safe night.
Grilling Season is Here: Let’s Keep It Safe!

With the warmer weather upon us, many of us are eager to fire up the grill, gather around a bonfire, or head out for a camping trip. However, amidst the excitement, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is here to offer some essential tips to ensure you can enjoy outdoor activities without any hazards.

Understanding the Risks

Before we dive into safety tips, let’s take a quick look at the risks associated with outdoor grilling, bonfires, and camping fires. According to a study by the National Fire Protection Association, outdoor cooking grills caused an average of 10,600 home fires per year in the United States, resulting in millions of dollars in property damage. Additionally, the U.S. Fire Administration reports that nearly 5,000 injuries occur annually due to outdoor fires, with a significant portion resulting from grilling accidents.

Safety Tips from the Experts
  1. Location, Location, Location: Whether you’re grilling in your backyard or enjoying a bonfire at a campsite, always ensure that your fire pit or grill is placed on a stable, non-flammable surface. Keep it away from any structures, trees, or overhanging branches.

  2. Proper Ventilation: Good airflow is essential for safe outdoor fires. Make sure your grill or fire pit is positioned in an open area away from any obstructions that could impede ventilation.

  3. Keep a Watchful Eye: Never leave a fire unattended, especially when children or pets are nearby. Assign someone to monitor the fire at all times and have a fire extinguisher or water source readily available in case of emergencies.

  4. Use the Right Fuel: Only use charcoal or propane grills outdoors and never indoors or in enclosed spaces. When using wood for a bonfire or camping fire, ensure it’s seasoned and dry to minimize excessive smoke and prevent sparks.

Stay Safe and Enjoy Your Outdoor Adventures!

By following these simple safety tips, you can ensure that your outdoor grilling, bonfires, and camping trips are enjoyable and hazard-free. Remember, safety should always be a top priority, so take the necessary precautions to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your property.

For more information on fire safety and restoration services, visit SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. Let’s make this outdoor season a safe and memorable one!

Staying Fire-Safe in the Winter | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

1/16/2024 (Permalink)

brick chimney with lit fire logs Fire safety is a top priority for us at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties this winter. Keep your home safe with these helpful tips!

It’s the coziest time of the year! Even if you hate the winter season, you have to admit that curling up with a fuzzy blanket and a calming fire is a pretty nice scene. It may be a nice scene, but fireplaces and space heaters come with their own dangers.

During the cold months, the number of house fires goes up drastically. Many of the fires that start come from accidents that are easy to prevent. That’s good news—by taking some simple actions, you can enjoy your fuzzy socks, fuzzy blankets and all other things fuzzy without worry.

Addressing Your Fireplace

Fireplaces in the home are a great source of alternate heat when the power goes out, but without proper care, things can get pretty dangerous. If you have a wood-burning fireplace, ashes and other debris should be cleared out after every fire. Your chimney should be cleaned and inspected by a professional every year regardless of what your heat source is.

Don’t have decorations on your mantle, and avoid putting anything flammable near the fireplace. You should have a smoke detector in the room with your fireplace, and if your fireplace is gas, you should also have a carbon monoxide detector. Keep everything clean around the fireplace to avoid the chance of a spark burning dust. It is a good idea to keep a fire extinguisher not far from your fireplace as well.

Space Heater Safety

Space heaters are a great way to warm up a room, especially in early or late winter when the temperature tends to swing widely from hot to warm in a day. Space heaters cause nearly 1,700 house fires every year, all of them from malfunction or improper use.

Make sure your space heater is always on a flat surface and has a clear space to run. Check the cord before plugging it in to ensure everything is in good shape, and always plug your space heater directly into a wall outlet.

Tell the kids to stay clear of the heater, and make sure your four-legged friends also do the same. Even if you want the heater right next to you, running the heater near curtains, the couch or any other soft materials can be hazardous. Another great way to stay safe is to add a blanket to your bed for cold nights instead of running a space heater.

Suggested Safety Features for Your Space Heater

Many space heaters on the market today come with a number of safety features, but there are a few you will want to make sure anything you run in your home always has. This could mean replacing your current heaters, especially if they are more than five years old.

Only make space heater purchases from a manufacturer that is both reliable and certified. Do your research to make sure they put their items through rigorous safety testing before they put them on the market. Any space heater you own should have an automatic shutoff feature that turns off the heating elements if it is tipped over. Space heaters should also have a feature that either acts as a thermostat, preventing overheating, or automatically shuts off after a number of hours running.

Cords on space heaters should be pretty heavy duty and at least six feet long. You should never plug your space heater into an extension cord, so make sure you are purchasing one with a long enough cord to be plugged directly into the wall.

Never leave a space heater unattended. With these safety tips, you can keep your home the exact temperature you want it to be while you stay comfy. If you do experience a fire, you can rely on SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to put your home back together fast, day or night.

A quick fire damage restoration is just a phone call away. Call SERVPRO® for immediate assistance.

Have a Safe, Fire-Free Holiday Season | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

pan on kitchen counter in residence ablaze while unattended Fire damage in your home? Not for long with SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties on the case!

Is there anything better than the holiday season? Regardless of which ones you celebrate, there is bound to be some pretty incredible food involved. While the comfort food of the season is certainly a highlight to look forward to, the possibility of home fires increases dramatically this time of year.

A vast majority of home fires start in the kitchen, which is one of the reasons they are so much more prevalent during the holiday season. The good news is you can truly have your cake and eat it, too, when you take preventive action to keep your home safe.

Reducing Flammable Materials in the Kitchen

When you are getting ready to spend time cooking, you start by getting your space prepared, right? Cleaning countertops and preparing ingredients is important, but so is making sure your space is free from fire hazards.

Keep flammable items like pot holders, towels and oven mitts away from your stove and other appliances that will be warm. A hot bubble of grease popping or a spark coming from your cooking can catch these items on fire quickly. Watch out for wooden utensils as well.

Be aware of what you are wearing, too. Working in the kitchen isn’t the best time to don the Christmas sweater with the fuzzy balls all over it, or even that fun apron. Anything with loose strings, dangling items or hanging fabric can catch fire and should be avoided while you cook.

Keep a Close Eye on Food

A good rule of thumb when you cook year-round is “if it’s hot, stay near the pot.” Never walk away from the kitchen while food is cooking or your appliances are still hot. Kitchen fires can get out of control in a matter of seconds, so if something does happen, you need to be close by in order to react as quickly as possible.

If you are planning on deep-frying a turkey this year, plan on taking a few extra safety precautions. Read all the instructions on your deep fryer thoroughly, and never overfill the oil.

Make sure your turkey is completely thawed—even a partially frozen turkey can lead to oil spatter that will ignite anything it lands on. Cook on a level surface that is clear of flammable materials and make sure kids and pets can’t get near the fryer.

Install Protective Measures

You might not be able to prevent all fires, but when you take as many precautionary steps as possible, you can reduce the possibility—and the severity—of home fires.

Another ideal step to take year-round is ensuring that your home has enough safety measures in place. There should be a working fire alarm right outside of your kitchen. Check it ahead of the holiday cooking to ensure it is ready to go.

Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen in order to quickly put out flames before they grow big. You should also keep a lid for your pots and pans nearby to smother out grease that catches fire.

Stay safe so you can enjoy every moment of the holiday season. If you do suffer a fire, call us. We can handle restoration day or night so that you can get back to celebrating.

House fires can happen in the blink of an eye. Contact us for a quick restoration day or night!

Using Your Grill Safely | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Man holding tongs above grill preparing food outdoors Have you had a barbeque gone wrong? Call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to get your space back in shape.

Summer is the best time to get outdoors and enjoy your backyard morning to night. It is also the perfect time to fire up the grill and cook all your meals over the perfect flame. Before you light that flame, though, spend some time checking your equipment to make sure you can flip burgers and dogs as safely as possible.

Grills are one of the leading causes of backyard fires, and most of the time it is due to improper use. At SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties, we want you to enjoy your time in the backyard as much as possible worry-free. Keep a burger warm for us while you are at it.

The Setup

While you are getting everything ready for your day outside, consider your setup to create a safe area for your grill. Grills should be in an open space, free of any overhangs. While most of us on the Cape have covered porches, your grill needs to be able to fully vent and shouldn’t have anything above that a rogue spark or overzealous flame could touch.

Another reason not to house your grill on the deck while you cook—the best place for cooking outside is at least 10 feet away from any structures. This can also allow you to create a no-kids, no-pets zone around the grill while you cook.

If you are cooking with charcoal, ashes should be cleaned out every time. Check the grill itself for holes, cracks or dents, and make sure there aren’t any buildups that could catch fire. For propane, you should check your lines and your tank before turning anything on. Make sure connections are tight and there is no sign of deterioration on the gas lines. Even a hole the size of a pin head could lead to a complete disaster.

Manning the Flames

Once you are set up and have inspected your grill for safety, it’s time to cook! Always stay close by your grill from the time it is lit until it is cool enough to touch. Keep a water source nearby in the event that your flames get too high, and make sure your fire extinguisher or a garden hose can be quickly and easily accessed.

As your food is prepared, it could be easy to walk away and show off the steaming plate of your hard work, but in order to prevent a mistake that could lead to a fire, hand off the goods and start shutting down the grill. Turn off the gas and any additional burners you might have been using, or close off vents in order to stop the oxygen supply to your charcoal.

As soon as it is cool enough to do so, remove ashes and dispose of them in a metal can. These can relight even when they aren’t glowing red anymore, so removing them from the source of heat altogether is the best way to stay safe. Stick close by the grill while it cools, and make sure it is completely cooled off before heading to bed or indoors for the evening.

Make this the summer of safety. Summer in Cape Girardeau and the surrounding area brings beautiful weather, so enjoy it in your backyard while keeping your family and your home safe from fire. If things do get out of hand, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is available 247 to start restoration fast.

Don’t let fire damage linger in your home. Call us at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties for a fast restoration.

The Basics for Safe Outdoor Fires | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

campfire-style fire pit with flames emerging from the top of the logs on the dark green grass Bonfire season is upon us! SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has your back with these helpful fire safety tips.

It’s almost here, the most pumpkin-flavored part of the year—fall. As nights start to get cooler and trees start to get a little more colorful, we all look forward to spending a little more time outside as the heat and humidity of summer finally starts to break.

As nightfall also starts to come a little earlier, many of us will gather with our families around a fire. Sweatshirts and s’mores make for a wonderful family night, but while you enjoy sweet stories about the past (or scary ghost stories), make sure you are staying fire-aware.

It doesn’t take much for a small, seemingly contained fire to grow out of control and try to take over your yard and threaten your home. At SERVPRO®, we want to help you enjoy the fall season to the maximum by keeping your family fire-safe.

Tips for Starting the Fire

When you head out to start a fire, keep these tips in mind:

Do select a location that will be safe to start your fire. You should be in an open space a good distance away from any structures. Keep your brush pile and extra logs far enough away from the flames that they can’t catch fire from a rogue spark.

Do keep some water nearby. Grab a bucket or attach the hose before you start the flames and put them somewhere you can grab them quickly. If your fire pit or bonfire area is not near any sources of water, a pile of dirt and a quick way to toss it on the flames will help keep things from getting out of control as well.

Do take a look at the weather before you head out to start a fire. Don’t just check for the possibility of rain—if the wind is high, even a raised fire pit with a small flame can become very dangerous. While permits are not required for a backyard fire, check with your local city office for no-burn days before you get the marshmallows out.

