Recent Storm Damage Posts

Protect Your Home from Summer Storms | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

7/15/2024 (Permalink)

dark gray cloudy background with torrential downpour rain overlay When storms strike, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to restore your property to preloss condition faster!

Summer is a time for fun in the sun, but it also brings the threat of severe weather. In Cape Girardeau and our surrounding communities summer storms can strike with little warning, bringing heavy rains, high winds, and even hail. Understanding how to prepare and protect your home can save you from costly damage and keep your family safe.

The Cape experiences its fair share of severe summer weather. Thunderstorms, often accompanied by lightning, heavy rainfall, and strong winds, are common. Occasionally, these storms can lead to flash flooding or power outages, making it crucial to be prepared.

Preparing Your Home for Summer Storms

Inspect and Repair Your Roof. One of the first lines of defense against summer storms is a sturdy roof. Regularly inspect your roof for missing or damaged shingles and make necessary repairs. This simple step can prevent leaks and water damage during heavy rains.

Clean Gutters and Downspouts. Clogged gutters can lead to water overflow and damage to your home’s foundation. Ensure that gutters and downspouts are clear of debris so water can flow freely away from your home. Consider installing gutter guards to minimize future clogs.

Trim Trees and Secure Outdoor Items. High winds can turn tree branches into projectiles and cause significant damage. Trim any overhanging branches near your home and remove dead or weak trees. Additionally, secure outdoor furniture, grills, and other items that could become hazardous in strong winds.

Check Windows and Doors. Ensure that windows and doors are properly sealed to prevent water from seeping in. Consider installing storm shutters for added protection. If shutters aren’t an option, plywood can be a temporary solution during a storm warning.

Create an Emergency Kit. Having an emergency kit on hand is essential. Include items such as bottled water, non-perishable food, flashlights, batteries, a first aid kit, and important documents. Make sure everyone in your household knows where the kit is located and what it contains.

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties Is Here to Help®

Even with the best preparation, storm damage can still occur. If your home suffers from storm damage, the experts at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties are ready to assist. Our team has the experience and equipment to handle everything from minor repairs to major restoration projects.

Act Now to Protect Your Home

Don’t wait for a storm to hit—take action now to safeguard your home and loved ones. Make these steps part of your regular routine so that even the fastest moving storm doesn’t catch you off-guard. With regular home maintenance and a well-rehearsed emergency plan, you will be ready for anything.

Stay safe and enjoy a worry-free summer!

If you have storm damage, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties and recover fast.

Protect Your Home from Strong Thunderstorms | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

6/17/2024 (Permalink)

lightning strike across stormy purple sky Whether its storm damage cleanup or restoration, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is ready to respond in a moments notice to your call.
Understanding the Risks: How Strong Thunderstorms Can Damage Your Home

Strong thunderstorms are a force of nature that can wreak havoc on your home if you’re not prepared. From heavy rain and lightning to powerful winds and hail, these storms bring a variety of risks that can lead to costly damage. As a homeowner, it’s crucial to understand these risks and take proactive steps to protect your property.

Research conducted by the National Severe Storms Laboratory has shown that strong thunderstorms can produce wind speeds exceeding 50 miles per hour, which are strong enough to cause significant damage to roofs, siding, and windows. Additionally, a study published in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology found that hailstorms are becoming more frequent and severe, posing a greater threat to homes and vehicles.

Proactive Measures to Mitigate Damage

To minimize the risk of damage to your home during strong thunderstorms, it’s essential to take proactive measures. Start by inspecting your roof regularly for any signs of damage or wear and tear. Replace missing or damaged shingles and reinforce weak areas to ensure your roof can withstand high winds and hail.

Another critical step is to secure outdoor furniture, equipment, and decorations before a storm hits. Strong winds can turn these items into dangerous projectiles, causing damage to your home and posing a threat to your safety. Additionally, consider installing impact-resistant windows and doors to protect your home from flying debris and hail damage.

Trust SERVPRO® to Protect Your Home

At SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties, we understand that even the most prepared home may still see damage during severe weather. Our team of highly trained professionals is ready to respond to your property as soon as things are safe, so you can get back to life fast no matter what happens.

Don’t wait until it’s too late—take proactive steps to protect your home today.

Contact us now to safeguard your home against strong thunderstorms!

Storm Planning With Kids | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

5/15/2024 (Permalink)

family watching lightning storm from inside home with candles due to power outage When the storm has passed, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to help you recover.

When a storm blows in, it can create a chaotic scene. Anxiety can get high as your dogs begin to pace around or hide, your kids are starting to panic and you aren’t sure if you should tuck everyone into bed or into the safest spot of your home.

With the threat of tornadoes, strong thunderstorms and floods not uncommon for our area, it’s important to make sure your household is prepared for anything—especially your young kiddos.

Make storm safety planning a family affair. You can ease everyone’s nerves and ensure that your whole family will respond quickly and safely any time a storm moves in.

Knowing What to Look For

Spending time looking at the clouds with your kids can be a really fun experience. While you try to decide what shapes you see, talk about how to identify storm clouds. Make sure they understand that fast-moving, dark or green-tinted clouds mean it is time to head inside. Introduce them to the sounds of thunder, and talk about what lightning is.

As you talk about how storms look and sound, make sure you also explain the sounds of safety as well. Play tornado sirens on your phone for them, and then find out the next time they will be tested around town. Take the kids outside to hear them well, and then make a game out of it—whoever hears the siren first wins. Keep it light, but make sure they understand that noise is there so they can safely get to shelter ahead of a storm.

Preparing for the Event

If you don’t already have a family storm emergency plan, it’s time to make one. Gather everyone together and start talking about what will happen when the weather starts getting rough.

Let the kids tell you what they think the safest part of your home is, and talk about why a spot on a low level without windows is a good choice. Walk them down to where your safe space will be, and let them add some comfort items. Comfy blankets, pillows, books and toys can help ease stress levels when you do have to wait out a warning.

Make an emergency kit together to keep near that space. Include flashlights, batteries and first-aid supplies. Choose some shelf-stable snacks that everyone likes, and keep plenty of water available as well. Make your kit kid-friendly with fun band-aids, and give them their own flashlights to use as well.

While most items can live in your kit permanently, when storms are predicted add your prescription medications, candles and matches in order to be fully prepared for potential damage or power outages.

You might want to stock up on non-electronic toys like board games, activity books and other fun items. If your power is out for an extended amount of time these will be a great way to keep everyone happy and distracted.

Keeping Calm

Fear of storms is common in all ages, but children can be particularly nervous when lightning and thunder are picking up. For many children, offering them solid facts can quell a lot of concerns.

Tell them the low likelihood of experiencing extreme damage during a thunderstorm or tornado. While you can never rule out damage, most homes primarily suffer roof, siding and damage in the yard.

Most importantly, find ways to keep yourself calm so that you can focus on the safety of your family. The more you can prepare ahead of time, the easier riding out every severe weather event will be.

Storm damage should always be addressed quickly. Contact SERVPRO® day or night for the restoration services you need.

Preparing Ahead of the Storm | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

5/6/2024 (Permalink)

Cutting Limbs From Roof Top When the storm passes, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties for all your storm damage restoration needs.

Mother Nature is something we have to develop a little respect for. Sometimes we will hate what she brings us, and other times we will be singing her praises. Regardless of how we feel about her, we always need to be prepared for the weather she shares everyday. 

Each season brings us a variety of things to both prepare for and be thankful for. Spring and summer bring plenty of rain and occasional severe weather, but it also comes with moderate heat and plenty of reasons to get outside. In the fall and winter, we still see rain and occasional freezes, but most of the days are still just warm enough to get outside every once and a while. 

Regardless of what the weather does bring, the more we are prepared, the safer we can stay. Taking action to get our homes ready and ourselves ready ahead of any storm will mean we ride out every storm well. 

Preparing Your Home

The first step to being ready for any storm is taking care of your home. You can prepare your house throughout the year in order to mitigate as much damage as possible when the weather does get severe. 

Start outside with a little yard prep. Make sure your gutters and downspouts are clear, and that water can run away from your home. Add sloping or organic material to your yard in order to increase absorption and drainage. 

Trim your trees regularly to prevent falling limbs, and secure any furniture that lives outside permanently. Our area can frequently see flooding or tornadoes, so stay prepared for water and wind to mitigate damage. 

Keep up with roof repairs and make sure your attic is well-sealed. Replace loose shingles, and ensure your gutter system isn’t loose anywhere. Walk the outside of your house at least twice a year to look for any wear and tear that you can fix before it turns into a bigger problem. 

Inside your home, dedicate a safe space on the lowest level of your home to ride out severe thunderstorms or tornadoes. Keep emergency supplies nearby as well. Store important paperwork in a location that might not be drenched if the Mississippi rises or your roof springs a leak. 

Preparing Yourself

Along with keeping your home prepared to weather storms well, you should also take some regular steps to prepare yourself. 

Always have two ways to receive weather alerts. This should include something that does not require electricity in case a storm blows through that knocks out the power. 

Create a plan with your family so that everyone knows where to go when things get severe. This should especially include how to stay safe during a tornado and a flood. Make sure everyone knows what your evacuation plan is as well, in case orders are issued. 

The more you can do throughout the year to keep yourself and your home safe from storms, the less your damage will be. Being prepared also means you can rest a little easier and enjoy the nice weather each season brings. 

Do you have storm damage on your property? Contact us to get things repaired quickly.

Preventing Flood Damage: The Basics | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

Have you ever thought about how if you really want to get something done well, you just have to take it back to the basics? If you have kids and have ever had to help with their math homework, going back to the basics is the easiest way to avoid the tears (yours) that can come along with learning new skills.

Going back to the basics is a good way to protect your home from potential disasters, too. With basic home maintenance, you can take action against most of what Mother Nature has in store for us. We may not be able to keep her completely in check, but when you have covered the basics, you can mitigate major damage and get back on your feet faster.

Flooding is one of the top ways homes across the nation are damaged—which make covering the basics of preventing flood damage crucial.

Know Your Zone

Flooding can happen in a number of ways, and not all of them stem from the weather. While manmade disasters can catch you off-guard and leave behind a good deal of damage, they often tend to be easier to find, correct and recover from than a natural disaster. Flash floods, ponding water from heavy rain, roof leaks and other flooding can be pretty devastating, and they can happen to anyone.

Get to know our area’s flood zones. This can help you better understand your risks and how much preparation you need to do.