Tips for While the Fire Is Hot

Once you have your fire going, be cautious of how you handle it.

Don’t use any kind of fuel except for treated woods. You might think a squirt of lighter fluid or a little bit of gas might not be dangerous, but it is. You can cause a burst of flames you are not prepared for and risk injury to yourself.

Don’t let the kids get too close to the fire. Use extendable forks if they are going to be roasting their own marshmallows, and set up chairs far enough away that no one can fall near the flames.

Don’t build the world’s biggest bonfire. Building a fire can be fun, and when you get it going, it can be tempting to grow it so that you can kick back for the rest of the night. Big flames can result in big embers that drift to something flammable and cause an even bigger problem.

Don’t head inside for the night until there are no sparks remaining. Glowing embers can still catch fire. Pour water or add dirt to the embers and make sure there is nothing so hot that it glows before you call it a day.

Wildfire Prevention

Unfortunately, most wildfires are caused by humans. If you choose to have an open flame outside, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of the world around you. Keep your fires small, use the right kinds of materials and never walk away while they are still burning.

If things do get out of control and your property is damaged, call SERVPRO right away. We are available to start your recovery as soon as the flames are out so you can get back to sipping pumpkin lattes and watching the leaves pile up in your yard.

Fire can cause a lot of damage in a short amount of time. Contact us day or night for immediate assistance.

Fire Safety Basics for Kids | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

6/14/2023 (Permalink)

Young boy staring at a lit match being held between his fingers SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is here for you and your family if you experience a fire in your home or business.

It is such a joy to watch your children grow—to see the world through the eyes of a child again as they learn and grow in creativity and curiosity. While you help them learn, you must also help them stay safe, which means teaching them about scary things in not-so-scary ways.

Fire safety is an incredibly important lesson that children need to learn as early as possible. If a fire happens in your home, everyone will be scared, regardless of age, but the more prepared each member of your house is, the better the response will be.

Introduce fire safety to your children early and often in a comfortable environment so that they can take quick action if an emergency happens.

Explain the Dangers of Fire

In order for children to understand the gravity of a fire emergency, they need to first understand cause and effect. Talk with your kids about different ways fires can start in your home and how quickly they can spread. Show them some of the more dangerous areas of your home where a fire could start, like the stove or a fireplace if you have one. Make sure they know how to use these items carefully and safely, or to stay away from them all together.

Matches and lighters in your home should be stored in a safe place where small children cannot access them. If you have older children, make sure they understand these are not toys before allowing them to use them. Entire house fires can start from a single match.

Familiarize Them With Authority

As you explain some of the common causes of fires in the home, make sure you explain what a response to a fire would look like, including introducing them to firefighters and police officers. Show your children pictures of firefighters in all of their gear, or take them by the local firehouse to see trucks and gear in person.

Teach your children some basic emergency information, like their full name and how to safely crawl through a potentially smoke-filled room. Turn your smoke detectors on once a month so the kids can hear them, and walk them through what to do if they go off during an event.

Turn your preparations into a game in order to make your children comfortable and allow for some hands-on experience. Try seeing who can army-crawl the fastest, or roll across the floor in a stop, drop and roll contest.

Make a Game Plan Together

If you do not already have one, create an emergency exit plan for your family. Let the kids get creative with paper and markers as you draw out the fastest way out of each room.

Practice your exit plan when you test your smoke detectors every month so the plan is always fresh on everyone’s mind. Make sure your kids understand this plan is to be used in the event of an emergency only, and they should not otherwise be climbing out the windows!

Create a meeting place somewhere outside of your home, and gather the kiddos at it often so they feel safe there. Make it “base” when you play tag! Kids as young as age 5 should know how to call 911 and give basic information about themselves, their parents and their home. Help your kids memorize names and phone numbers to be used during an emergency.

Fires can cause widespread damage. Call us for a thorough and efficient restoration.

Dealing with the aftermath of a commercial fire? SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your local restoration expert.

3/27/2023 (Permalink)

img src ="extinguisher" alt = "two fire extinguisher hanging on a tan interior wall  " > Dealing with the aftermath of a commercial fire? SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your local restoration expert.

The Basics of Fire Safety in the Workplace | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

There is no such thing as a good emergency, but when you don’t anticipate and plan for what could happen at work, you can create a more dangerous situation. If your commercial building ignites in a fire, you want to be able to rest assured every step was taken to ensure your staff and your property’s safety.

Starting with basic fundamentals of fire safety, like how to handle fire extinguishers, is a great way to introduce the subject to everyone who has access to your property. Very few people have actually been trained to use an extinguisher, and they only take a few simple steps.

Create a commercial safety plan that keeps everyone safe and business running.

Start With the Fundamentals

Installing proper safety equipment throughout your building is crucial in creating a safe atmosphere. When you have fire extinguishers, OSHA rules state that someone in the building must be trained to use them.

Not only should you instruct your staff on how to operate fire extinguishers, but you should also ensure they are aware of the different kinds of commercial extinguishers there are.

As a first step, start by simply showing your employees how to hold and aim an extinguisher. Make sure they understand they should first get a solid grip on wherever they are pointing, then they can pull the pin and squeeze the handle. A sweeping motion is the best way to thoroughly put flames out, and you should include in your instructions to stay six to eight feet away from the fire.

The acronym PASS is a great way to remember each step of the process. Review the process at least once a year with regular staff, and make sure it is also included in any kind of onboarding when someone is hired.

While you should make sure that everyone in your building has access to basic fundamental training for fire safety, you may also want to assign specific roles to staff members that can be relied on in different areas of your property. This ensures if an emergency ensues someone is tasked with handling a floor or other intentional area, which can aid in mitigating extreme losses.

There’s a Time and a Place

In staff training, it is important to address specific situations your building or company could potentially face. If you have a commercial kitchen, handling grease fires should be addressed in order to ensure the correct method and extinguisher is used. If you have a warehouse or work with chemicals, understanding what to do if a fire erupts can prevent losses.

As with any safety training, it is crucial to always put the priority on protecting life first. A fire extinguisher can do a lot to prevent damages and control a situation, but fires move quickly and can easily become out of control. Make sure your employees understand when and how to evacuate in order to keep themselves safe.

Clearly mark exits, and include a location to meet and numbers to call if an evacuation is required.

Creating a workplace safety plan can give you peace of mind as an owner or manager knowing that your people and your assets are protected. Practice your plan often, including the basics, to ensure the best possible response any time there is an emergency.

Dealing with the aftermath of a commercial fire? Our SERVPRO specialists can restore your losses and return your workplace to its pre-fire condition.

For quick repairs following a fire, get in touch with our team at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties.

3/6/2023 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO When the Flames Are Out | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

There are lots of disasters that can do a lot of damage to your home or business, but suffering a fire can be completely devastating. Fires move fast after they start, and they can destroy everything in their path until they are stopped.

Experiencing a fire can leave you feeling completely overwhelmed as you try to figure out where to even begin cleaning up. The good news is that you have a partner in SERVPRO that will walk you through every step of the restoration process.

Our Initial Move

Once your family is safe and the flames are out, make your next step calling our expert team.

You can call us day or night and we will start gathering information right away in order to create a unique plan that will put your home or business back together. Once we have connected over the phone, we will put a team together and on their way to your property with all the necessary equipment and knowledge to start cleanup as soon as they get there.

When we arrive at your property, we will perform a thorough inspection. Fire can do damage in rooms that experienced no flames, but we will ensure that every bit of smoke or soot is completely cleaned up.

Time to Get to Work

Response time is crucial in any disaster in order to stop additional damages, so our team’s first step after inspection will be to secure your home and lessen the effects of the fire. We can board up your windows or tarp your roof as we start drying out the water used to extinguish the fire.

With top-of-the-line equipment, our team will begin removing smoke and soot damage from walls, ceilings and floors. We will clean and sanitize any surface that is damaged while also removing lingering odors.

The Most Crucial Step

While we refer to the entire process as a restoration process, we actually don’t start this step until the initial cleanup is complete. Once damage is removed, we can then replace drywall, paint walls or replace flooring as needed.

If a total reconstruction is needed, we can handle that as well. Anything required to put your home or business back exactly as it should be can be tackled by our team. We have the tools and experience to put your life back together.

For rapid repairs following a fire, get in touch with our team at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties! We will work as quickly as possible to return you to a safe and fully restored property.


Safely Heating Your Home All Winter | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

1/24/2023 (Permalink)

img src =”heater” alt = "a small electric heater in a living room” > Call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties if you experience any smoke, soot or fire damage.

By now, the weather has let us all know that winter is here and ready to stay. It’s likely you have switched your home to heat full-time now, and probably stocked up on firewood as well.

These are certainly regular tasks we all do; however, if you do them without proper preparations, you could be setting yourself up for a fire disaster.

You deserve to stay warm and cozy all winter. Take action to ensure your equipment runs well and your home stays safe.

Furnace Basics

Furnaces are one of the most common heating systems in homes around our area. In order to function properly long-term, your furnace will require regular maintenance.

Since our cold weather arrived in October this year, there is a good chance you have already given your system a solid inspection. If you haven’t, take the time to clean it thoroughly and make sure it is clear of excess dust.

If you haven’t already done so, you should also replace the filter in your unit. Every 90 days is typically the recommended timeframe for this, but you may want to increase that if you have four-legged children. Use the start of each season as a reminder to change the filter and ensure everything is running well.

The air filter not only helps keep your unit running properly, it also helps clean the air inside your home of dust and other particles that could contribute to your allergies.

Fireplace Safety

Fireplaces can be real statement pieces in your home, and offer the benefit of warmth and coziness. They can be huge fire risks, though, when they are not cleaned and inspected regularly. Both wood-burning and artificial fireplaces that have a chimney or piping need servicing every season.

Wood-burning fireplaces should have ash and soot cleaned, and the chimney and flue should be inspected to ensure there is nothing creating a blockage. Artificial fireplaces need regular dusting, which should include any removable logs and the exterior covering you may use.

Portable Heaters

Space heaters are a great way to heat a room quickly, especially early in our winter season when the temperature often takes a lot of swings. They do pose a high fire risk, though, so you will need to use them wisely.

Space heaters should be run on a flat surface at least three feet away from any materials. Never leave them running while you sleep, and always plug them directly into a wall outlet. Anything with a heating element requires a high power load that extension cords are not designed for.

Teach your children how to stay safe around space heaters and other heating units. Install child proofing that will keep the youngest and the furriest safe. One single accident can leave your home in complete chaos. Enjoy the cozy season with a fuzzy blanket and the security of knowing your home is fire-safe.

If you experience fire damage this season, give us a call at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties for immediate assistance. We’re here 247 when you need us!

Decorating Basics for Fire Safety | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

11/7/2022 (Permalink)

a small Christmas tree in front of a burning fireplace Should a fire issue pop-up during this holiday season, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties will be on call ready to assist.

Isn’t this a beautiful picture: glowing holiday lights, sweet smelling pies and music wafting through the air? This is the time of year to catch the lights at the Nature Center or grab a sweet gift at the Christmas Craft Fair.

The holiday season is so full of magic, but it is also one of the top seasons for home fires.

You can take preventive steps and decorate carefully to ensure that your home stays safe. Enjoy every moment of the season with your family peacefully when you know that your home is safe from the risk of fires.

Top Seasonal Hazards

There are an average of 790 structural fires responded to each year that are started by decorations.