Even if you are not in a flood zone, it’s important to note how wet your yard and community can be when rains get heavy. If you are in a low-lying area, it may be helpful to add extra drainage to your yard or lengthen your downspouts to keep water away from your home.

If your home is surrounded by a lot of trees, covering your gutters to prevent blockages can be a great investment. It is also a good idea to keep a close eye on your roof during the fall and after windstorms to keep everything clear so water can move cleanly and quickly away. The more you can get to know your area, the safer you can keep your home.

Prepare to Prevent

While getting to know your area is a great first step toward protecting your home from water damage, there are a few other steps you should take as well. Start with your yard—the more you can help the rain move, the less likely it will be to enter your home.

Make sure your yard slopes away from your home. If there is a particular spot in your yard that just stays wet, consider adding a rain garden or other organic materials that will pull water down into the earth. Go underground with your gutter downspouts if you can. These can run the length of your yard and dump water directly into drainage areas to help keep things dry.

Inside your home, make sure your basement, windows and doors are well-sealed. Check and update caulking seasonally as needed, and have your basement professionally sealed when there are visible cracks. Add a sump pump to your basement to pull water out before things get flooded.

Taking things back to the basics is the best way to get and stay prepared. Add these simple items to your monthly checklist and rest easy knowing that your home is protected from flooding—and it was easier to do than teaching your kid math.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Be Prepared for Spring Storms | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

3/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm Let SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties help you get from April showers to May flowers.

Spring has arrived, and we know well that spring in our area can come with the possibility for strong storms. Our spring season often brings cold mornings, warm afternoons and heavy thunderstorms.

The further we get into spring, the more severe storms can become. Tornadoes are not uncommon this time of year either, which means it is crucial to be prepared for anything all season long.

When storms are headed your way, you need to have reliable sources from which to receive weather alerts from. Getting an alert in time to move to safety can save your life, so it is very important to make sure you are staying well informed when the weather is getting strong.

The Power of the Internet

It’s likely that you are never very far away from your cell phone or some other kind of screen, which makes these one of the most common ways to receive weather alerts. There are many apps that will issue weather alerts, and there are Wireless Emergency Alerts that are issued automatically.

When it comes to choosing an app to use for weather alerts, make sure you are choosing a reliable source. Use a local weather station app or stick with something that is nationally recognized in order to get the best information possible. Make sure you have signed up for Rave alerts for the most localized information direct from the office of Emergency Management.

Ideally, you want to have at least two different sources for real-time updates on not just the progress of the storm but also potential shelters so that you can find a place to go as needed.

Non-Electronic Options

While our electronics make our life highly convenient and can be a great way to keep up with real-time news, they also have batteries that can die rather quickly. For that reason, it is important to have a backup alert system that does not require electricity. Even if you have a wireless battery charger, you still only have a slightly prolonged life for your cell phone or other electronics.

If there are weather sirens near your home, familiarize yourself with what they sound like so you can keep an ear out when storms are moving your way. You should also invest in an NOAA weather radio.

Weather radios often require no external source of power. Many of them are powered by a hand-crank or solar power, and they can remain on for a great deal of hours. These are portable, which means they are easy to keep by your side when you need to head to a safe space or evacuate.

Be prepared to keep your weather radio on and at hand even after the storms have moved out since strong storms can come in waves and there may be more danger coming.

Even the most prepared home could still end up damaged when a storm rolls through town. If you ride out a storm only to find damage once it has passed, call us. We are available and ready to respond around the clock so that you can get your home put back together fast.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 247 for immediate restoration assistance.

The Types of Home Damage | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

residentail home with roof destroyed and debris falling down If you discover damage in your residence, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties right away.

There are a multitude of threats to our homes these days. Volatile weather, potential fires, structural aging…even just the rogue golf ball from the neighbor’s yard can leave you with a broken window and another reason to call your insurance company.

Even with the potential risks we all face each day, we can’t live in a state of worry. Natural disasters are not always predictable, but when you are prepared, you can often ride out even the most unexpected storm with minimal damage.

In order to prepare for them, you have to understand the ways your home can be damaged. When you know the threats you face, you will also understand how easy restoration can be when the team from SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can handle every aspect of your recovery.

The Biggest Risks

The risks to your home from outside sources will vary according to where you live, but there are some threats everyone should be aware of. Water damage, roof damage and fire are some of the biggest dangers to structures and homes everywhere.

Being on the banks of the Mississippi means that flooding is a very big risk for our neighborhoods. We have seen it overflow many times after heavy rains, tornadoes and even the occasional snow shower. Tornadoes also threaten our homes, particularly in the spring and summer, with winds that could damage roofs or knock trees down.

Water damage can come from a multitude of sources, including internal sources like appliances and external sources like flooding. Your roof is vulnerable in a multitude of ways as well, with issues that could be created from strong winds, heavy rains or just seemingly random incidents like a loose limb falling. The same goes for sources of fire, although most house fires are from manmade problems, both internally and externally.

Compounding Damages

As if it isn’t bad enough to suffer through one threat to your home, when a disaster strikes, it often results in compounded damages. A flood will not only leave your property wet, but it can also lead to mold growth that might affect your foundation.

A fire doesn’t just damage the part of your home that had flames in it—smoke and soot spread to adjoining rooms and can leave walls stained and your whole house with a lingering burning odor. When the fire is extinguished, the surrounding area can be affected by water damage or damage from the chemicals in a fire extinguisher.

Whether your home was damaged in a natural or manmade disaster, it is likely your recovery process will require many steps. Working with our team can make things easier. SERVPRO is well-equipped to handle every part of your unique restoration. We are highly equipped to handle water, wind and fire damage as well as construction, remodeling and mold remediation, meaning no matter what you face, we can help.

When your home takes on floodwater in the basement or rain water through the roof, we will first handle drying up every bit of moisture. This will include odor removal as well, particularly in your softer materials. We can also replace roof beams, seal areas of your home at risk from mold and sanitize the areas that need it.

If your home experiences a fire, we can repair burned areas of your home while cleaning any soot and smoke damage that spreads into rooms unharmed by flames. We can also address the water issues that will arise from the act of putting the flames out. If a part of your home is damaged beyond repair, we can tear it down and rebuild it exactly as you want it.

Working with SERVPRO not only means you have a team that will coordinate repairs with your insurance company, it also means you won’t have to hire multiple contractors. It is our goal to make your process as smooth as possible, and we have the availability, training and tools to do just that.

Does your home need restoration and you don’t want to make more than one call? Contact us to get everything handled by one team.

Preparing for Winter Storms | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

11/17/2023 (Permalink)

snowy highway with vehicles driving in a squall The winter season is almost upon us! SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has your back with these helpful tips.

Winter is a mixed bag in the Cape. We might have one week that feels like spring followed by a week full of snow, sleet and freezing temperatures. The weather could also bring us lots of rain throughout the season. Either way, we are left with dangerous roads and potential risks to our homes.

No matter what winter brings us, the more we prepare, the safer we can keep our homes and our families. When you are ready, you can prevent a disaster and avoid the need for costly repairs all season long.

Preparing Your Home

When a winter storm is predicted to be headed our way, the best thing you can do is prepare to be at home for a little while. You want to avoid travel as much as possible once things start getting wet—cold rains, snow or sleet can leave roads extremely dangerous.

Be prepared for the potential of a long-term power outage by checking on your emergency supplies. Make sure you have a weather radio that is in good working order, and put together a kit of other items that can help you stay safe and warm.

Your emergency kit should include basic first-aid supplies, batteries and flashlights. You will also want to make sure you have enough food and water for at least three days for each member of your household. The same goes for any prescription medications. Blankets, warm clothing layers and a safe way to stay warm are other items you will want to get ready ahead of a storm hitting.

Take a look at your contact list as well. You may need to consider another place to stay if things get really cold. Talk with family and friends, and check into community options for warming up. The Salvation Army in the Cape often opens for both daytime and overnight warming options.

Taking Care of Your Home After the Storm

Once a storm has passed and you can safely do so, assess your home for potential damage. Even if all is well for now, you may need to do a little maintenance to ensure it stays that way long after everything has melted away.

While heavy snows are not the most common form of winter weather in Scott County, when a winter storm rolls through, you should take a look at your roof. You want to make sure there isn’t snow or ice piled up anywhere and ensure your gutter system is clear. Cold rains can lead to ice that blocks your gutters or downspouts.

Walk the perimeter of your home as well, and make sure gutters are still firmly attached and connected. When ice or snow melts a disconnected gutter can lead to roof leaks or water damage to windows and siding. Make sure exterior vents are clear from any debris as well. A blocked vent can cause carbon monoxide buildup inside your home, which can become a deadly situation.

How We Can Help

Once you have been able to assess your home, call our team to fix any damage you incurred. We are available 247, so even if you experienced a major disaster during the storm we can respond quickly in order to start safely securing your home.

We will handle any water, wind or other damage your home was left with quickly so that you can get back to enjoying (or hiding from) everything winter has to offer.

Our team is always ready for anything! Contact us at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties for a quick restoration after suffering damage from a winter storm.

Storm-Proofing the Outside of Your Home | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Empty parking lot with lots of greenery shown during a heavy downpour of rain. Have you been impacted by the unusual summer storm season? SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has your back when you experience water damage.

Wind, rain, hail, tornadoes, floods…the list of potential risks to your home from storms is long. While the extremes vary according to your location, there are always going to be threats you need to be prepared for.

Owning a home comes with a lot of responsibilities. On top of everyday maintenance and regular cleaning, you should also take steps to protect your home from the countless possibilities of damages that can come from seasonal weather threats.

Life in Tornado Alley means that while most of our strong storms in the Cape happen during the spring, we have to be ready for them year-round. It is not uncommon to have strong thunderstorms, flooding and high winds as well.

When it comes to avoiding storm damages, the best place to start is outside. Take the time to storm-proof the outside of your house so you can mitigate your risks and avoid costly repairs later.

Seasonal Preps

The good news about protecting your home from storms is that it doesn’t have to be complicated. Most of getting your home ready for the season can be worked into your regular routines. Get the family involved and make it fun while you work!

No matter where you live, strong winds and heavy rain are always a possible way your home can be damaged. Keep your trees trimmed, clean your gutters and remove loose debris often in order to avoid flying objects that could break windows or pooling water that could flood your basement. Don’t forget about your patio furniture, either—tie it down or have a safe place to store it when a storm rolls in.

Spend some time walking around your property and looking for gaps or deteriorated wood. By maintaining caulking around window and door frames, you can avoid potential leaks during a heavy rain.