Many fires started when a decoration was hung or placed too close to a heating source like a fireplace or space heater. Christmas trees and candles are also frequent causes of blazes that can completely ruin your holidays.

If you keep a live tree in your house, water it frequently and sweep up any fallen needles. Check for fire-resistant tags on artificial ones, and if yours is several years old, consider replacing it. Don’t overload your power strips or outlets, and turn your decorations off in the evening and when you are away from home.

Take Preventive Measures

Remember that line, “The stockings were hung by the chimney with care? Use that line as a motto when you hang items around your home and avoid putting anything near an open flame.

There are an average of 20 house fires a day that originate from a candle. Always blow them out when you leave the room and burn them away from any materials. If you have a fireplace, make sure it is inspected and cleaned before you light it.

Any decorations you place outside should be rated for the outdoors. String lights should be hung tightly with insulated nails to avoid brush fires. If there are local guidelines in your area that dictate outdoor decorating safety rules, be sure to follow them.

Check the batteries in your smoke detectors while you are decorating, and make sure you have plenty around your home. Talk with your family about your emergency fire plan, and write down SERVPRO’s number to make a quick call in the event that your home is damaged during a fire.

Have smoke or fire damage in your house? Contact us today to get cleaned up fast.

Avoiding a Lightning-Caused Fire | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

9/19/2022 (Permalink)

 "multiple lightning strikes off in distance of dark purple night sky If you are dealing with smoke or fire damage from a recent fire, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to learn about a restoration solution

Fires in the home are generally preventable, but sometimes Mother Nature can cause unexpected hazards, including fires caused by lightning strikes.

Lightning was responsible for 70,000 damage claims in 2020, and it is estimated to strike 6,000 times per minute. Strikes can take out trees, fry electricity and start a fire, so protecting your home is essential to mitigating your risks.

What Is Lightning?

When electrical currents build up between the sky and the ground, a spark or lightning strike occurs. Lightning occurs during a forest fire, volcanic eruption or a heavy snowstorm as well as thunderstorms.

Lightning can also spark up in dry weather, which leads to a high risk of wildfires. While threats always vary seasonally, it is wise to stay prepared.

Protecting Your Home From Lightning Fires

If lightning strikes your house, it can leave behind a good deal of damage and start a fire. This can happen due to the heat of the strike or after an electrical surge that results from the strike.

You may not notice a fire that results from lightning right away, but you will likely hear the strike itself.

If you hear a loud boom, check your home for burn marks and smoke, particularly in the attic and walls. Call the fire department, and once you have been given the all-clear, check with an electrician to ensure your wiring is safe to turn back on and avoid other fire possibilities.

To protect your home from lightning, installing a metal rod can add a layer of protection as it conducts electricity through the ground rather than through your house.

A surge protector added to your electric panel can also add a good deal of protection from fire caused by electrical surges. This may also mean your lights stay on longer in the midst of a storm, allowing you to check for fire faster after a strike.

When Lightning Strikes Nearby

Lightning causes an average of 9,000 wildfires a year. When a strike sparks a fire, it burns hotter and faster due to the extreme heat of lightning, meaning it threatens a wide area.

Clean up your landscaping and clear out dead trees, and look into defensible zones for your yard that can divert fire away from your home. Check the smoke detectors in your house, and ensure there is one on every level of your house so that you can quickly move to safety no matter where you are.

If your home is damaged in a fire, call SERVPRO. We have the tools and experience to handle every step of your restoration and get you back in your house faster.

Have you experienced smoke or fire damage in your home? Call us today to get the restoration finished fast

Control Your Backyard Fire | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

7/21/2022 (Permalink)

 "a close up view of a bright campfire burning at night" If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

Backyard fires mean s’mores, hot dogs and scary stories. On a beautiful night with your family, this all adds up to creating some priceless memories.

We use fire not only for family time, but to control pests, to cook our dinner, to clean up the yard and to entertain us right from home. Even when you think you have the fire in control, though, it can become dangerous.

The National Park Service has found that [ 85% of wildfires are started by humans.

While our overall wildfire risk is typically low, we know that a fire can happen anywhere at any time. With the Ozarks nearby, dry weather can quickly create a high risk, and it is estimated that our wildfire risk is growing each year. In February 2022, we saw a large fire happen in a row of storage units that caused pretty devastating damage. It is always wise to be fire-aware, no matter where you are burning.

This does not mean you can’t enjoy a flame in your backyard. Grill your hamburgers, roast your marshmallows, clear your leaves and scare everyone with that terrifying tale.

Burn according to regulations and guidelines, and ensure you have safety measures in place each and every time. Minimize your risks while you continue to enjoy your backyard exactly as you want to.

Recreational Fire Hazards

Open flames will always carry a risk, but grilling, campfires, fireworks and fire pits are the most frequent fire starters. Grills cause an average of 8,800 home fires each year, primarily due to user error. Make sure you have checked your propane tank or gas line for leaks before you start your grill, and keep your eyes on a hot grill even after the cooking is complete.

When you build a campfire, choose a location that is a safe distance from structures or cars, and only use a lighter or matches to start the fire. Wood should be the only fuel source you use once your fire is blazing, and even after the chocolate is tapped out and the flames are gone, you should still watch the embers to ensure there are no additional sparks.

Fire pits are a common item in backyards these days, as they offer the camping feel from the comfort of home. These pits should still be used with the same caution as a regular campfire, and a portable pit should never be placed on a wooden surface or an area that has an overhang.

It might seem like an easy solution to burn excess construction materials or other household waste in your fire pit, but you should only burn approved firewood.

While fireworks are permitted in most of our areas, they are not allowed within a certain distance of schools, hospitals or gas stations. If you choose to celebrate with a bang, make sure to take a look at all the city ordinances and ensure you have plenty of room to both light and land the explosives away from trees, structures and dry areas.

Other Outdoor Fire Hazards

Even though there are risks, fires and materials that combust still have a purpose in our daily lives. In the fall when the trees lose their leaves, burning them may be your only means of cleanup if you do not live in an area that offers curb pickup.

Permits are required if your fire is going to reach a certain size, and open burning is only allowed during the hours of 9 a.m.–5 p.m. There are also several items that are prohibited in backyard fires, so be sure to check all the city ordinances for both the regulations and any burn bans before you start clearing your debris.

Keeping your yard clean of debris can actually aid in preventing wildfires and, along with some strategic landscaping, can protect your home. Make sure you know what to burn when, and always follow fire safe regulations so you can keep your fire in control.

If you have yard tools, you likely also have gas stored somewhere near them. Improper storage can have terrible results, so make sure your gas is only in approved containers and kept far away from kiddo hands. Only use your gas for its intended purpose—it is not a way to make your campfire roar to life!

If you are going to use any kind of flame outside, check the weather and any current fire warnings or burn bans. Windy or dry conditions are not good days to burn, so skip the fire and save the marshmallows.

If you do have fire damage, call us. SERVPRO has the equipment and training to handle every complicated aspect of fire recovery, and we want to restore as much of your property as possible, as quickly as possible.

Burn safely outdoors. And save some chocolate for us! If you have experienced fire or smoke damage, contact us today to get restoration started faster.

Summer Fun Does NOT Have to lead to Summer Fires

7/13/2022 (Permalink)

Summer is synonymous with barbecues and outdoor fun; but along with all the festivities are plenty of visits to the emergency room?especially during the month of July. There is nothing like firing up the grill during the summer months! Did you know, July is the peak month for grill fires? A backyard barbecue can become dangerous quickly if proper safety precautions aren't considered. 

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties professionals want you to have an enjoyable and safe summer. Consider the following tips to help ensure your summer celebrations are disaster-free.

  • Propane and charcoal barbecue grills should only be used outdoors.
  • The grill should be placed well away from the home, deck railings, and out from under eaves and overhanging branches.
  • Keep children and pets away from the grill area.
  • Keep your grill clean by removing grease or fat buildup from the grill and in trays below the grill.
  • Never leave your grill unattended.
  • When using a charcoal grill, let the coals completely cool before disposing in a metal container.

If your residential or commercial property suffers from structural fire damage, call your local SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties franchise professionals to help make it "Like it never even happened.®"

Fire Prevention in Only a Few Steps | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

6/2/2022 (Permalink)

So far in 2022, the American Red Cross has responded to more than 20,000 house fires, which is only some of the total number of fires in the United States.

Smoke detectors will always be the best way to protect your home and your life, but there are other measures you can take to keep yourself safe. Even a simple cleaning is an act of prevention.

Clear the Clutter

Clutter in the home is likely something we all battle from time to time, but letting areas such as hallways, stairwells and small spaces contain unused items can be a fire hazard. Extra blankets, pillows and clothing can serve as fuel for a fire.

Cloth items left near a water heater can actually start a fire as the water heater warms up. Allowing your spaces to remain open and free of clutter not only gives you a clear escape route in the event of an emergency, but it can also slow a fire from spreading.

Extension cords can also become a source of fire when they are overloaded. Store any electrical appliances you don’t use and unplug anything you don’t use frequently.

Always allow space between furniture and outlets for proper airflow so you can prevent overheating.

Create a Defensible Space in Your Yard

The landscaping in your yard serves as an important way to protect your home from fires that start outside. With our sometimes volatile weather, ensuring your yard is clean and clear can help ensure firefighters have room to work and the progression of fire slows down before it gets to your doorstep.

Intentionally laying out your yard creates defensible zones. Some states (like California) have actually imposed requirements for zoning in yards, but this type of prevention is smart anywhere.

With the high risk of tornadoes and strong winds we often have, this type of landscaping can be extremely important in protecting your home from electrical fires spurred by storms.

Plant the flowers and shrubs you want, but place them strategically to offer your home protection. Keep dead limbs and plants cleaned up as these act as fuel and strengthen flames. Get outside after a storm rolls through and rake up anything that may have blown down to continuously keep your yard safe.

Keep It Clean & Keep It Safe

Keeping your home and yard clear of clutter isn’t the only way to practice prevention. Cleaning your chimney and stove regularly can eliminate a high fire risk area. Don’t forget to have your chimney inspected at least once a year as well.

Lowering your risk of fire isn’t all deep cleaning either. Killing those dust bunnies hiding under beds and behind furniture is a great way to prevent fires. Pay particular attention to dust around outlets and other electrical appliances.

Our houses continually serve us in new ways these days—work, play and relaxation. Cleaning it well is an easy way to prevent disaster caused by fire.

If you have experienced fire damage or want to learn more about our fire damage restoration services, contact us today. We’re here to act fast, 247

Coming in Hot!

3/17/2022 (Permalink)

Did you know that cooking is the number one cause of residential fires in the United States? In fact, the American Burn Association reports 47% of all home fires are caused by cooking.

Cooking can be a necessity, a hobby, or even family bonding time. No matter what your reason to be in the kitchen, we want to share some tips to keep you and your family safe while cooking in the kitchen.

Cooking Safety

  • Make sure you are wide awake (sounds obvious, but just a good reminder).
  • Keep it clean! To prevent grease from building up, always wipe the stove, oven, and exhaust fan after cooking.
  • Keep hazards out of traffic by turning the handle of the pot or pan toward the back of the stove.
  • When heating food in the microwave, use microwave-safe cookware that allows steam to escape.
  • Invest in (and don't forget to use) a splash guard/lid when frying to prevent grease splatter.
  • Check food regularly even when simmering, baking, roasting, or boiling.
  • Stay in the house and use timers to remind you to check on your food. Again, it sounds obvious, but it's important!

We hope you never have a kitchen fire of any size, but if you do, don't hesitate to give SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties a call. Our professionals will approach your space with compassion and expertise on how to handle your situation.

The Fires of Love

2/7/2022 (Permalink)

Valentine's Day is just a week from today. Before you decided to harness the romantic inside of you and fill the bedroom with ambiance candles, you should be aware that candle fires play huge roles in home fires.

According to the Red Cross, 36% of home candle fires are started in bedrooms. This resource from the Red Cross provides a number of other statistics, too. We aren't trying to put a damper on your mood, we just want you to be aware and educated on the reality of candle fires. If your home happens to be a result of fire damage due to a candle, the heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can make the damage “Like it never even happened.”   

The roles candles play in fire damage at your home can be dangerous, but it doesn’t have to be. This can be prevented. We do understand accidents happen, though. And if that is the case, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is always Here to Help.® Our heroes will treat you and your family with respect and empathy, and we’ll always treat your home and belongings with care. Call us for your next fire restoration job at 573-339-1948.   

Real-Life House Kitchen Fire Scenario

1/27/2022 (Permalink)

We hope you never have to deal with a fire in your home. If it is not something you have experienced, then there is likely a lot about the job process that is unfamiliar to you. There are lots services that we offer within each job, some of which you may have never even thought about. We would like to give you a real scenario with real services that were performed by SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties on that fire loss:


A kitchen fire occurred on the main level of a residential home, causing the sprinkler heads to go off in the entire house. Ten (10) different rooms were affected. These were list of services provided by SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to make this customer's experience "Like it never even happened."

  • Laminate Removed
  • Baseboards Removed
  • Drilled Holes (for drying)
  • Water Extraction
  • Air Movers Placed (35)
  • Dehumidifiers Placed (3)
  • Air Scrubber Placed (1)
  • Antimicrobial Applied
  • Containment Hung
  • Structural Cleaning
  • Contents Cleaning
  • Duct Cleaning
  • Thermal Fogging
  • Reconstruction

Call the SERVPRO® Professionals

It is critical in fire damage situations that restoration professionals are called in to handle the job. There is a science to the cleaning on top of safety precautions that are taken. If you are ever faced with a tragic house fire and need restoration, give the professionals at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties a call at 573-339-1948 so we can help make it Like it never even happened.®

Fall Fire Safety Tips

10/22/2021 (Permalink)

Fall is such a wonderful time of the year. Vibrant colors. Brisk weather. Football. Camping. And an array of other fun outdoor activities. This season can certainly be a time for fun and good times, but it’s also a time to practice safety. Outlined in this blog, you will learn about fall fire safety tips. Plan ahead this season to help ensure it’s safe from potential fire hazards. In the event that fire strikes your residential or commercial property, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is Here to Help.®  

According to the National Fire Protection Agency, cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and injuries. The leading cause of fires in the kitchen is unattended cooking. Here are some helpful hints when cooking your fall family dinners:

  • Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, grilling, boiling, or broiling food.
  • If you are simmering, baking, or roasting food, check it regularly, remain in the kitchen while the food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you that you are cooking.
  • Keep anything that can catch fire, like oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, or hand towels, away from the stovetop. 

If you have a cooking fire, consider the following safety protocols to help keep you and your family safe:

  • Get out! When you leave, close the door behind you to help contain the flames.
  • Call 911 or the local emergency number after you get out safely.
  • For an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the oven door closed.
  • If you try to fight the fire, be sure others are getting out and you have a clear path out.
  • Keep a lid nearby when you’re cooking to smother small grease fires. Smother the fire by sliding the lid over the pan, and turn off the stovetop. Leave the pan covered until it is completely cooled. 

If you are doing any outdoor cooking around a fire pit, consider the following to keep it a fun, but safe time for all: 

  • Check the wind conditions prior to starting the fire. Wind can make it hard to light the fire or blow embers around to surrounding brush or structures.
  • Always have a fire extinguisher or water source nearby, like a water hose or water bucket. Never leave the fire unattended.
  • Keep all children and pets at least three feet from the fire. 

We hope you found these fall fire safety tips helpful. Should fire damage strike your home or business this fall, contact the professionals at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We’ll be there to help make the damage "Like it never even happened." We’re available 24/7, 365 days of the year for all your emergency service needs. Just call 573-339-1948.   

How To Properly Use A Fire Extinguisher

7/1/2021 (Permalink)

Do you know how to properly use a fire extinguisher? It’s vital to know how, especially if fire damage strikes your home or business. The highly trained cleaning and restoration technicians at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties want to help keep you and your family safe, so we’ll share an acronym with you to help remember how to properly use a fire extinguisher.


A portable fire extinguisher can be a life and property-saving tool when used correctly. In order to operate a fire extinguisher, the NFPA suggests remembering the word PASS. 

  • Pull the pin. Hold the nozzle pointing away from you and release the locking mechanism.
  • Aim low. Point the fire extinguisher at the base of the fire.
  • Squeeze the lever slowly and evenly. 
  • Sweep the nozzle from side-to-side. 

Read the instructions on the fire extinguisher and become familiar with them before a fire breaks out. Encourage your family members and co-workers to do the same. Remember, extinguishers do have their limitations! It is also important to ensure you have the correct type of extinguisher for your home or facility. 

In the event that fire damage strikes your residential or commercial property, rely on the SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties’ professionals. We’re here to make the damage “Like it never even happened.” Contact us anytime, 24/7, 365 days of the year. Just call 573-339-1948. Remember, we’re Here to Help.®  

Leading Cause Of Residential Fires

5/23/2021 (Permalink)

Do you know the leading cause of residential fires? Cooking equipment. That’s why it’s crucial to always practice safety first. Safety is a priority for our professionals here at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties, and the safety of our customers is always a priority of ours.  

A homeowner or business owner experiences a flood of emotions when a fire ravages his or her home or business. 

Fear. Uncertainty. Stress. Consumed. Doubt. 

Those are some of the emotions he or she may have to deal with emotionally. Then those emotions are often followed up by the big “why” question. “Why me?” “Why did this happen?” If -- or when -- fire damage strikes, the future of the property and his or her livelihood can be overwhelming long after the flames have been extinguished and the smoke has cleared. 

4 Alarming Statistics 

The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) offers the following eye-opening statistics on structure fires: 

  1. More than one-quarter (27%) of reported fires occurred in homes within the last year. 
  2. Even worse, 79% of fire-related deaths were caused by home fires. 
  3. On average, U.S. fire departments respond to an estimated average of 354,400 home structure fires per year resulting in $6.9 billion in direct property damage. 
  4. Most home fires and fire casualties result from five causes: cooking, heating, electrical distribution and lighting equipment, intentional fire setting, and smoking materials. 

After the first wave of heroes have rescued the property, let your heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties help you restore your property to its preloss condition. Combining rapid response, the utmost professionalism, and open communication throughout the entire job process, we strive to restore not only the home or business structure, but the customer’s peace of mind as well. 

If the unthinkable happens and a fire strikes your residential or commercial property, give the experts at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties a call. Our team is always Ready for whatever happens.® We’re Here to Help make the damage “Like it never even happened.” Contact us 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The number you need to know and call: 573-339-1948. Program it in your phone now. 

What To Do After A Fire

3/12/2021 (Permalink)

Do you know what to do after a fire? If you don’t, we hope some of the tips provided here will help. When a fire does occur, lots of questions run through your mind. You ponder this thought and that thought. You ask why. It can leave you feeling depleted, especially if you’ve lost everything as a result of the fire damage and soot damage. But, if you’re ever faced with this situation, there is one company that exists that can alleviate some of that stress, a company that knows exactly what to do for you and your family: make the damage “Like it never even happened.” And that’s SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties’ promise to you. Our heroes are Here to Help you when you need it most. 

Here are five (5) tips to do after a fire, according to

  1. Contact your insurance company for detailed instructions on protecting the property and conducting inventory. If you’re not insured, contact private organizations for aid and assistance.
  2. Check with the fire department to make sure your residence is safe to enter. Be watchful of any structural damage caused by the fire.
  3. Try to locate valuable documents and records.
  4. Begin saving receipts for any money you spend related to fire loss. The receipts may be needed later by the insurance company and for verifying losses claimed on income tax.
  5. Notify your mortgage company of the fire.

Bonus tip: Contact SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties!

Check out this invaluable resource to get other tips.

SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties knows exactly what to do after a fire and knows how to handle it properly. If you have fire damage at your home or business, will you contact us for your next restoration job? Just call 573-339-1948. 

The Roles Candles Play in Fire Damage at Your Home

2/7/2021 (Permalink)

Do you know the role candles play in fire damage at your home? A big one. Did you know, according to the Red Cross, 36% of home candle fires started in bedrooms? That’s scary. If your home happens to be a result of fire damage due to a candle, the heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can make the damage “Like it never even happened.”   

9,300. An alarming number, right?! 9,300 is the number of home fires that were started by candles, that’s also according to the Red Cross. This resource provides a number of other statistics, too. 

Fire damage can erupt at any given moment. That’s why SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties offers 24/7 emergency services, and you can contact us anytime. No matter if it’s 3 a.m. on a regular day, at noon on a holiday, or while you’re out of town enjoying a vacation, we’ll come to your rescue. When a fire strikes your home, it can leave you feeling stressed, confused, and vulnerable. That’s why we will be there for you and your family throughout the entire process to help alleviate some of your stress. We’ll get your residential property back to preloss condition and life back to a sense of normalcy. 

The roles candles play in fire damage at your home can be dangerous, but it doesn’t have to be. This can be prevented. We do understand accidents happen, though. And if that is the case, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is always Here to Help.® Our heroes will treat you and your family with respect and empathy, and we’ll always treat your home and belongings with care. Call us for your next fire restoration job at 573-339-1948.   

How to Protect Your Pets From Fires

1/23/2021 (Permalink)

Your pets are members of the family. And just like your family, you would do any and everything to protect them. So, when there’s a fire at your residence, you want to know how to protect your pets from fires. You need to have a proper plan in place so no member of your family -- including your pets -- is injured. In the event a disaster occurs, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is Here to Help you and your family with your fire damage

Preparation is always key. But we understand that some things can happen beyond your control. It’s good to know and quite reassuring to know there’s a local fire damage and restoration on your side if an emergency strikes. That fact alone can give you peace of mind, which is priceless.

Would you know what to do with your pets if there was a fire at your home? Would you know where to take Milo or Buttons? Pet fire safety is vital. Keeping them safe is of the utmost importance, a priority. Here are ways to protect your pets in the event of a fire:  

Include them in your family plan

Just as you prepare and have a family plan for your children and yourselves, you want to implement one for your pets, too. We encourage you to have their own disaster supplies kit ready in advance. Plan today so you’re ready for tomorrow. 

Practice your escape plan

With anything, practice makes perfect. The more you practice your escape route with your children and pets, the better equipped they will be if/when a fire strikes. Practice until they are trained enough to come at your beck and call, then practice some more.  


The single most important thing you can do if a disaster strikes is to evacuate. Evacuating the premises helps protect you, your family and pets. It’s better to be safe than sorry.   