You should also check your roof after every wind event and at least once every four months. Replace missing or loose shingles as fast as possible, and watch for openings around gutters, edges or any chimney area.

Home Upgrades

While most preparations for storms can be done cost-free, there are a few things you should consider adding or updating depending on the region you live in.

Storm shutters can be a great way to quickly protect your home, especially if your house is in an area where strong winds are common. You might also consider upgrading the windows themselves to thicker materials that can withstand a lot of abuse. In highly forested areas, gutter guards can help prevent clogged gutters and potential water damages.

Adding reinforcements to the bracing on your outbuildings or additional structural tie-downs to a modular home can also be a helpful way to keep everything where it is supposed to be during an intense storm.

Always have two ways to receive weather alerts, and identify a safe space in your home so that you can respond quickly when storms get severe. If you do experience damage, call us day or night. We are ready to get your home put back together fast.

Was your home damaged in a storm? Call us at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to start restoration, 247.

What to Do After a Storm | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

9/19/2023 (Permalink)

Dramatic night shot of a home with visible roof damage from a recently storm and fallen debris Summer storms affecting your property? Call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to restore your space in no time!

Even when you have plenty of time to prepare for it, the strength of a severe storm can completely overwhelm you. A strong thunderstorm can blow in and leave behind a wake of destruction in a matter of minutes.

Weather in the Cape can be a mixed bag, but we have certainly seen our share of storms. Thunderstorms can be common throughout the year, but tornadoes also become a threat we have to be prepared for during the spring and summer seasons. Flooding is also a very real possibility in our towns since we are so close to the Mississippi.

Taking steps to prepare ahead of time can go a long way in preventing extreme damages, but it may not stop them all. So, once you have safely made it through a storm only to discover your home is in less than top shape, what do you do?

Safety should be your top priority for yourself and your family. If you made it to your sheltering space with only a few minutes to spare, take a minute to breathe and maybe find some shoes or other proper clothing before starting to assess the damages.

Once you are safely able to do so, take a few steps to secure a quick and easy recovery and continue to keep your family protected.

Immediately After the Storm

After the storm has passed, continue to stay aware of potential rain, hail or lightning that could be lingering in the area. Keep your weather radio or other devices nearby in case another warning is issued. Make sure there is a clear path back to your safe space so everyone can move quickly if necessary.

Contact your loved ones if there is phone service available once the majority of the threat has passed. Text messaging generally works even when cell service is low. Make sure anyone you need to check in on knows the best way to get in touch.

If you are unable to reach them using technology, go check on your neighbors. Stay out of damaged buildings, but look for access points to help them safely escape or create a clear path for emergency services to reach them.

Take as many photos as you are able in order to begin documenting the damage done, and give SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties a call. We can take your call 247, and your restoration process will begin the moment we connect over the phone.

As More Time Passes

The more time that passes, the more evident the work ahead of you will become. Continue to stay extremely cautious of both your surroundings as you move about and the weather. Watch for loose nails, boards and other hazards that could injure you as you begin to clean up. Keep your cell phone charged if you are able, or keep a battery-operated weather radio nearby in case things get rough again.

Do what you can to prevent any further damage, like tarping parts of your roof that have been damaged to keep water out or sealing off windows. These will be some of our team’s top priorities when they make it to your property, along with removing any standing water and drying out as much of your possessions as possible.

SERVPRO® works directly with your insurance company so you can rest assured that your claim is being handled correctly. Depending on the severity of your damage, you may need to secure a safe location to stay during the restoration.

Most importantly, do what you can to remain calm throughout the entire process. Storm damage can be devastating, but with a crew of well-trained professionals, your home will be put back together in no time.

If a storm leaves your home damaged, contact us for fast recovery. We’re here 247 when you need us.

It’s Windy Out There! Prepare Your Home | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

6/9/2023 (Permalink)

Dense forest area with trees bending due to intense wind and rain If you've suffered from storm-related damage to your home or business, make SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties your first call.

When a soft breeze whips through your hair on a hot day, it can feel like a sweet gift from the earth. You can’t see the wind, but it is one of those ever-present things we know we can count on being there—even when we may not want it to be.

While a cool breeze can leave you feeling great, when wind gets strong, it can be incredibly destructive and leave your home in complete ruins. Strong winds are often associated with severe storms, but they can blow even when the skies are blue outside.

Get to know more about strong winds and the damage they can cause, then take steps to protect your home and keep your loved ones safe.

The Different Kinds of Wind

More than half of reported damaging winds originate from thunderstorms, even more than from tornadoes. It’s a threat you shouldn’t take lightly.

We’re no strangers to heavy winds. In February, strong winds knocked down trees and took the awning off a favorite local spot, Mana Tea.

Thunderstorms come with a variety of threats, but the wind in these storms can commonly reach up to 60 miles per hour. At that speed, debris can be kicked around yards easily. Storms with high winds are a common occurrence in our area, particularly in the spring and summer.

Straight-line winds are one kind of wind that often result from thunderstorms. These can be wide-reaching winds of up to 100 miles per hour, and they can leave behind damages even in areas that don’t see any rain. Straight-line winds refer to any kind of wind that isn’t associated with rotation.

Tornadoes, like thunderstorms, carry a wide variety of threats. These storms are particularly damaging because of the different kinds of winds that come with them, and they can be a fairly common threat here in the Cape.

Tornadoes often contain straight-line winds, downdrafts and bursts called micro- and macro-bursts. All of these different kinds of winds add up to equal a total path of destruction for anything they come across.

Wind Damage and Prevention

Downed trees, blown-around debris and damaged power lines are some of the most common kinds of wind damage, but even an anchored mobile home can be severely damaged when winds are over 80 miles per hour.

One of the best ways to stay safe is to understand the different weather alerts associated with high winds so that you can act accordingly to seek protection. Securing loose objects that are outside permanently (porch chairs, trash cans, benches) is another way to prevent damage that you can do long before the wind starts blowing.

Keep your trees trimmed, and consider professional maintenance every five to 10 years to take care of particularly tall trees. Remove loose limbs in your yard frequently, as well as anything else that can become projectile objects in the wind.

Locate an interior room in your home where you can avoid windows if an alert is issued. You might also consider investing in storm shutters that can protect your home.

Once the winds have subsided, walk around your house and property to check for damage. Pay particular attention to your roof so you can replace shingles or other damage before water can start seeping in. Call SERVPRO® if you do have damage, and we will get your home back together quickly.

Has your home been damaged by wind? Call us and get things cleaned up fast.

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties team is always here for you, if you experience any storm damage call us right away.

3/15/2023 (Permalink)

img src ="sky" alt = "dark stormy clouds forming into a spring storm " > SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties team is always here for you, if you experience any storm damage call us right away.

Showers, Flowers and Spring Water Damage Prevention | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

The most magical time of year is right around the corner—spring! You can finally start pulling out lighter clothes and putting away heavy jackets, but don’t forget to also start preparing your home for the additional rain and potential for severe weather.

When you start your spring-cleaning inside, start thinking of ways you can also do some cleanup outside in order to protect your home from damage. Take care of the most vulnerable places and avoid costly damages.

Clean It Out

As we emerge out of the cold season, it is crucial to clean up any built-up debris that may have accumulated. A winter that has seen large amounts of rain along with a little ice and snow could have caused gutters filled with leaves and other debris. Use the warmer days to make sure both the gutters and the downspouts are cleared so that rain can flow away from your home.

Warmer weather is also a great reminder to walk your property and ensure that HVAC vents and dryer vents are free of any blockages. All the rain we have had over the season could have forced leftover leaves and loose limbs into piles that will need to be removed to prevent both water and fire damages.

Check your outdoor faucets as well. While you should keep covers handy in case of a late freeze, look for cracks or leaks in your pipes. These little issues can become big problems when left unchecked and not corrected quickly.

Fix Issues Fast

Because we spend so much time indoors during the winter, it can be hard to catch developing issues to our roof or foundation. Choose a warm week early in spring to inspect your roof for loose shingles. Check around your chimney flashing, as well, since this is often one of the first places to leak.

Minor issues on your roof can lead to leaks that drip through your attic and damage the rest of your house. It is not unusual to see strong storms early in the spring season, including those with high winds and potential tornadoes. For this reason, it is important to quickly address problems in order to prevent a disaster when the weather turns severe.

Get Ready for the Water

Along with your roof, you should prepare the lower level of your home as spring rains can leave your basement at risk for flooding. If you have a sump pump, get it inspected while the weather is still cold for the peace of mind knowing that water will be continually moved out of your home. Check for clogged drains and make sure walls, windows and doors are still well-sealed to avoid additional moisture as well.

Restock your family emergency kit, and practice your safety plan. Take out your winter gear and replace it with ponchos and other items to help you deal with excessive rain.

Update the batteries in your flashlights, and make sure you have two ways to receive weather alerts. Severe weather is extremely common in our area during spring, and it can pop up very quickly. Make sure you and your family are always ready to move to safety when necessary.

While there are a lot of ways you can prepare your house from spring and the excessive rain that often comes with it, water damage might still happen. SERVPRO is the around-the-clock team that can respond to your property and start the drying process fast. We have all the training and equipment to save as much as your property as possible, and it is our goal to stop damage fast so you can get back to life.

Got water damage? We are here to help 247 and can restore your home quickly.

Winter Is Coming. Are You Ready? | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

11/21/2022 (Permalink)

side by side view of a hot and cold thermometer If you experience damage due to a winter storm, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We have the experience and equipment for any issue.

The winter season may officially start on Dec. 21 in 2022, but if you travel across the nation, it will look very different each place you go. While our temperatures have started to fall, areas like ours tend to slip into winter quietly with mild and comfortable weather. Other areas take a headfirst dive into winter with snow and ice that starts early and stays late.

Anywhere you live will have unique challenges in the winter as the weather brings different threats to your home that could send your family out into a chilly (or rainy or foggy or snowy…you get the picture) night.

When you know what to anticipate, you can prepare your home and loved ones for the season and mitigate the chances that your home will be damaged in a winter storm.

Winter Around the Nation

Snow-filled, cold, drenched and mild are all words that have been used to describe the winter weather forecast across the nation this year, and when you split the United States into two halves, you can clearly see who can expect what.

In some parts of the East Coast and the Midwest, winter is expected to bring freezing temperatures and heavy snowstorms for almost the entirety of the season. Out on the West Coast, winter will be much more mild as temperatures only drop a little and rain dominates over snow.