And with the aforementioned tips, communication is going to play an integral role in all of this. Ensure every member is on the same page. Get further tips from this great resource here

The heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties care about your family and your pets. We will do everything in our power to keep every member safe. We are always Here to Help.® 

It’s essential that you know how to protect your pets from fires. We hope a disaster does not strike your home. If it does, you can be reassured we’ll take good care of you, your family, your belongings, and your home. So, will you call us for your next fire restoration job? The heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties will make your fire damage at your home or business “Like it never even happened.” Call today: 573-339-1948.

How To Prepare For A Home Fire

10/22/2020 (Permalink)

Do you know how to prepare for a home fire? Fire damage can strike your home at the least unlikely time. Preparation can save you hundreds, perhaps thousands of dollars -- even lives, which are priceless. In the unlikely event there is fire damage or soot damage, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is always prepared to get your home back to preloss condition and to make the damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Below are three ways you can prepare for a home fire. 

Install smoke alarms

It’s key that you install the correct number of smoke alarms in your home. For new homes, “the National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72) requires hard-wired, interconnected smoke alarms with battery back-up on every level of the home, outside each sleeping area, and inside each bedroom. Alarms must be wired together so that if one sounds, they all sound,” according to the Red Cross. 

Teach children the sound of smoke alarms 

Ensure your children know what a smoke alarm sounds like. Check out this video to hear the sound effect of a smoke alarm. So, if a fire occurs, once they hear that sound, they immediately know how to respond quickly and appropriately.  

Have multiple escape routes 

If you have multiple escape routes for your family, you’re adding that extra layer of protection for them. You should practice with each member of your family more than one way to escape each room of your home. Practice, practice, practice. The more escape routes, the better.

Check out this resource from the Red Cross to learn about four other ways to prepare for a home fire. 

We encourage you to always know how to prepare for a home fire. If a fire breaks out at your residential property, you want heroes to come save the day and to help make the fire damage “Like it never even happened.” And there’s only one company that can successfully do that: SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. You can contact us 24/7, 365 days of the year -- even on a leap year. Call us at 573-339-1948.

Home Fire Prevention Tips

7/1/2020 (Permalink)

A home fire can leave a family devastated. But, there is help and hope that’s just a phone call away, which can help alleviate some of that devastation. Who is that help and hope? The heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We’ll be there to make the fire damage “Like it never even happened.” Although you can’t always predict when a fire occurs, there are some home prevention tips you can follow to help prevent fire damage

Here are three (3) home fire prevention tips: 


When you are cooking, we strongly advise you to not leave the kitchen, leaving food unattended. If you absolutely have to leave the kitchen for any given time, simply turn off the oven until you return. It’s better to be safe than sorry. While cooking, it’s always best to wear short, close-fitting clothing or sleeves that are rolled up. This helps prevent the fire from coming in contact with your clothing. And you certainly want to strongly urge children to stay a safe distance away from all the cooking areas. Tip: Keep children at least three-feet or more away.

Electrical and appliance safety

Electrical and appliance safety is vital. For safety purposes, before using, check wires on all your electrical appliances. If there are frayed wires, that can be a fire hazard, so you want to replace any frayed wires immediately. Always ensure you shut off all electrical appliances once you are done utilizing them. Tip: If you are using a three-pronged plug, only use it on a three-slot outlet.  

Portable space heaters

Portable space heaters can be both a good thing and a bad thing. It’s good because it provides warmth and makes a room nice and cozy. It can be a bad thing if it causes a fire, so you want to be careful with them. If you have any combustible objects in your home, keep them at least three feet away from portable space heaters. It is recommended to “buy heaters evaluated by a nationally recognized laboratory, such as Underwriters Laboratories (UL),” according to Tip: Invest in a portable heater that has a thermostat control mechanism. That way, if it happens to fall over, it will automatically shut off.  

Check out this resource to learn about other home fire prevention tips. 

These home fire prevention tips can be immensely beneficial for you and your family. If a fire results even after following those tips, just remember, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties, your local 24-hour emergency service company, will be there for you and your family. Contact us online anytime, or give us a call: 573-339-1948. 

Fire Safety Quiz: How Savvy Are You?

5/23/2020 (Permalink)

Fire safety quiz: how savvy are you when it comes to knowing if you are adequately equipped and prepared for a home fire? Are you a pro? An amateur? There’s one easy way to find out. Test your knowledge. Take this quiz to see if you are prepared for a home fire. In the event of fire damage at your residential property, there’s one fact you should be aware of: there is one company that’s always prepared. And that company is SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. Housed there are heroes who are always ready and Here to Help.® 

What’d you score on the quiz? Are you a pro, or are you an amateur? If you’re a pro, awesome! Very nice job! If you’re an amateur, use this quiz as an opportunity to learn from. Practice to ensure you are properly prepared if/when a fire strikes. 

We hope you found this fire safety quiz: how savvy are you helpful. Our One Team MVPs at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties want you to always be prepared in the event of a fire emergency. Our experienced and qualified heroes can get your property back to “Like it never even happened.” We’ll be your guiding experts to help you through your crisis. We’ll treat you with respect and empathy, and we’ll always treat your home and belongings with care. Reach out anytime you have questions. For your next fire job, call your local fire damage repair and restoration company at 573-339-1948.

Things That Can Cause Fire Damage & Water Damage During The Winter

3/12/2020 (Permalink)

Hot chocolate. Warm blankets. Snuggling. Snow angels. Holiday decor. Christmas movies. Any of that sound familiar? It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas … and winter. All of those things are all fine and dandy and reasons why a large part of the population loves the winter season. However, there are some things that can happen during the winter that you may not love so much.  

Fire damage and water damage are two things that can happen and are never any fun. It can be a result of a number of things, so we encourage you to be on the lookout for things that can cause fire damage and/or water damage during the winter at your residential or commercial property. In the event it does happen, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can make it “Like it never even happened.”   

Things that can cause fire damage during the winter:

  1. Candles
  2. Cooking
  3. Christmas trees
  4. Holiday decor
  5. Heating units 

Things that can cause water damage during the winter:

  1. Frozen pipes
  2. Leaking water heater
  3. Snow melting on the roof
  4. Overflowing gutters
  5. Poorly or non-insulated pipes 

If any of those things cause fire damage or water damage at your home or business this winter, just contact the heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We’ll come to your family’s rescue.  

We pray your winter and holiday season is emergency-free. If it’s not, just remember, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is a 24/7, 365 emergency service  Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration™ company that will be there for you and your family during your emergency. Call anytime: 573-339-1948.

24/7 Fire Damage Company

2/7/2020 (Permalink)

Fire damage does not have a set time that it occurs. It typically happens when you least expect it. When that does happen, you need a 24/7 fire damage company to come to you and your family’s rescue. That’s what the heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties do on a daily basis. We are available 24 hours of the day (including holidays), 7 days a week for your emergency needs. We’re Here to Help and to make that fire damage at your residential or commercial property "Like it never even happened."® 

Have you ever been on vacation, soaking up the rays, playing in the sand, enjoying that quality family time together on the beach? Then, you receive a phone call from your neighbor notifying you of that fire at your place? Or, perhaps, you’re at work, completing all your to-do items, exceeding all your goals, receiving compliments from your boss about the fantastic job you’re doing, telling you you’re a valuable asset? You’re just having a winning day. Then, you go home for lunch and, surprise, a fire in your kitchen. As you can see, fires can happen at the least unlikely time. 

When your home or business is hit with a fire, it’s vital you know what to do. Here are some fire damage emergency tips for you: 

  • Limit movement in the home to prevent soot particles from being embedded into upholstery and carpets.
  • Keep hands clean so you don’t further soil upholstery, walls and woodwork.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs, upholstery and carpet traffic areas.
  • If electricity is off, empty freezer and refrigerator, and prop doors open.
  • Clean and protect chrome with light coating of petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Wash houseplants on both sides of leaves.
  • Change HVAC filter.
  • Tape double layers of cheesecloth over air registers.

Our experienced and qualified heroes are faster to any size disaster and can get your property back to Like it never even happened.® We’re dedicated to responding immediately -- day or night -- to your Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, Scott City, Charleston, Marble Hill, Jackson, Perryville, Chaffee, East Prairie or Benton, Missouri, home or business. A faster response helps to prevent secondary damage and to reduce cost.

If you have a fire at your home or business and need a 24/7 fire damage company, you can rely on SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We are your local professional fire damage repair and restoration specialists. Will you give us your next restoration job? We’re just a click away and/or phone call away. Call 573-339-1948.

How Fire Damage Can Affect Your HVAC System

1/23/2020 (Permalink)

You may not think that fire damage can affect your HVAC system, but it can. If you have fire damage in your home or business, not only should you consider getting your contents cleaned, but also your HVAC system. A clean HVAC system, free of debris and contaminants, improves indoor air quality. SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can help ensure you, your family, and pet are breathing in clean, quality air with a clean HVAC system.   

When a fire occurs, most may think the most damage comes from the fire itself. However, contrary to popular belief, it’s quite the opposite. Smoke actually does the most damage, and it is the soot that you see left behind. When your HVAC system is clean and functioning properly, it can efficiently do its job. Ventilation systems are often the biggest culprit in poor indoor air quality. 

The benefits of servicing your HVAC unit include:

  • Helps to restore peak energy efficiency.
  • May help to eliminate offensive odors.
  • Helps reduce the potential for mold growth.

Fires not only cause damage to contents and your HVAC system, it can also create a strong odor. Furthermore, a fire can cause water damage and mold damage. All the water fighting efforts, to extinguish the fire, can yield in standing water. And, of course, mold is a result of water damage. As you can see, fires can be like a domino effect; it can lead to a number of other problems at your residential or commercial property. SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can help you take care of the fire damage, water damage, mold damage, your air duct cleaning and the odor removal. Consider us your one-stop restoration shop.  

Now that you understand how fire damage can affect your HVAC system, it’s critical you act responsibly and make an educated decision. Should you have fire damage at your home or business, allow the leading restoration company, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties, to make it Like it never even happened.® Call our experienced professionals at 573-339-1948.

Five Tips To Help Prevent Fires This Fall

10/22/2019 (Permalink)

Bonfires. S’more’s. Hot chocolate. Buffalo plaid. Fall decor. Football. Pumpkin spice. And everything nice. All the reasons many people love fall. Sure, fall decor complements your abode, but if you aren’t careful, it can be a safety hazard. A fire can strike your home or business at any given moment, but it doesn’t have to. Prevention is key. In this blog, you will learn about five tips to help prevent fires this fall. However, if it does occur, the fire damage repair and restoration specialists at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can be at your residential or commercial property to make the damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Five tips to help prevent fires this fall:   

  1. Fall decorations, like dried flowers and cornstalks, are highly flammable. Keep these and other decorations away from open flames and heat sources, including light bulbs and heaters.
  2. Keep emergency exits clear of decorations so nothing blocks escape routes.
  3. Teach children to stay away from open flames. Be sure they know how to stop, drop, and roll if their clothing catches fire.
  4. Remember safety first when choosing a Halloween costume. Consider avoiding billowing fabric. If you are making your costume, choose a material that won’t easily ignite if it comes into contact with heat or a flame.
  5. It is safest to use a flashlight or battery-operated candle in a Jacko- lantern. Use extreme caution if using a real candle. Place lit pumpkins away from anything that can burn and out of the way of doorsteps, walkways, and yards.