Things could look slightly different than these two predictions region to region, but it is always best to be prepared for everything in order to protect your property and the ones your love the most.

Winter Around the Cape

Our weather in the Show-Me State is always a bit unpredictable, but we can anticipate winter being colder than normal with the chance to see more snow and less rain throughout the season.

November could be one of the coldest months, but we will likely be dealing with the winter season well into February. We typically average 10 inches of snow in a three-month period in the Cape, which can sometimes lead to a swollen river. The more prepared we are now, the better we can weather the season.

Get Prepared

In order to get yourself prepared, there are a couple of steps everyone should take ahead of the season. The first thing you should do is get familiar with the different kinds of winter storms. that could blow through the area.

Next, make sure you always have two different devices on which you can receive weather alerts, including one that doesn’t require external power in case a storm knocks out your electricity.

A kit with emergency supplies is another great way to prepare for the winter. Store this in a safe space near an interior room, and review its contents periodically. Pack one with seasonally appropriate supplies for the car as well in case you are ever caught out in the cold.

Even if the temperatures don’t drop to extreme lows, adding some weatherproofing to your windows and doors is a great way to protect your home from moisture invasions and lower your electric bill. Cover your outdoor faucets as well as our colder months approach to avoid frozen pipes.

Your roof does a lot to protect your home year-round, but take a special look at it before winter really sets in and repair anything necessary. Trim trees that are near your home, seal windows and doors and consider adding a little extra insulation to your attic to make a big difference in how well your home weathers the storm.

The magic of winter can wrap you in a big cozy blanket with a steaming cup of hot chocolate when you know your home is ready. Put SERVPRO in your emergency contact list and use our 247 availability anytime your home is damaged in a storm for a fast cleanup that gets you back to all things comfy.

If you experience damage in a winter storm, call us. We have the experience and equipment to get your home back to normal

Types of Storm Damage | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

8/18/2022 (Permalink)

 < img src =”lightning.jpg” alt = "a large lightning strike off in the distance of a dark sky" When you suffer storm-related damage to your home or business, make SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties your first call.

When a storm rolls in, we all begin to worry about the safety of ourselves and the safety of our homes. Most homes are constructed to withstand a good deal of weather, but even the strongest house in the safest spot could still see damage when a crazy storm moves in.

Disasters can arise from winds, freezing rain, snow, floods or hail, and will vary according to the season. All storms that occur throughout the year, large or small, can be a threat to your property.

What your home is exposed to will depend on the kind of storm coming, as well as several other factors when it comes to risks. Geographic location and landscaping are two big factors to consider, as well as the way in which your home is constructed.

While we can see a wide variety of good and bad weather over the year here in the Cape, tornadoes are a serious source of potential disasters. Strong thunderstorms, hail and straight-line winds are also common emergencies we have to contend with. Preparing for the damages that can come when these weather extremes hit is incredibly important.

When you do have damage on your property, it may not be safe to stay in your home. While most storm damage will be obvious immediately, damage may have been done to the structure of your home that you might not be able to see. Let an expert assess your property, and make sure you include alternate locations to shelter in your emergency plans.

No matter what the weather may bring, the more you know about storms and the damages that can result from them, the safer you can keep your home and yourself.


Wind damage can occur in just about any storm and during any season, but is particularly threatening when gusts pummel buildings at high speeds. Tornadoes and hurricanes always come with extremely intense winds, but even a typical thunderstorm can have gusts of up to 100 mph and pack a powerful punch when it comes to property damage.

Winds at that strength can carry debris long distances and plunk it down on cars or houses. When the winds are picking up, make sure you are inside an interior room, and avoid walls and windows. When debris is thrown around in the wind, it can easily break window panes or even puncture walls.

Make a habit of walking your property on a regular basis in order to pick up loose limbs and large rocks. If you have furniture outside of your home, tie it down somehow so that it can’t be thrown in the wind. And if you have been meaning to take down that dead tree, go ahead and get it out before Mother Nature does.


Water damage is one of the most common ways properties are damaged across the United States. Even when a storm isn’t severe, it can dump a substantial amount of rain and create ponding water or flash floods that will threaten your home.

Keep an eye on your window and door seals to ensure water doesn’t intrude from these two locations during storms. If enough water pools up, it can begin to soak through the very foundation of your home and can cause structural damage.

You can limit the extent of damage that water can do though by being intentional about how you use the space on the exterior of your home. Landscape in a way that creates a slope so water runs down, and consider adding a rain garden to your yard. This is a beautiful way to add both curb appeal and a highly effective absorption source.

Your gutters are another important part of water damage mitigation, and should be kept cleaned year-round in order to work effectively. When gutters are filled with foreign substances, the water can overflow and even puddle up on your roof, which can create a leak that could damage every level of your home interior.


Another common source of damage is from items that make contact, or impact, with your home or other property. Fallen trees or thrown debris are the most common sources of impact damage, which can be completely catastrophic.

The best way to prevent impact damages is to keep your trees trimmed and debris cleaned up. Don’t let Mother Nature take down trees for you—stay ahead of storms and protect your property.

In 2021, the United States saw over $145 billion in weather-related damages. When you take the time to prepare your home and yourself, you can avoid the need to make costly repairs and mitigate your risks to create a safe and secure home.

If you do end up with damages to your property after a storm, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We are locally owned and operated, and with 247 availability, our experts can get your restoration started and finished faster. Our years of experience and industry-leading equipment are ready to work for you in any disaster the moment you call.

When you suffer storm-related damage to your home or business, it’s important that you know who to call! Contact us today to get your storm damage restoration started faster

Staying Safe During Storm Alerts | SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

7/12/2022 (Permalink)

 < img src =”sign.jpg” alt = "a red and white severe weather alert sign" > If you suspect any damage to your home from a recent storm, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties.

When it comes to severe weather, there are 42 different kinds of alerts from seven categories. That can be a lot of information to take in, especially if the weather turns scary.

When you learn what warnings or advisories we may have in Missouri, it means you can quickly get to safety. It also means you can take steps and protect your home and loved ones.

A general idea of different kinds of weather and warnings is important, but it is also incredibly important to understand the weather that most often happens right here in Cape Girardeau.

<h4alerts-are-issued">How Alerts Are Issued

How are alerts issued? If a forecast is just a prediction, how is the storm actually monitored? There are multiple factors that answer both of those questions.

The National Weather Service is responsible for forecasting and alerts. There are six regional offices and around 100 forecasting offices, which means localized forecasts and warnings. Our weather alerts come from the St. Louis forecasting office.

The NWS uses several forms of research to create a forecast, including various sensors, solar activity, seismic meters and satellite radar. The kind of research used will change depending on the weather event, but the result is always an accurate forecast.

<h4most-important-alerts-to-understand">The Most Important Alerts to Understand

Understanding alerts for our area is essential, but everyone should also know the difference between a watch and a warning. These alert types are used in every weather event, including thunderstorms, winter storms and flooding events.

watch means you should prepare for a storm that may be severe. A warning means a severe storm is happening and you should seek safety. Watches cover large areas, while warnings include the county or city where the danger will be.

Our weather around Cape and Scott counties is very seasonally driven, with cold winters and hot summers. We often experience everything from winter storms to tornadoes, so it is essential to understand a wide variety of weather warnings. Living so close to the Mississippi River means that river flooding and flash flooding are a very common risk, so understanding flood warnings and watches is particularly important.

<h4your-home-during-a-storm">Protecting Your Home During a Storm

Understanding alerts before a storm is the first way to protect your home, but there are also other steps you can take to lower your risk of damage.

Maintaining your rain gutters and safely securing outdoor furniture can prevent both flood damage and wind damage.

Have a safe space in a basement or interior room of your home with supplies for your loved ones when you need to ride out a storm, or an exit plan to get out when that is the safest choice.

After the storm, walk your property to access damages, and call us at SERVPRO. We are available 247 in order to save as much of your home as possible and start restoration faster.

Learn about Missouri weather so that you can stay safe in any storm. Take time and make yourself aware of the different alerts that can be issued and handle the next storm safely.

Experienced storm damage to your home or property? Contact us today for a quick response!

5 Interesting Facts about Hurricanes and Tornado Safety

5/16/2022 (Permalink)

5 Interesting Hurricane Facts

1. The term "hurricane" was derived from the Taino Native American word "hurucane," which means the "evil spirit wind."

2. The planet Jupiter has a hurricane that is bigger than the Earth itself and has been spinning for 300 years.

3. Every second, a hurricane releases the same amount of energy as ten atomic bombs.

4. At least 40% of the hurricanes that happen in the United States occur in Florida.

5. Hurricanes are only known as "hurricanes" in North America. They are called "typhoons" in Asia and "tropical cyclones" everywhere else in the world.

Building Safety Month

This week, the focus of Building Safety Month is on Disaster Preparedness, which is relevant to any type of natural disaster, not just hurricanes. Understanding Four Phases of Emergency Management can help you be better prepared for when a disaster may strike. Investing in things like a safe room can add tremendous value to your building safety. Visit for other tips to make sure you are tornado-ready.

As always, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your locally-owned mitigation company that can help with any storm damage that you might have. We are available 24/7/365 at 573-339-1948.

What to Do When a Storm Moves In

5/5/2022 (Permalink)

a dark stormy sky with lighting strikes in the background SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your 24/7 storm damage expert. Call us right away if you need immediate service.

Weather can be a scary thing when it turns extreme. There are an average of 100,000 thunderstorms in the United States annually. This frequent weather event can come with lightning, hail, heavy rain and strong winds that leave behind damage and other personal dangers.

Our weather brings a wide variety of temperatures, from cold winters to hot summers. We have experienced tornadoes, flooding from heavy rainfall and, of course, thunderstorms. Spring brings the highest percentage of storms as our temperatures fluctuate widely, but there is never a time of the year that we are exempt from severe weather.

This threat serves as a reminder to us to stay prepared with an emergency weather plan. From communication strategies to emergency kits, having a plan in place can ensure your safety and minimize the risk of damage to your property.

Your Severe Weather Communication Strategy

When bad weather strikes, it is key to be able to communicate with your entire household, as well as authorities. It is essential to understand the difference between a watch and warning so that you know when to stay and when to go.

You should have more than one way to receive alerts from weather officials. Your cell phone and a weather radio from the NOAA should be charged and ready for use before a storm begins.

communication strategy for everyone in your home should be the key piece of your weather plan. Each person should know where the designated safe space is in your home, typically a basement or bathroom. A system for those family members that may not be home should also be part of your emergency plan, so that all can check in with one another. The key goal is always knowing that everyone is safe and accounted for.

Your Severe Weather Emergency Kit

An emergency kit is something you can prepare ahead of time and update throughout the year. It should contain enough water and food for each member of your household to sustain them through 72 hours of sheltering in place.

First-aid supplies, flashlights, batteries and any comfort items that can aid in the calming of your family should also be in the kit.

Your Severe Weather Aftermath Checklist

After the storm moves on, you need to know what to do next in order to act quickly for both the safety of your family and to minimize any damages. Once it is safe to do so, you should check around your home for any damages, paying special attention to your windows, doors and roof. These areas are highly likely to allow water in, and you will want to mitigate any potential moisture leakage.

If your home has been damaged, make us your first call. Our trusted professionals at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau and Scott Counties want to offer you peace of mind by starting your restorations quickly and getting you back to normal.

When you are able to gather your family, review your emergency plan and make any needed changes. Did your kit have enough in it? How did your communication system work? What more can you do to make everyone feel safe and calm for next time? Let your emergency plan be something you constantly revisit so you are always ready.

If you discover storm damage to your home or business, you can count on SERVPRO to handle the restoration. We’re here 247 to spring into action—get in touch with us today.

Hurricane Preparedness Week

4/28/2022 (Permalink)

National Hurricane Preparedness Week is a nationwide effort during the first week in May to raise awareness about being prepared for a hurricane to strike. This year it will be observed May 1-7, 2022. One way you can observe this week is create an emergency preparedness plan. Your plan should answer questions about safe shelter, best evacuation routes, effective communication methods, etc. You can tailor your plan to the specific needs of your household and have regular meetings to review the plan with your loved ones.

Next, focus on where you live. Your home might be sturdy, but will it be sturdy enough to handle strong hurricane winds? Research hurricane building code specifications and make sure your home meets them. Also check to see if your home insurance company covers flooding. Now is a great time to gather emergency supplies. From radios to flashlights to solar-powered chargers, you need to ensure you have everything you and your family need to survive. You should also restock on non-perishable food, water, and medicine to last for at least 3 days.

Hurricane preparedness is more important than ever before. Hurricanes have been getting worse due to climate change. Contact your local SERVPRO franchise for more readiness tips, including SERVPRO's Emergency READY Profile® (ERP). Having an ERP in place for your commercial facility can help minimize business interruption in the event of a disaster.

How does this affect Southeast Missouri?

While we are landlocked in Southeast Missouri, Hurricane Preparedness Week can be applied to tornado situations, which are much more popular in the Midwest. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties  deals with various storm cleanups, including tornadoes, and yes, even hurricanes. 

It is not uncommon for our local franchise out of Cape to send a team of people to aid in hurricane relief, when the situation arises. We aid other local SERVPRO franchises in their efforts to serve their community when the disaster is overwhelming.

Maybe you have a beach house that is subject to hurricanes that needs the attention that Hurricane Preparedness Week brings.

We want you safe. We want your home or business safe. And if and when you need us, we will help make it "Like it never even happened."

The Cost of Flood Damage

4/28/2022 (Permalink)

The International Code Council states that flooding is both the most common natural disaster in the United States and just one inch of water can cause catastrophic damage to homes and business. 

FEMA has an interactive tool that can help you visualize and see the cost of flood damage in your home. 

At SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties, we regularly services homes and businesses that are affected by floodwater. It is critical to make sure you have a type of flood coverage on your insurance policy to help offset that dramatic costs you may see in a water damage situation caused by rainwater and floods. Talk with your local agent about adding that coverage, otherwise you would have to pay for the mitigation and expenses to rebuild/remodel out of your own pocket. 

Despite your insurance coverage, it is important to have the professionals at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties come in a mitigate the situation instead of trying to handle it yourself. Our protocols and knowledge help prevent future mold situations and also ensure the proper level of sanitization of the situation so that your home or business is not left with harmful bacteria and contents from the water.

We are available 24/7/365 to service your flood emergencies. Don't hesitate to call us at 573-339-1948.

Real-Life Storm Damage Scenario

3/3/2022 (Permalink)

We hope you never have to deal with storm damage to your home. If it is not something you have experienced, then there is likely a lot about the job process and cleanup that is unfamiliar to you. There are lots services that we offer within each job, some of which you may have never even thought about. We would like to give you a real-life scenario with real services that were performed by SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties for this customer:


Strong straight-line winds came through in a storm and caused a large tree limb to fall through the roof, causing extensive damage and a power outage to a two-level (main and basement) residential home. Eight (8) different rooms were affected. These were list of services provided and coordinated by SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to make this customer's experience Like it never even happened.®

  • Roof Tarping
  • Tree Limb Removal
  • Roof Repair
  • Debris Removal
  • Water Extraction
  • Air Movers Placed (27)
  • Dehumidifiers Placed (4)
  • Generator Placed (1)
  • Carpet Removed
  • Carpet Pad Removed
  • Subfloor Removed
  • Laminate Removed
  • Vinyl Removed
  • Trim Removed
  • Daily Monitoring of Drying Progress
  • Contents Pack-Out
  • Reconstruction

Call the SERVPRO® Professionals

If there were any items on that list you would not name on your own, then that is why it is important to call SERVPRO. It is critical in storm damage situations that restoration professionals are called in to handle the job. There is a science to the drying on top of safety precautions that are taken. If you are ever faced with a mess to cleanup after your house has experienced damage from a storm, give the professionals at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties a call at 573-339-1948 so we can help make it Like it never even happened.®

PPP: Pet Preparedness Plan - Prepared In Case A Storm Storms In

8/21/2021 (Permalink)

Do you have a PPP (pet preparedness plan)? If not, it’s good to have one prepared in case a storm storms in. As you know, a storm can storm in at any given moment. And you never know what kind of devastation it can cause until the aftermath. What you do beforehand can make all the difference. The professionals here at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties have seen the extent of damage a storm can cause to your residential or commercial property. The best armor for a storm is preparedness. It’s also important to have a preparedness plan for you and your family. 

Pets are members of your family, so why would you not make them a part of your preparedness planning? lists the following items as essentials for building a Pet Emergency Kit: 


Be sure to include at least a three-day food supply for your pets in an airtight, waterproof container. This can help keep their food fresh and safe. 


Be sure to have at least a three-day water supply specific for your fur babies. It’s important to keep your pets hydrated, especially during the summer months. 

Medicines & Medical Records

Be sure to include your pet’s medicine and medical records for good measure. 

Important Documents

Be sure to include important documentation like registration information, adoption papers, and vaccination records. 

First Aid Kit

Inside your pet’s First Aid Kit, be sure to include cotton bandages, bandage tape, scissors, antibiotic ointment, flea and tick prevention, saline solution, etc. 

Miscellaneous Items 

It’s a good idea to include a collar or harness with ID tag, rabies tag, and a leash, as well as familiar treats, toys, and bedding.

If you don’t already have a pet preparedness plan in place, we encourage you to take this time to implement one. Take a proactive approach. Now is a good opportunity to do so. That way, you’re prepared in the event a storm storms in. While you’re at it, ensure you have a preparedness plan for you and your family. 

Just remember, if a storm storms in and causes severe damage to your home or business, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is Here to Help.® Our highly trained restoration technicians will be there to help make the damage "Like it never even happened."® Just call 573-339-1948.   

Hurricane Hazards

7/1/2021 (Permalink)

Beware of hurricane hazards. Hurricane season runs from June 01 to November 30. On average, there are 12 tropical storms that develop, with an average of six becoming hurricanes, according to the National Weather Service. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has experience restoring homes affected by storms and flooding

Hurricanes can be life-threatening, and they can cause serious property damage. The National Weather Service lists the following as potential “hurricane hazards.”

Storm surge

Storm surge is the abnormal rise of water generated by a storm’s winds. This hazard is historically the leading cause of hurricane-related deaths in the United States. Storm surge and large battering waves can result in large loss of life and cause massive destruction along the coast. It can travel several miles inland, especially along bays, rivers and estuaries.


Flooding from heavy rains is the second leading cause of fatalities from landfalling tropical cyclones. Widespread torrential rains associated with these storms often cause flooding hundreds of miles inland. This flooding can persist for several days after a storm has dissipated.


Winds from a hurricane can destroy buildings and manufactured homes. Signs, roofing material and other items left outside can become flying missiles during hurricanes.


Tornadoes can accompany landfalling tropical cyclones. These tornadoes typically occur in rain bands well away from the center of the storm. 

Dangerous waves 

Dangerous waves produced by a tropical cyclone’s strong winds can pose a significant hazard to coastal residents and mariners. These waves can cause deadly rip currents, significant beach erosion and damage to structures along the coastline, even when the storm is more than 1,000 miles offshore. 

Preparation is the best protection against the dangers of a hurricane. Plan an evacuation route and your emergency plan, take inventory of your property and take steps to protect your home or business. 

If a storm storms in and causes a disaster at your home or business, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is Here to Help.® Our highly trained cleaning and restoration technicians will be there to make the damage "Like it never even happened."® Contact us for your next cleaning and/or restoration job. Call 573-339-1948.

3 Tips for Severe Weather Safety

6/27/2021 (Permalink)

As you know, severe weather can happen at any given moment, and, as a result, it can cause severe damage to your residential or commercial property. That’s why the professionals here at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties are always Ready for whatever happens.® When there’s water damage or storm damage, we’ll be there as quick as lightning to restore your property to make it “Like it never even happened.” In the event of severe weather, for your safety, follow these three tips for severe weather safety. 

  • Know your risk

The first step to becoming weather-ready is to understand the type of hazardous weather that can affect where you live and work, and how the weather can impact you, your business, and your family. Check the weather forecast regularly, obtain a NOAA Weather Radio, and learn about Wireless Emergency Alerts in your area. Severe weather comes in many forms, and your shelter plan should include all types of local hazard scenarios. 

  • Take action

Take the next step in severe weather preparedness by creating a communications plan for your home and business. Put together or purchase an emergency kit. Keep important papers and valuables in a safe place. 

  • Be an example

Once you have taken action to prepare for severe weather, share your story with family members, co-workers, and friends on social media. Your preparedness efforts may inspire others to do the same. 