For your safety -- and the safety of members of your family (including pets) -- reference these five tips to help prevent fires this fall. And if you happen to have fire damage at your home or business, the heroes of SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties will come to your rescue. We’ll be there with you and your family to guide you throughout the entire process. We’re here when you need us, 24/7, 365 days of the year. Just call 573-339-1948.

Fire Restoration Company

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your local fire restoration company. We can quickly restore your home to pre-fire condition.

There’s a fire at your home or business. You realize everything you’ve worked so hard for, everything you’ve saved for, everything you’ve built there may be damaged. You’re overwhelmed and trying to process everything. It leaves you contemplating your next action step. Who do you call? You call SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We are Here to Help you and your family throughout the entire journey. We are your professional and experienced fire restoration company. This is what we do. We help put lives back together.

Whether you have residential fire damage or commercial fire damage, you need a company that will be able to respond quickly. And the heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties do just that -- and more. With this type of damage, quick response time is vital. You can have confidence knowing that we have the capacity to handle any size job -- residential or commercial. We are faster to any size disaster, and that’s one of our many unique selling propositions (USPs). This helps give us a competitive edge.  

Commercial restoration presents unique challenges, but the heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties know how to effectively and efficiently tackle it. We have proven processes in place. We have the training, experience, and equipment to handle large commercial fire damage emergencies. Whether your fire emergency occurs in a restaurant, motel, or office building, we will respond quickly to mitigate the damage and manage the restoration project through to its completion.

We understand emergencies do not occur at regular business hours. That’s why we’ve implemented a 24-hour emergency service for those emergencies that may happen at 3:07 a.m. or noon or, perhaps, while you’re on vacation. We are here for you 365 days of the year.   

SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your local fire restoration company. We can quickly restore your home to pre-fire condition. Will you give us your next restoration job so we can make it "Like it never even happened."? Simply call us at 573-339-1948.

Fires: What You Need to Know

5/23/2019 (Permalink)

When it comes to fires, what you need to know is how it can affect your home or business and its contents. One thing you need to know is the importance of timing. Two minutes may not seem like a long time, but, as it relates to a fire, it can feel like an eternity and cause significant fire damage. In just 120 seconds, a fire can become life-threatening. Something else you need to know is the heroes at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties are experts in the fire damage repair and restoration industry. We come to your rescue to make it “Like it never even happened.”    

Do you know the amount of time it takes for a residence to become engulfed in flames? Five minutes. According to, heat is more threatening than flames. Room temperatures in a fire can be 100 degrees at floor level and rise to 600 degrees at eye level. Inhaling this super-hot air will scorch your lungs and melt clothes to your skin.

Some may be under the impression that the actual flames of a fire kill people. However, it’s the smoke and toxic gases that kill more people. Another thing you need to know, according to this resource, is fire produces poisonous gases that make you disoriented and drowsy. Asphyxiation is the leading cause of fire deaths, exceeding burns by a three-to-one ratio.

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties’ “restore first” mentality reduces interruption and gets you back to your life. We have specific damage restoration training, personnel, and equipment. We can quickly restore your home to pre-fire condition. When it comes to a fire, there’s so much more you need to know. Download your personal fire brochure to learn more.

When it comes to fires, what you need to know is that SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your leading local professional fire damage repair and restoration company. Our experienced and qualified heroes can get your residential or commercial property back to preloss condition “Like it never even happened.” If fire damage strikes your home or business, you can report a loss online. It’s easy. Or, you can call us at 573-339-1948.

Fire Damage and Alarming Fire Facts

3/12/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties makes the fire damage at your home or business "Like it never even happened."

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties wants you to be informed of some fire facts:

Fact: $7 billion! This is the amount of money that is accounted for in property damage as a result of a fire. And this is annually. Just to reiterate, $7 billion in property damage occurs every year. That’s a large amount of money.    

Fact: Did you know seven people die on a daily basis as a result of a home fire? That’s seven people too many.

Fact: Can you guess how many people sustain injuries as a result of home fires daily? The number is 36! Yes, 36 people suffer injuries as a result of home fires every day.

These are some alarming fire facts that came from The American Red Cross.  

The first 48 hours after fire damage can make the difference between restoring versus replacing damaged property and personal belongings. Learn about our restore vs. replace mentality. Rapid response and timely mitigation can help prevent fire damage from creating long-term problems. If your commercial or residential property comes in contact with fire damage, our highly trained fire restoration technicians here at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can restore your home or business back to “Like it never even happened.” It’s one of our many specialties.  

A fire can strike your home or business at any given moment. This fire damage testimonial is a prime example and proves how it happens at the least unlikely times.

Happy Customer Testimonial:

“On July 15, 2013, Southeast Missouri State University experienced the unthinkable, a fire at Dempster Hall, home to the Donald L. Harrison College of Business. Without hesitation, the SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team was on site to help assess the damage and guide the Facilities Management staff through the recovery process.

SERVPRO, with guidance from the Facilities Management staff, hired local sub-contractors to assist with the recovery effort. The cooperation and team effort between all parties involved proved to be successful as the recovery effort of roughly 117,000 sq.ft. was completed in a 6-week period, allowing the University to open the facility on time for the Fall Semester.

The highly trained and very professional SERVPRO staff went above and beyond their job responsibilities to ensure that all areas of the facility were cleaned and repaired to the satisfaction of Southeast Missouri State. The job performance and attention to detail by the SERVPRO staff exceed the expectations of their slogan "Like it never even happened."

On behalf of Southeast Missouri State University, the faculty, staff, and students, we would like to thank SERVPRO for the excellent job done to ensure that Dempster Hall was restored to its original state, allowing the University to open the doors in the short time frame required.”

When the unexpected occurs, like fire damage, having a professional and experienced team on your side can make all the difference. We service the Cape Girardeau County, Scott County, Bollinger County, Mississippi County, and Perry County areas. If your Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, Scott City, Charleston, Marble Hill, Jackson, Perryville, Chaffee, East Prairie or Benton, Missouri, home or business, is hit with fire damage, rely on the professionals that Southeast Missouri State University relied on. We’re talking about a university that had 11,978 students enrolled in 2016, and the number of enrollees is much higher now. It was important for them to act fast to help protect all those students, faculty and staff and to not interrupt the class schedule. They trusted us, and you can trust us, too. Contact us in your time of need. We’re there for you 24/7. Call today: 573-339-1948.

Contents Restoration

2/6/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your local premier contents restoration specialists for your residential and commercial needs.

When the contents of your home or business are affected by a disaster, you need contents restoration specialists to restore your contents back to “Like it never even happened.” And the only company with that backing, with that promise is SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties.

Contents restoration refers to any valuables, items that may have been affected as a result of a disaster. This could be a fire damage, a water damage, a storm damage, mold damage, and more. If your residential or commercial property was involved in a fire, your contents could suffer from soot damage, which is highly common as a result of a fire. Watch this video to see how our heroes here at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties made soot damage on a Grandfather clock and table “Like it never even happened.”  

We handle your contents with diligence. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has effectively and efficiently recovered contents from both commercial and residential properties in the Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, Scott City, Charleston, Marble Hill, Jackson, Perryville, Chaffee, East Prairie and Benton, Missouri, areas. We have a proven process that our heroes follow. And we have a Contents Claim Inventory Service that we offer. This service provides a detailed and accurate list of your belongings. We take a room-by-room inventory of your contents, including digital photos, and, in some instances, bar coding. This can give you peace of mind when you need it most.

Our Contents Claim Inventory Service:

  • Pre-loss list
  • Detailed and accurate report
  • Better information to settle claims quicker
  • Assistance with burden of proof for claims

When you need contents restoration specialists, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has your back. You can feel content with our team. The next time your home or business is hit with a disaster, and you need your contents restored, who you gonna call? Not Ghostbusters. Call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties at 573-339-1948.

7 Ways You Can Prepare For a Home Fire

1/23/2019 (Permalink)

Make sure you are always prepared if your home is in contact with fire. Contact the SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties' fire specialists.

If your home comes in contact with a fire, it’s important you know who to contact: SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. Fire damage can wreak havoc on your contents, valuables, memories, home, and more. It can cause mounds of stress. Thankfully, the heroes at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties are here to help you alleviate some of that stress. We are there, in your time of need, to restore your contents and to make your residential property look “Like it never even happened” as a result of a fire. Here are seven ways you can prepare for a home fire.

1. Install Smoke Alarms

Install multiple smoke alarms in your home. This can be a big lifesaver. Ideally, place a smoke alarm in every room of your home. Tip: Test smoke alarms once a month. Furthermore, replace batteries twice a year.

2. Educate Children

It’s key that every member, especially children, in your home knows exactly what to do in the event of a fire. Educate children on what smoke alarms sound like. And, more importantly, educate them on what to do once they hear it sound off. Education is key here.

3. Plan Multiple Egress Routes

Do you have multiple egress routes in place should a fire break out? Communicate with your family about an egress route. It’s a great idea for you to plan multiple egress routes from every room of your residential property. Ensure each member of the family knows the agreed meeting place.    

4. Establish a Family Emergency Communications Plan

Establish a family emergency communications plan. Each member of your family needs to know who to contact, especially if he or she gets separated for some reason or another. It’s good practice to program an ICE (in case of emergency) in your young children’s phone, or encourage children to program it in their phone.

5. Practice Escape Route

Practice escape route from your home. It’s a good idea to practice your escape route, at minimum, twice per year. Practice makes perfect. You can either press the smoke alarm test button or yell “fire.” Run through the entire fire procedure to ensure everyone does it properly, has it down-packed.  

6. Ensure Everyone Knows 9-1-1

This may seem minute, but it’s a very vital piece. Ensure everyone knows 9-1-1. Teach children this at an early age, but emphasize to them it’s to be called for emergency purposes only.  

7. Reinforce Stop, Drop, Roll Safety Procedure

It’s always good to be prepared. Well before a fire hits your home, it’s good practice to reinforce the stop, drop, roll safety procedure. Kids are taught this in schools, but it’s a good extension to teach it in homes as well. Reinforce this at your home. And let them know, should their clothes catch fire, remember to stop, drop and roll.

Before you have a fire at your residential property, you can reference these 7 ways you can prepare for a home fire. It all boils down to being prepared. Preparation is key. And if a fire strikes your home, you should always count on your local #1 fire damage repair and restoration specialists: SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We’ll make it “Like it never even happened.” Here’s another number you should program in your phone: 573-339-1948. Make the call anytime.

Fire Damage and Your Contents

1/7/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can restore your contents and make it "Like it never even happened" as a result of fire damage.

Fire damage and your contents go hand-in-hand. Fire damage, which can include smoke and soot damage, can have an adverse effect on your contents. Upon fire damage at your home or business, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties’ heroes work diligently to make it “Like it never even happened.”

We understand your belongings are sentimental and valuable. Those are the things that make your house a home. We are all about protecting your investments. And we do everything in our care and power to protect them. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has an effective, streamlined fire process our heroes abide by.

Effective 4-Step Method:


Once your home is affected by fire damage and/or soot damage, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties conducts an organized, efficient move-out of the affected area(s). A move-out affords you many benefits, such as a quicker remodeling process, protects items from potential damage and protects contents from further on-site damage. Our systemic move-out/pack-out process makes it easy for the homeowner or business owner.

Inventory Contents

Inventory is key. Our heroes take detailed notes and inventory of our customers’ contents. Once we inventory contents, we cross-reference. We offer a Contents Claim Inventory Service (CCIS). This effective service provides a detailed and accurate list of your belongings. We take a room-by-room inventory of your contents, including digital photos, and, in some instances, barcoding. 