Each year, Americans cope with an average of the following intense storms*:

  • 10,000 severe thunderstorms 
  • 5,000 floods or flash floods
  • 1,300 tornadoes
  • 2 landfalling deadly hurricanes

In the event of a storm, the professionals here at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties want you to be prepared. Because we know, all too well, how storm damage to your home or business can cause a flood of emotions. We hope you found these three tips for severe weather safety beneficial. Just remember, our team is Here to Help.® The next time a storm or disaster strikes your property, give us the opportunity to make the damage “Like it never even happened.” Just contact us. We’re only a phone call away. Call us: 573-339-1948. 

Stay Safe From Summer Storms: Part 3

5/1/2021 (Permalink)

A large number of people would probably consider Springtime their favorite time of year. And that could be for a myriad of reasons: A time of year for outdoor activities, vacations, sports, gardening, and more. And they tend to love the nice, sunny and beautiful weather that it brings. However, Spring is also a time for potentially severe weather, and the threat continues throughout the summer months. Did you know the potential for severe weather even increases in some areas? Safety is always the number one concern, and it’s important to stay safe from summer storms and any other storms the year may bring. Storms are inevitable, and the damage it leaves behind can be overwhelming. SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties gives you confidence by making the storm damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Hurricane season in the Atlantic is June 01 through November 30th. And the hurricane season for the Eastern Pacific is May 15 through November 30th. 

While it may be difficult to prepare for the unpredictable, there are steps you can take now to help ensure you are ready when disaster strikes. One effective way to prepare your business for any type of disaster is by establishing an Emergency READY Profile® (ERP). Contact us to learn more about the ERP and how it can help you. We’ll come to your place of business and implement yours for FREE

Consider the following tips for what to do after the storm:

After the storm 

  • Never drive through a flooded roadway.
  • Stay away from storm-damaged areas to keep from putting yourself at risk.
  • Stay away from downed power lines and report them immediately.

Following the aforementioned tips can help you stay safe from summer storms. We hope that you found these tips to be beneficial. When there’s storm damage at your residential or commercial space, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is Here to Help.® Call us: 573-339-1948

Stay Safe From Summer Storms: Part 2

4/1/2021 (Permalink)

As you may know, the spring season is known for the potential to bring severe weather, and the threat exists throughout the summer months as well. Did you know the potential for severe weather even increases in some areas? We want nothing more than for you and your family to stay safe from summer storms -- all storms for that matter. Storms are inevitable, and the damage it leaves behind can wreak havoc. SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties gives you confidence by making the storm damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Hurricane season in the Atlantic: June 01 through November 30th. 

Hurricane season for the Eastern Pacific: May 15 through November 30th. 

While it may be difficult to prepare for the unpredictable, there are steps you can take now to help ensure you are ready when disaster strikes. One effective way to prepare your business for any type of disaster is by establishing an Emergency READY Profile® (ERP). Contact us to learn more about the ERP and how it can help you. We’ll come to your place of business and implement yours for FREE

Consider the following tips for what to do during the storm.

During the storm 

  • Use your battery-operated NOAA Weather Radio for updates from local officials.
  • Avoid contact with corded phones. Cordless and cellular phones are safe to use.
  • Avoid contact with electrical equipment or cords.
  • Unplug appliances and other electrical items, such as computers. Power surges from lightning can cause serious damage.
  • Avoid contact with plumbing. Plumbing and bathroom fixtures can conduct electricity. 
  • Stay away from windows and doors.

Following the aforementioned tips can help you stay safe from summer storms. We hope that you found these tips to be beneficial. We encourage you to stay tuned for part 3, where you’ll learn about tips to stay safe after the storm and more. When there’s storm damage at your residential or commercial space, rely only on SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. Call us at 573-339-1948.

Stay Safe From Summer Storms: Part 1

3/4/2021 (Permalink)

While the spring season is known for the potential to experience severe weather, the threat exists throughout the summer months as well. In fact, the potential for severe weather even increases in some areas. We want you to stay safe from summer storms. Storms are inevitable. The degree of damage they can cause to your home or business varies in nature, but you can have confidence knowing our heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can make the storm damage “Like it never even happened.” 

Hurricane season in the Atlantic begins June 1st and runs through November 30th. The Eastern Pacific hurricane season begins May 15th also ending November 30th. While it may be difficult to prepare for the unpredictable, there are steps you can take now to help ensure you are ready when disaster strikes. What’s one effective way to prepare your business for any type of disaster? Establish an Emergency READY Profile® (ERP). Contact us to learn more about the ERP and how it can help you. It’s FREE

Consider the following tips for what to do before the storm.

Before the storm

  • Build an emergency supply kit and develop a communication plan.
  • Unplug any electronic equipment before the storm arrives.
  • Secure outdoor objects that could blow away or cause damage.
  • If you are outdoors, get inside a building, home or hard-top vehicle (not a convertible).
  • Shutter windows and secure outside doors. If shutters are not available, close window blinds, shades or curtains.

Following the aforementioned tips can help you stay safe from summer storms. We hope that you found these tips to be beneficial. We encourage you to stay tuned for part 2, where you’ll learn about tips to stay safe during the storm and more. When there’s storm damage at your residential or commercial space, call on SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties at 573-339-1948.  

Shocking Facts About Lightning

8/21/2020 (Permalink)

Lightning is one of the leading causes of weather-related fatalities. Though the odds of being struck by lightning in a given year are only around 1 in 500,000, some factors can put you at greater risk for being struck. And storm damage can cause a flood of emotions, but SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has you covered. 

Before, during and after a storm, it’s good to know what to do and not do. Always be prepared. Here are a few lightning safety tips:

Be aware 

It’s crucial to always be aware. Check the forecast before participating in outdoor activities. If it calls for thunderstorms, postpone your trip or activity, or make sure adequate safe shelter is available. 

Go indoors

Remember the phrase, “When thunder roars, go indoors.” Find a safe, enclosed shelter when you hear thunder. Safe shelters include homes, offices, shopping centers, and hard-top vehicles with the windows rolled up. 

Avoid windows

At all costs, avoid windows, doors, porches, and concrete. Do not lie on concrete floors. Also, avoid leaning on concrete walls. Lightning can travel through any metal wires or bars in concrete walls or flooring. 

Avoid water

During any kind of storm event, it’s wise to avoid water. Do not bathe, shower, wash dishes, or have any other contact with water during a thunderstorm because lightning can travel through a building’s plumbing. 

Now that you’ve discovered some shocking facts about lightning, be sure to follow the aforementioned tips to help you and your family stay safe. Should lightning, flood damage, or storm damage strike your home or business, contact us because our heroes are Here to Help.® If you are faced with this occurrence, and you’d like for the damage to be “Like it never even happened,” there’s only one company that can do that for you, and that’s SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. Call us today: 573-339-1948. 


7/1/2020 (Permalink)

Flooding is a big concern in many areas. When your residential or commercial property is hit with storm damage, you need a local storm damage cleanup and restoration company there immediately. Our highly trained and qualified restoration specialists at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties are quick to respond to your emergency. 

According to the National Weather Service (NOAA), “Approximately 75 percent of all Presidential disaster declarations are associated with flooding.” NOAA lists the most common flood hazards in the United States as: 

  • Flash flooding 
  • River flooding
  • Storm surge and coastal inundation from tropical and non-tropical systems 
  • Burn scars/debris flows (caused by wildfires)
  • Ice/debris jams
  • Snowmelt
  • Dry wash (caused by heavy rainfall in dry areas)
  • Dam breaks/levee failure

Just because you haven’t experienced a flood doesn’t mean you won’t in the future. In fact, 20 percent of all claims paid by the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) were for policies in low-risk communities. On average, floods cost $3.5 billion in annual losses in the U.S., and commercial flood claims average more than $75,000 (NFIP). 

When flooding or catastrophic water damage happens at your home or business, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is Here to Help.® We can help you prepare ahead of time with an Emergency Ready Profile® (ERP), or respond to any size disaster to begin cleanup and restoration to get you back in business as soon as possible. Our local heroes are always ready (24/7, 365 days a year) to help make the damage “Like it never even happened.” Call us for your next flood damage job: 573-339-1948.   

Do You Live In A Potential Flood Risk Zone?

6/27/2020 (Permalink)

Do you live in a potential flood risk zone? If you don’t know the answer to that very important question, check out this resource. It allows you to easily enter your business, home, or other address to determine if your property is at risk for flooding based on a visual flood map. If you happen to live in a flood risk zone and your residential or commercial property is hit with flood damage, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can come to your rescue and make the damage “Like it never even happened.” 

With more than 1,700 franchises strategically positioned throughout the U.S. and Canada, help is near when you experience flooding at your home or business. When a major storm hits, it may overwhelm other local restoration companies. That’s not the case with us. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can scale our resources by accessing the apparatus and personnel of over 1,700 franchises. We can also access Disaster Recovery Teams that specialize in major storms and catastrophic events.   

No job is ever too big or too small for our team. Our heroes have helped rescue the day at a number of storm emergencies, such as Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Harvey, Hurricane Florence and countless others. And we can do the same for you should you experience such an event. 

SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties offers 24/7 emergency services. Rest assured, we are always prepared and equipped to take on your job. We’re open 365 days of the year. Even if it’s a holiday, you can contact us, and we’ll come to your rescue. We are Here to Help.® Call us day or night: 573-339-1948.   

Be Flood Smart

5/1/2020 (Permalink)

Floods are one of the most common and widespread natural disasters in the United States. Whether your home or business is near a coastline, along city streets, in the mountains, near a river or even in the desert, there is always potential for flood damage. So, it’s important that you be flood smart. If there’s storm or flood damage at your residential or commercial property, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can make the damage “Like it never even happened.” reports, in the last five years, all 50 states have experienced floods or flash floods. According to the American Red Cross (ARC), floods cause more damage in the U.S. every year than any other weather-related disaster. The ARC offers the following three flood safety tips. 

  • Stay away from floodwaters. If you approach a flowing stream where water is above your ankles, stop, turn around and go another way. Six inches of swiftly moving water can sweep you off of your feet.
  • If you approach a flooded road while driving, turn around and go another way. If you are caught on a flooded road and waters are rising rapidly around you, get out of the car quickly and move to higher ground. Most cars can be swept away by less than two feet of moving water.
  • Keep children out of the water. They are curious and often lack judgment about running water or contaminated water. 

Remember to always be flood smart. If a flood strikes your home or business, contact your local SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. Even minor floods have the potential to cause major damage to a structure when not treated quickly and properly, and the cleanup is often an overwhelming task. Our heroes are prepared to handle any size disaster. When flooding or storm damage takes control of your life, we help you take it back. Call us anytime: 573-339-1948. 