Clean Contents

Fire damage and soot damage can ruin, cause damage or dirty your contents. Our heroes at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can restore your contents to make it “Like it never even happened,” so you have clean contents, again. Our expertise and “restore” versus “replace” mentality can help you save money while preserving precious keepsakes that can’t be replaced.

Store Contents in a Safe, Clean Chamber

Once our heroes here at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties have cleaned your contents, they store contents in a safe, clean chamber. Our chambers help protect your belongings. This chamber is 5 ft. wide, 7 ft. deep, and 7 ft. wide, which allows for plenty of storage room for your contents.   

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties specializes in restoring contents damaged by fire. We are positioned to be your one-stop shop. We communicate clearly with your adjuster and can recommend one of our trusted and reputable contractors, so it makes us your one-stop shop, which makes it convenient and hassle-free for you. The team at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can take care of your fire damage and your contents at your residential or commercial property from start to finish.

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can restore fire damage and your contents as a result of a fire. We are your professional local fire damage repair and restoration company. Our experienced and qualified heroes can get your property back to “Like it never even happened.” Any time your Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, Scott City, Charleston, Marble Hill, Jackson, Perryville, Chaffee, East Prairie and Benton, Missouri, home or business is hit by fire damage, give the fire damage repair and restoration specialists a call at 573-339-1948.

Best Fire Damage Company Near Me

11/7/2018 (Permalink)

If you're wondering what's the best fire damage company near me, it's SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. Call us for your home or business.

Fire damage can hit your home or business at any given moment. Preparation is always key. If it does strike, here’s a handy, dandy fire damage tips - until help arrives guide. You can follow these tips to help protect yourself and your property. But, well before a fire happens, we encourage you to be well-informed of the best fire damage company out there. In order to be educated about what company that may be, you may perform a Google search and search for keywords that may consist of “best fire damage company near me” or “best fire damage company” and so on and so forth. Well, no need to search any further. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is just that -- and more -- for your residential and commercial properties. We are highly trained fire damage specialists and the trusted leader in the restoration industry.

If you have fire damage at your home or business, or even if you witness a fire damage at someone else’s property, that can be a traumatizing time. If this does occur, it’s critical to take quick action. Contact SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We help relieve some of that stress by being with you and your business, being with you and your home, being with you and your family throughout the entire restoration process. We are with you from the beginning to the middle to the end of your journey. We’re even there with you at the post-fire journey. We’re there to make it “Like it never even happened” so you can get back to life.

In addition to fire, smoke, and soot damage, your home or business could potentially suffer from water damage as a result of the firefighting efforts. And that’s why we are also water damage specialists. This type of damage can be especially upsetting and destructive for your family to process. You may feel stressed, confused, and vulnerable, so you’ll need a caring expert to guide you through this crisis. We’ll treat you with respect and empathy, and we’ll always treat your home and belongings with care. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties specializes in fire and water damage restoration. We have the specific damage restoration training, personnel, and equipment and can quickly restore your home to pre-fire condition.

As a result of an emergency “typical” fire damage to your residential or commercial property, there is a systemic process to follow. Check out these 7 steps:

Step 1: Emergency contact

Step 2: Inspection and fire damage assessment

Step 3: Immediate board-up and roof-tarp service

Step 4: Water removal and drying (if water is present)

Step 5: Removal of smoke and soot from all surfaces

Step 6: Cleaning and sanitizing

Step 7: Restoration

Get more in-depth information here.

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is in a community near you. We proudly serve the Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, Scott City, Charleston, Marble Hill, Jackson, Perryville, Chaffee, East Prairie and Benton, Missouri, communities, so we’re faster to any size disaster.   

If you ever wonder what’s the best fire damage company “near me,” SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can put an end to your wonder. We are the fire damage specialists. And we offer you an effective fire damage restoration service for your home or business. Have questions about fire damage, smoke damage or soot damage? Just call our pros today at 573-339-1948.  

Fire Damage Repair and Restoration

10/18/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can help your home or business with fire damage repair and restoration.

Are you fully prepared for a home fire? Take this interactive quiz to find out.

In observance of National Fire Prevention Month this October, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is heavily focusing our efforts on the importance of fire damage repair and restoration and safety tips for you and your family to stay safe throughout the month and year-round. If a fire breaks out in your home and/or business, we can repair and restore your belongings back to “Like it never even happened.”

Every fire damage situation is a little different and requires a unique solution; however, the general process remains the same. When various materials burn, the soot they create differs greatly and requires a specific cleaning procedure. The steps listed below illustrate our process for the “typical” fire damage restoration. Learn more about our fire damage restoration process.

  1. Emergency Contact
  2. Inspection and Fire Damage Assessment
  3. Immediate Board-Up and Roof Tarp Service (if needed)
  4. Water Removal and Drying (if water damage is present)
  5. Removal of Smoke and Soot from All Surfaces
  6. Cleaning and Repair
  7. Restoration

Speaking of restoration, our “restore first” mentality is a much more cost effective solution for you and helps to get you back in your home or business sooner than expected. This focus relies upon our specialized training and equipment to restore your property back to pre-fire condition.

Your belongings can be greatly damaged during a fire. Since you’ve invested so much in them, we want to help you protect and restore them as much as possible. They can have sentimental value, so you want to cherish them, and we can help to get it back to “Like it never even happened.” Refer to this resource to see how you can properly care for your contents.

Our team of highly trained fire restoration technicians (also known as SERVPRO heroes) are faster to any size disaster. We have the specific damage restoration training, personnel, and equipment and can quickly restore your home to pre-fire condition. Give our team a call if your home or business is hit with fire damage: 573-339-1948.

Tips to Stay Safe During National Fire Prevention Month

10/1/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can help you stay safe during National Fire Prevention Month and year-round.

Fire prevention is always key because a fire can happen at your residence or commercial property at any given moment. And with the alarming number of wildfires that have erupted across our nation, it raises caution, concern, and maybe fear. But, rest assured, with SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties, you can feel confident you have a team of highly qualified and trained fire restoration specialists on your side who will be there with you before, during and after that journey. We’re always ready for whatever happens. We’re there to help put your mind at ease. We can get your home and/or business back to “Like it never even happened.”

Since October is National Fire Prevention Month, there are a host of tips out there to help keep you, your family members, your business and your home safe. Check out this resource from Here, they provide you with free safety tip sheets on a variety of fire and life safety topics. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties fully supports prevention, and we’re all about educating you, so here are 5 top tips you and your family can follow in case you’re faced with fire damage.

  1. Install Smoke Alarms

Installing smoke alarms on every level of your home and/or business can help prevent a lot of damage and headache. Ensure these are installed properly in every room. Your home and/or business means the world to you. You’ve built memories there, and you want to do everything you can to protect those precious memories should a fire break out. One thing that can be the big difference, a lifesaver, a belongings’ saver, a memories’ saver is smoke alarms. Make this small investment now to save you a potential large cost in the future.

  1. Test Smoke Alarms

Testing smoke alarms is highly vital. Smoke alarms can help protect you, your family and your investment, but you have to ensure they are functioning properly in the event of fire damage. You want to test your smoke alarms at least every month, if not, more. If they’re not working, simply replace the batteries. And a good rule of thumb: keep extra batteries on-hand at all times. Test smoke alarms in every room of your home or business.

  1. Communicate Effectively

With anything, whether in a business, a relationship, etc., communication is always key. When in doubt, over-communicate. You want to effectively communicate with your family members, loved ones, coworkers, etc. about a safe fire escape plan. Once this has been established, you need to practice it. It’s vital that everyone practices the plan at least twice per year. Communicating effectively can save a lot of time and hassle.

  1. Find a Safe Place

If you ever encounter a fire in your home or business, it’s best that you get out, stay out and call for help immediately. Do not, under any circumstances, put yourself in danger by going back inside a burning dwelling. Speaking of a safe place, the American Red Cross can be a “safe place” you can reference to get more safety tips. They can provide you with knowledge of what to do before, during and after a fire.

  1. Call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can help you prepare your home or business with our proven and effective Emergency Ready Profile (ERP). The SERVPRO® Ready Plan is an intuitive tool for property managers and owners -- both residential and commercial. It allows for the creation of an Emergency READY Profile. By developing a SERVPRO Emergency READY Profile for your home or business, you minimize business interruption by having an immediate plan of action. Knowing what to do and what to expect in advance is the key to timely mitigation and can help minimize how fire damage can affect your home or business. And with just a tap of an icon on your mobile device, we can be there just like that. Get the SERVPRO ERP App on your iPhone or Android now; it’s FREE.  

Follow these tips to stay safe during National Fire Prevention Month. When you need a team that is faster to any size disaster and offers 24/7 emergency services, trust and count on SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. Anytime you have questions about fire, smoke, or soot damage, call the fire damage specialists. And anytime you have fire damage at your residential or commercial property, give us a call: 573-339-1948. We’ll be there in “ablaze.”

Fireworks Safety

7/3/2018 (Permalink)

Have fun and be safe while celebrating Independence Day!

It's fireworks season! According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), an average of 18,500 fires are started every year by fireworks. This includes 1,300 structure fires, 300 vehicle fires, and 16,900 outside and other fires. "These fires caused an average of three deaths, 40 civilian injuries, and an average of $43 million in direct property damage," says the NFPA.

Do you think sparklers are the safe way to go? Nope: they account for about a fourth of emergency room fireworks injuries.

Stay safe this summer by paying close attention to children at fireworks events, and avoiding the use of consumer fireworks.

And remember, if you do find yourself a victim of a structure fire, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties will help make it "like it never even happened."

Local Fireworks Resources

City of Cape Girardeau

City of Jackson

City of Perryville

City of Sikeston

City of Charleston

National Burn Awareness Week

2/7/2018 (Permalink)

This week is National Burn Awareness Week. Now is the time to educate yourself on heat, fire, and burn safety.

If you do ever find yourself a victim of fire damage, we have provided a list of helpful tips.

What You Can Do Until Help Arrives.

  • Limit Movement in the home to prevent soot particles from spreading and additional damage from occurring.
  • Place clean towels or old linens on rugs and high traffic areas and upholstery.
  • Coat chrome faucets, trim and appliances with petroleum jelly or oil.
  • Place aluminum foil or wood blacks between furniture legs and wet carpet.
  • Do not wash any walls or painted surfaces.
  • Do not shampoo carpet or upholstery.
  • Do not clean any electrical equipment.
  • Do not send clothing to a dry cleaner since improper cleaning may set smoke odor.

Call the professionals at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties at 573-339-1948 for a peace of mind.

Fire Cleanup Professionals

1/24/2018 (Permalink)

The first 48 hours after a fire damage can make the difference between restoring versus replacing your property and personal belongings. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has the professionals that can help prevent fire damage from creating long-term problems. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties provide timely response with mitigation services ranging form fire, smoke and soot removal to contents claim inventory and document restoration. These services help ensure your property, belongings and memories are restored to preloss condition when possible.

The professionals at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties are available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year to help you regain control quickly.

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your go-to company for fire restoration in Cape Girardeau, Jackson, Perryvillle, Sikeston, Gordonville, Scott City, Charleston, and any other surrounding community.