Tips If A Hurricane Is Near

4/1/2020 (Permalink)

Storms can be a very scary experience. And you never know the extent of storm damage until the damage is done. It can wreak havoc on your home or business. There are major storms, such as hurricanes, that can really cause some serious damage. Even though our area doesn't have immediate impact from hurricanes, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties still has the capacity to send crews to help hurricane victims in other parts of the country. We are your premier storm damage cleanup and restoration company you can rely on. Our heroes will be there for you and your family to help make it Like it never even happened.® Maybe you have loved ones that live in hurricane areas that could benefit from these tips to stay safe during a storm:  

If a hurricane is 18-36 hours from arriving, follow these 3 tips:

  • Turn on your TV or radio in order to get the latest weather updates and emergency instructions.
  • Restock your emergency preparedness kit. Include food and water sufficient for at least three days, medications, a flashlight, batteries, cash, and first aid supplies.
  • Plan how to communicate with family members if you lose power. For example, you can call, text, email or use social media. Remember that during disasters, sending text messages is usually reliable and faster than making phone calls because phone lines are often overloaded.

If a hurricane is 36 hours from arriving, follow these 3 tips: 

  • Bookmark your city or county website for quick access to storm updates and emergency instructions.
  • Bring loose, lightweight objects inside that could become projectiles in high winds (e.g., patio furniture, garbage cans); anchor objects that would be unsafe to bring inside (e.g., propane tanks); and trim or remove trees close enough to fall on the building.
  • Cover all of your home’s windows. Permanent storm shutters offer the best protection for windows. A second option is to board up windows with 5/8” exterior grade or marine plywood, cut to fit and ready to install.

Those six tips provided by can help keep you and all members of your family safe in the event of a hurricane. That resource can provide you a myriad of other helpful tips, too.  

When you are dealing with storm, flood, and water damage, immediate action is crucial. You should choose the company with storm damage experience, expertise, resources and equipment to handle the job. SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has the capacity to handle any size job. We can respond immediately to storm and flooding conditions. Our heroes are faster to any size disaster.  

Now that you’ve been provided with tips if a hurricane is near, you are more well-equipped and prepared in case your home or business is hit by any storm damage. In the event that it is, just remember, you have a team of heroes that is just a phone call away and ready to come to your rescue at your beck and call. All you have to do is pull out your mobile device and call. When you need for the damage to be “Like it never even happened,” call 573-339-1948.

Storm Tips: Before, During & After

3/4/2020 (Permalink)

Summer is an opportune time to take vacations, do outdoor activities, partake in sports, plant flowers, veggies and fruits in your garden, workout outside and more. Know what else it’s a time for? Hurricanes. Here are some tips to help keep you and your family safe this hurricane season: 

Before the Storm

  • Build an emergency supply kit, and develop a communication plan.
  • Secure outdoor objects that could blow away or cause damage.

During the Storm

  • Avoid contact with plumbing. Plumbing and bathroom fixtures can conduct electricity.
  • Unplug appliances and other electrical items, such as computers. Power surges from lightning can cause serious damage.

After the Storm 

  • Stay away from storm-damaged areas to keep from putting yourself at risk.
  • Stay away from downed power lines, and report them immediately.

SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has the capacity and resources to handle ANY size disaster. You can feel confident that we can make that storm damage Like it never even happened.® It’s critical you understand how hurricanes can affect Southeast Missouri and other regions. Our heroes have helped with other hurricane storms such as Ivan, Florence, Katrina, Lee, Isaac and Harvey. One of our happy customers even said, “Thank you so much for all your help with Hurricane Harvey.” We come to the rescue for you, your family, your home, your business. 

Should your home or business be affected as a result of a hurricane, storm, or any other disaster, give us a call at 573-339-1948.

Tips to Stay Safe Before, During and After a Storm

8/21/2019 (Permalink)

Storms can take you and your family by storm. And the extent of storm damage can leave you feeling overwhelmed, lost and wondering what your next step should be. The best thing to combat this is preparation. The heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties are all about you and your family’s safety. Here are some tips to stay safe before, during and after a storm: 

Before the Storm

  • Build an emergency supply kit, and develop a communication plan.
  • Secure outdoor objects that could blow away or cause damage.

During the Storm

  • Avoid contact with plumbing. Plumbing and bathroom fixtures can conduct electricity.
  • Unplug appliances and other electrical items, such as computers. Power surges from lightning can cause serious damage.

After the Storm 

  • Stay away from storm-damaged areas to keep from putting yourself at risk.
  • Stay away from downed power lines, and report them immediately.

SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has the capacity and resources to handle ANY size disaster. You can feel confident that we can make that storm damage Like it never even happened.® It’s critical you understand how storms and how hurricanes can affect Southeast Missouri and other regions. Our heroes have helped with other hurricane storms such as Ivan, Florence, Katrina, Lee, Isaac and Harvey. One of our happy customers left this testimonial, “Thank you so much for all your help with Hurricane Harvey.” We come to the rescue for you, your family, your home, your business. 

When you are dealing with storm, flood, and water damage, immediate action is crucial. You need a company that you can fully trust and that can make your storm damage Like it never even happened.® It’s only one company that can stand behind that statement -- guaranteed. And that company is SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. It’s critical that you follow these tips to stay safe before, during and after a storm. Our heroes can respond immediately to storm and flooding conditions. Will you give us your next storm job? We’re your premier storm damage cleanup and restoration company. Should your Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, Scott City, Charleston, Marble Hill, Jackson, Perryville, Chaffee, East Prairie or Benton, Missouri, home or business be affected as a result of a hurricane, storm, or any other disaster, give us a call at 573-339-1948.

Experienced Storm Damage Professionals

7/1/2019 (Permalink)

Call our experienced storm damage professionals to make that storm damage at your home or business "Like it never even happened."

When water damage, flood damage, hail damage, or any other types of storm damage hits your home or business, you need experienced storm damage professionals. And that’s what our heroes are at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. You can call on them to make that disaster at your residential or commercial property Like it never even happened.®  

Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s Corporate Training Facility to regular IICRC industry certifications, rest assured, our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

As leaders in the storm and water damage industry, we have advanced training and expertise, not to mention a tremendous amount of hands-on experience. We use this training and experience to quickly dry your home or business and restore it back to pre-storm condition.

Storm and flood damage require specialized restoration techniques and equipment. Some of our equipment includes the following:

Moisture Detection & Measurement Equipment

Scientific drying principles rely upon specialized equipment to detect, measure, and monitor a property’s moisture levels. Recent advances, like infrared cameras, can help us detect water through a wall, ceiling, or floor.

  • An infrared camera may be used to identify water location for thorough water removal.
  • Sensitive moisture detectors, hygrometers, and other meters measure the extent of moisture saturation.

Water Extraction Equipment

Powerful extraction equipment speeds the drying process by removing the bulk of the water from your home or business.

  • Submersible and gas-powered pumps for continuous pumping of high-level water.
  • Truck-mounted and portable extraction units perform efficient water removal.

Drying Equipment  

Industrial strength air movers and dehumidifiers are needed to remove the remaining moisture from ceilings, walls, and floors of your home or business. Proper drying helps to prevent swelling and warping of floors, walls, and furniture.

  • High-speed air movers cause moisture to evaporate at a faster pace.
  • Industrial grade dehumidifiers pull the water vapor from the air.

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours, and neither do we. SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties provides emergency cleaning and restoration services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week—including all holidays. You can expect an immediate response time, day or night. We can respond immediately to storm and flooding conditions. Our heroes are your experienced storm damage professionals. Call on us. Our number is 573-339-1948. Will you give us your next storm damage job?

How We Make Storm Damage Like It Never Even Happened®

6/27/2019 (Permalink)

Hail damage, wind damage, impact damage, water damage, flooding, hurricanes, and other types of disasters can happen at any given moment. When it does, there’s a local storm damage and clean-up company you can rely on: SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. Learn how we make storm damage Like it never even happened.®

As a locally owned and operated business, SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is nearby and ready to respond to your flood or storm damage emergency. We are proud to be an active member of the Cape Girardeau area community and want to do our part to make our community the best it can be.

Here are 5 ways we make storm damage Like it never even happened.®

Faster to Any Size Disaster

When a storm hits your home or business, you need help immediately. The heroes here at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties get there faster to any size disaster. Our quick response will help prevent secondary damage and help reduce restoration costs. With over 1,700 U.S. and Canadian Franchise locations, SERVPRO® is strategically positioned to be faster to any size emergency. The faster we get there means the faster we are able to get your residential or commercial property back to Like it never even happened.®

24-hour Emergency Services

Flooding and water emergencies don’t wait for regular business hours, and neither do we. SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties provides 24-hour emergency services 7 days a week, 365 days a year—including all holidays. You can expect an immediate response time -- day or night. Even if you’re enjoying that quality family time on Thanksgiving, Christmas, a birthday or any other special day, you can still rely on us. Our heroes will come to your rescue for your emergency storm damage needs.

Access to Resources of Over 1,700 Franchises

When a major storm hits, it may overwhelm other local restoration companies. Not us. SERVPRO®of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has readily access to resources of over 1,700 Franchises at any given moment. We can scale our resources by accessing the equipment and personnel. We can also access Disaster Recovery Teams that specialize in major storms and catastrophic events. Just to reiterate, we are well-equipped with the manpower, womanpower, equipment and resources to get you back in business, or back to your business, which is a win-win for you.

Capacity to Handle All Jobs

Rest assured, there is no job too big or too small for our heroes. SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has the capacity to handle all jobs. As a result of storm damage, no matter the extent of damage done to your home or business, you can count on us. Remember Hurricane Florence and other devastating disasters? Our heroes came to those families’ rescue. We help put those lives back together. Our job is to take care of families.

Highly Trained Restoration Specialists

SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties’ staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. We have highly trained restoration specialists. In fact, we like to refer to our specialists as heroes. Because, after all, they come to help save your day, your home, your business after a disaster has struck. They help put the pieces back together. They are there with you from the beginning to the middle to the end, and even after.

Don’t let storm damage come to disrupt your life. We are there for you, and we can show you how we make storm damage Like it never even happened.® Find out for yourself. Call SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties at 573-339-1948.

5 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Storms

5/1/2019 (Permalink)

The heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties are there for you and your family in the event of a storm.