Carbon Monoxide: A Silent Cold-Weather Killer

1/9/2018 (Permalink)

Carbon monoxide is a gas you cannot see, taste, or smell. According to, an average of 430 Americans die each year from unintentional carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning. Often times, it is the result of faulty, improperly used, or vented consumer products like furnaces, ranges, water heaters, room heaters, and engine hyphenated powered equipment, such as portable generators. However, there are precautions you can take to help protect yourself, your family, and your employees from deadly carbon monoxide fumes. Reduce the chance of carbon oxide exposure in your workplace by performing regular maintenance on equipment and appliances they can produce carbon monoxide. Install carbon monoxide detectors on every level of the home, including outside of all bedrooms. Consider having all fuel burning the heating equipment and chimneys serviced by a professional. Use portable generators only in well ventilated areas away from doors, windows, as is, and any other openings to prevent fumes from entering the home. For additional carbon monoxide safety information, visit for

Veterans Day

11/8/2017 (Permalink)

Thank you to all of those who have served to protect our country.

This month, we want to take time and salute our veterans.

There are many soldiers who have risked or given their lives so that we can live in a nation that offers us so many freedoms and opportunities. This Veterans Day, we want to take time to thank our veterans for all that they have done for us. They are true heroes.

Veterans are heroes that have been under fire. SERVPRO® heroes are the ones that cleanup after fires. While there is a large difference in our day-to-day jobs, we still serve a similar purpose: to serve others. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is here for you in your time of loss after something tragic like a home fire. We understand that your world has been flipped upside down and want to make the process easier.

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes. This Veterans Day, please remember to thank a veteran.

Avoiding a Fire on Friday the 13th

10/13/2017 (Permalink)

Stay safe.

Since October is Fire Prevention Month, we thought we would help you avoid bad luck when it comes to fires on this Friday the 13th.

First of all, everyone in your house should know to “Stop, Drop, and Roll” if ever caught on fire. Secondly, remember to “Stay Low and Go” if you find yourself and in a burning building. A few other simple measures to take would be to have sprinklers installed in your home, make sure smoke detectors are in working order, and have a fire extinguisher somewhere in the house (we suggest the kitchen). These simple little fire prevention ideas can help you avoid some bad luck this Friday the 13th. You can also learn more through the City of Cape Girardeau's Public Education Programs.

And if you’re not so lucky and have a house fire, don’t hesitate to call the professionals at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We will help make your fire damage “Like it never even happened.”

Fire Prevention Week

10/8/2017 (Permalink)

Call us at 573-339-1948 to learn more about Fire Prevention Week

Today is the start of the 2017 National Fire Prevention Week. This year’s Fire Prevention Week theme from NFPA is “Every Second Counts: 2 Ways Out!” To learn more about the history behind Fire Prevention Week, click here. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties wants to make sure you are informed about fire safety. 

Ways to Prevent Fires

  • Install working smoke detectors throughout the house; change batteries every six months.
  • Never leave the kitchen while cooking.
  • Exercise extra caution when doing any type of frying.
  • Keep loose clothing away from any open flames or stove tops.
  • Properly dispose of all cigarettes.
  • Keep heating equipment clean and free of any type of residue build-up.
  • Keep space heaters away from upholstered furniture, mattresses, clothing, or bedding.
  • Unplug any space heaters, irons, hair straighteners, etc. after use and before leaving the house.

Preparing Your Family for an Emergency

  • Plan an escape route from every room in the house—know two ways out of each room
  • Practice your escape routes
  • Have a meeting place away from the house in case family members are separated
  • Twice a year, quiz children on emergency procedures: what to do, where to go, and whom to call
  • Have a plan for your pets
  • Put together and store an emergency kit in the trunk of your car

Here to Help

Always remember that SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is always here to help if you are dealing with a fire damage. We are available 24/7/365 to help with your emergency. We want you to stay safe!

Solar Eclipse 2017: The Great Ball of Fire

8/1/2017 (Permalink)

Call the trained professionals at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties: 573-339-1948.

On August 21, 2017, our region will experience a total solar eclipse. This type of eclipse is when the sun, moon, and earth align so that the moon casts a shadow on the earth. We are in its direct path and will have a prime viewing opportunity.

The Great Ball of Fire

According to, the temperature of the sun’s surface is about 5800 Kelvin—or 9980 degrees Fahrenheit. That is roughly nine times hotter than the average house fire, which burns at 1100 degrees Fahrenheit, according to the National Institute of Fire and Safety Training. A lot of damage can occur at that temperature.

Here to Help

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your local professional fire restoration team. When the fire trucks are gone and you find yourself stressed and confused, know that SERVPRO® is here to help. More so than even help cleaning up the fire damage, you need someone who cares for your needs during this time of crisis.  We provide 24-hour emergency service so that we are there when you need us the most.

We primarily serve Cape Girardeau County, Scott County, Perry County, Bollinger County, and Mississippi County but are willing to help wherever we get called.

When the 2017 Solar Eclipse makes its way through town, remember the power of the sun, and that a fraction of that heat is all it takes to damage a home. When fire restoration is needed, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties, and we will help make it “like it never even happened.”

Winter Fire Safety

12/28/2016 (Permalink)

We service Cape Girardeau, Jackson, Sikeston, Perryville, Scott City, Chaffee, Charleston, East Prairie, Marble Hill, and Benton.

Did you know over $2 billion in property loss occurs from winter fires?

According to FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency, home fires occur more in the months of December, January, and February than the rest of the year. We want you to stay warm and cozy this winter, but we also want you to stay safe. Here are some tips to avoid damage to your property:

Heating equipment is involved in 1 of every 6 reported home fires and 1 in every 5 home fire deaths.

Keep anything flammable, like paper, blankets, aerosols, or even ping pong balls, 3 feet from any heat source like fireplaces, wood stoves, radiators, or space heaters.

Keep portable generators as far away as possible from your house, but especially avoid windows. Install and test carbon monoxide alarms at least once a month.

Have your chimney and vents inspected and cleaned annually by a qualified professional. Store cooled ashes in tightly covered metal container, and keep it outside and at least 10 feet from a building. You don't want those bad boys reigniting.

Only one heat-producing appliance (i.e. a space heater) should be plugged into an electrical outlet at any given time.

Should you still become a victim of a home fire, call the cleanup and restoration specialists at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties at (573) 339-1948.

Holiday Safety Tips

12/12/2016 (Permalink)

We service Cape Girardeau, Jackson, Sikeston, Perryville, Scott City, Chaffee, Charleston, East Prairie, Marble Hill, and Benton.

We have compiled a list of safety tips that aid in preventing some pretty common holiday mishaps.

Use Ladder Safety

Don't be the next Clark Griswold. Use common safety and follow the ladder's safety instructions when putting up or taking down your holiday decorations.

Christmas Tree Safety

Who doesn't love a brilliantly glowing Christmas Tree? But it's important that the glow comes from the lights and not flames. On average, 240 home fires are started each year because of Christmas trees. Christmas tree fires are caused by electrical failures in one of every three home. They're not common, but when they do occur, they tend to be more serious. One in every six fires are caused by trees being placed too close to a heat source.

Holiday Candles

Holiday candles cause 10 deaths, 175 injuries, and $20 million in property damage. Always monitor your candle--never leave it unattended. Designate someone in your house to do a walk through before you leave or go to bed to ensure all candles have been extinguished.

Christmas Lights

Turn off your lights before you leave or go to bed. Not only will it help prevent a fire, but it will also save you money on your electrical bill.

Pet Tree Safety

Keep your pet & your home safe!

  1. Be mindful of low-hanging & damaged wires in your holiday decorations to avoid home fires.
  2. Plastic ornaments are safer than glass ornaments.
  3. Don't add chemicals to your tree to keep it hydrated.
  4. Stabilize your tree with pet activity in mind.
  5. Stay away from tinsel.

Dirty Santa?

Believe it or not, sewage backup is a common holiday problem. Be smart and dispose of trash properly, or you may find yourself in a stinky situation.

Ice Safety

Ice can cause slippery situations. Keep your family and guests safe by using salt or kitty litter to add traction to icy surfaces. Got an iced windshield? Use lukewarm, NOT HOT, water to de-ice. Hot water can cause your windshield to crack.


If your holiday plans include eating a lot of food, be mindful that cooking is the leading cause of home fires and injuries. Pay attention while cooking this year.


Always remember that SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is here to help you if you find yourself faced with a holiday fire damage. We are available 24/7/365 to help make your property look "like it never even happened."


Turkey Fryer Safety

11/18/2016 (Permalink)

Did you know that every year deep-fryer fires cause more than $15 million in property damage?

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties wants to make sure you have all the information necessary to stay safe this holiday season.

Turkey Frying Safety Tips

  • Keep Your Distance

    • Stay 10 feet away from the house, deck, garage, trees, or other structures.

    • The tank and burner should be 2 feet apart, if using a propane-powered fryer.

  • Thaw and Dry the Turkey

    • Make sure there are no ice crystals or water beads on the bird.
  • Always Be Prepared

    • Protect your eyes by wearing goggles and your hands and arms with oven mitts.

    • Have fire extinguisher ready.

    • Don’t let kids or pets nearby. Never leave fryers unattended.

  • Do Not Overfill

    • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how much to fill the fryer.

  • Size Matters

    • In this case, larger turkeys (greater than 12 pounds) don’t do as well as smaller ones. The idea size is an 8 to 10 pound bird.

  • Don’t Fry Rain or Shine

    • Keep an eye on the weather. Fryers should never be used in rain or snowy conditions.
  • Stay Level

    • Find a level surface to place the fryer. Once it is in use, do not move it.
  • Timing is Everything

    • Keep an eye on the oil temperature. If it starts smoking, turn it off or it will catch fire.

    • Do not have the burner on while lowering the bird into the oil. Wait until after the turkey is in place to turn the burner on. 

    • After the bird is removed, cover the pot of oil and allow it to cool overnight before doing anything else with it.

  • Don’t Stuff

    • As much as you may love stuffing your bird with Thanksgiving goodness, you’ll have to pass this year if you want to fry it.

    • Avoid marinades that are water-based.

Please exercise caution this holiday season, and if you are friends with "that guy," share with him, too.

And remember, if you do become a victim of a deep-fryer fire, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is here to help.


Cape Girardeau Smoke and Soot Cleanup

9/26/2016 (Permalink)

Smoke and Soot Damage Can Cause a Pervasive Odor in Your Southeast Missouri Home.

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and Soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Different Types of Smoke

There are two different types of smoke–wet and dry. As a result, there are different types of soot residue after a fire. Before restoration begins, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties will test the soot to determine which type of smoke damage occurred. The cleaning procedures will then be based on the information identified during pretesting. Here is some additional information:

Wet Smoke – Plastic and Rubber

  • Low heat, smoldering, pungent odor, sticky, smeary. Smoke webs are more difficult to clean.

Dry Smoke – Paper and Wood

  • Fast burning, high temperatures, heat rises therefore smoke rises.

Protein Fire Residue – Produced by evaporation of material rather than from a fire

  • Virtually invisible, discolors paints and varnishes, extreme pungent odor. 

Our Fire Damage Restoration Services

Since each smoke and fire damage situation is a little different, each one requires a unique solution tailored for the specific conditions. We have the equipment, expertise, and experience to restore your fire and smoke damage.  We will also treat your family with empathy and respect and your property with care because we know it’s more than just a house.

Have Questions about Fire, Smoke, or Soot Damage? Call Us Today – (573) 339-1948