Preventative measures are necessary, especially when it comes to storms. In case you aren’t aware, storm season is March through June. During this three-month period, you want to be prepared at all times. The heroes at SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties want you to always be prepared for any storm damage. Preparation is always key. Here are 5 tips to prepare your home for storms.

Seal Your Roof

Storms can be highly unpredictable. You never know the severity of damage it can cause to your home, your belongings, your roof. It’s critical that you hire a professional to reinforce your roof well before strong winds hit. A professional can seal your roof to help protect it from those strong storms. According to the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS), “seal your roof deck using “peel and stick” tape along your roof seams, or a “peel and stick” membrane over the entire roof deck, or apply polyurethane foam.” If you invest in this now, this can save you hundreds, perhaps thousands, in the future.

Secure Your Windows & Doors

Your windows and doors of your home can be damaged when high winds from storms hit. Ensure you secure your windows and doors. When it comes to your doors, here are some things to check for:

  • Hinges
  • Screws missing
  • Door threshold

According to Nationwide, “be sure the door threshold is tightly screwed into your house and not just the door frame. You may want to consider installing new wind-resistant doors with a high design pressure (DP) rating. The DP rating is a measure of the level of wind force a door system can withstand without failing.” Do you know if you live in a region that’s prone to hurricanes and storms? It’s encouraged that you know this information, especially for preparation purposes. Here are the top five cities most vulnerable to hurricanes. If you live in one of those areas, or an area that is prone to these types of storms, you should heavily consider installing impact-resistant windows. These windows are specifically designed for these very purposes: to withstand forceful windows.   

Secure Fences

When strong winds strike your home, it can strike down fences and other objects that can cause more damage to your residential property. Before this happens, you want to ensure you secure fences to minimize the risk of further damage to other things or worse -- people. When investing in a home -- or if you’re replacing a fence -- factor in the strength and resilience of your fence. Weigh all your options, and make an educated decision. Don’t base your decision to buy a fence on how inexpensive it is. Because that factor alone can be much more expensive for you in the long-term, especially if a storm damages it and your home.      

Create a Family Emergency Plan

With any storm, preparation is key. Now -- not then -- is the time for you to create a family emergency plan so you, your family members and fur babies are well-equipped when a storm strikes. A family emergency plan can help save lives. Here are just a few items to include:

  • Water
  • Food
  • Batteries
  • Communication plan
  • Phone and/or walkie talkies (some form of communication device)
  • First Aid Kit
  • Emergency supplies
  • Important phone numbers

Anchor Loose Objects

If objects, such as grills, bikes, deck furniture, trash cans, etc., are loose when a storm hits your residential property, it can cause windows to break, damage to your vehicles, your home or a human being. It’s vital to anchor loose objects to help minimize the risk of outdoor threats. By adding shrubs of varying lengths, fences, trees in a row are ways to help block high winds. Utilizing landscaping and yard objects can be beneficial in this case.   

We hope you found these 5 tips to prepare your home for storms to be highly beneficial. Storm and flood damage require specialized restoration techniques and apparatus. When a storm hits your home, you need the company with storm damage experience and expertise. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can respond immediately to storm and flooding conditions. When a storm emergency occurs, we’re here for you 24 hours of the day, 365 days of the year. Just contact us online or call 573-339-1948.

Tornado Season: Tips to Weather the Storm

4/1/2019 (Permalink)

A large percentage of the population looks forward to Spring for a number of reasons: spring forward, spring weather, college basketball, Easter, the best fruits are coming in season and more. Although all of those are positive things to look forward to for Spring, something negative we have to look out for is tornadoes. March through June is tornado season. Tips to weather the storm are crucial for your safety. SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties wants you to be aware of this. If a tornado strikes your home or business and causes damage, our heroes can make it “Like it never even happened.”

Did you know tornadoes can bring intense winds over 200 mph? Winds this high can cause severe damage to your residential or commercial property. If this happens to you, rest assured, the heroes of SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties will come to your rescue. We are always Here to Help®.    

Here are three tactics, according to, you can implement to prepare now for a tornado:

  • Know your area’s tornado risk. In the U.S., the Midwest and the Southeast have a greater risk for tornadoes.
  • Pay attention to weather reports. Meteorologists can predict when conditions might be right for a tornado.
  • Identify and practice going to a safe shelter in the event of high winds, such as a safe room built using FEMA criteria or a storm shelter built to ICC 500 standards. The next best protection is a small, interior, windowless room on the lowest level of a sturdy building.

What are some tips to survive during a tornado? According to, here are three tips:

  • Immediately go to a safe location that you identified.
  • Take additional cover by shielding your head and neck with your arms and putting materials such as furniture and blankets around you.
  • If you are in a car or outdoors and cannot get to a building, cover your head and neck with your arms and cover your body with a coat or blanket, if possible.

Now that you have survived the storm, here are some tips you should consider to be safe after the fact, according to  

  • Keep listening to EAS, NOAA Weather Radio, and local authorities for updated information.
  • If you are trapped, cover your mouth with a cloth or mask to avoid breathing dust. Try to send a text, bang on a pipe or wall, or use a whistle instead of shouting.
  • Stay clear of fallen power lines or broken utility lines.

There are a number of other tips to help keep you safe before, during and after a tornado. Learn more here.  

Storm and flood damage require specialized restoration techniques and equipment. If a tornado -- or any other kind of storm -- hits your Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, Scott City, Charleston, Marble Hill, Jackson, Perryville, Chaffee, East Prairie, or Benton, Missouri, home or business, you need the company with storm damage experience and expertise. SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can respond immediately to storm and flooding conditions. We offer 24-hour emergency services, because you never know when a tornado, a storm may come to disrupt your normal routine, your life, which can cause a flood of emotions.

During tornado season, tips to weather the storm can help save your home, your business, your life. Have peace of mind knowing SERVPRO® of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is here for you throughout this tornado season. Furthermore, we’re here for you throughout all seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall, 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. We even have a FREE app so you’re always with us even on-the-go. Download it here. Call 573-339-1948 when you need us.

Storm Damage Cleanup

3/4/2019 (Permalink)

When a storm takes your home or business by “storm,” call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties -- your local storm damage cleanup company.

When a storm takes your home or business by “storm,” you need a professional storm damage cleanup company on your side. You need SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties.

You have no control over when Mother Nature hits. And you certainly have no control over the degree of damage she decides to leave behind. Storm damage can cause a range of unpleasant emotions. It can seem like you’re just going through the motions to try to get back to life. If your life is disrupted by storm damage, our SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties’ heroes are put into fast motion to help you get back to life, to restore your home or business to its preloss condition. We give you back your home or business by making it “Like it never even happened.”

Our heroes are faster to handle any type of storm damage:

  • Thunderstorms
  • Lightning
  • Hurricanes
  • Tornadoes
  • High winds
  • Hail
  • Ice storms
  • Freezing weather

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your local storm damage cleanup company. We provide emergency services, so we’re available for you 24 hours of the day, 7 days a week, 365 days of the year. We’re faster to any size disaster. Guaranteed.

If your Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, Scott City, Charleston, Marble Hill, Jackson, Perryville, Chaffee, East Prairie, or Benton, Missouri, residential or commercial property is hit by storm damage, rely only on the storm damage cleanup company that makes your damage “Like it never even happened.” Rely only on SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. Call 573-339-1948 today.

Types of Storm Damage

1/9/2019 (Permalink)

Different types of storm damage can greatly affect your home or business. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is the solution to that problem.

At any given moment, a storm can “storm” right in and ruin all of your possessions and in just seconds. When you discuss storm damage, it can refer to a number of things: water damage, wind damage, hail damage, and more. All of those are types of storm damage. And there are more that exist. The various types of storm damage can result in significant damage done to your home or business. But, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is there in your time of need.

With SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties being your professional local storm damage cleanup and restoration specialists, if your Cape Girardeau, Sikeston, Scott City, Charleston, Marble Hill, Jackson, Perryville, Chaffee, East Prairie, or Benton, Missouri, home or business is impacted by a storm, we help pick up the pieces, piece life back together and make it “Like it never even happened.”

The different types of storm damage can cause severe damage to your residential or commercial property. Here are three common types of storm damage:   

Water Damage

Water damage can sometimes take days to notice, which makes it hard to detect at times. Knowing what to look for can make all the difference. There can be both interior and exterior damage done to your residential or commercial property. Some common signs are as follows: water spots, discoloration on ceilings, walls or surfaces, soggy and/or expanded wood, leaks in the ceiling or your roof. Damp, musty odors are signs of water damage, too.

Wind Damage

Wind damage can occur at your home or business at any given time. As a result, trees can fall onto your property, which can cause roof damage and more, patio furniture can be blown, which can cause windows to break and more. Once wind damage occurs, here are some common signs to look for: missing shingles, shutters, cracks, chipping and splitting in siding, stucco, paint or wood, dings and dents in roofing, siding, door frames and window sills/window panes.      

Hail Damage

Hail damage can cause significant damage to your property. No matter the size of the hail, it can result in costly storm cleanup for homeowners or business owners. Hail damage can ruin homes, businesses, and vehicles. Furthermore, it can cause roof damage, damage to window sills/window casings/siding, air conditioning units and more.

From water damage to wind damage to hail damage, these are three common types of storm damage. It’s vital to know what to do in the event of storm damage. Here’s a resource you can reference for storm safety tips. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is your professional local storm damage cleanup and restoration specialists. If your home or business is impacted by storm damage, count on the #1 leader in the restoration industry. Next time storm damage comes to disrupt your home, business and life, allow the heroes at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties the opportunity to make it “Like it never even happened.” Just give us a call, day or night: 573-339-1948.

Preparing for Hurricane Florence

9/13/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties team of heroes can make your home or business "Like it never even happened." after a storm damage.

Did you get “wind” of that time of season? Unfortunately, it’s that time of the year: hurricane season.

Hurricane Florence has hit the east coast, and our SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties’ heroes, here in Southeast Missouri, will soon touch down there. We’re a locally owned company with national storm resources. Our team is faster to any size disaster. We’re gearing up and preparing for Hurricane Florence. We’ll help to restore and get those businesses and homes back to “Like it never even happened.”

Although it’s hard to predict when a hurricane will happen, you can prepare for one. Here are 14 of the most important things to do to prepare for a hurricane:

  1. Establish an emergency plan with your family
  2. Prepare an emergency kit ahead of time
  3. Treat water if necessary
  4. Don’t evacuate unless officials recommend it
  5. Find out where your local evacuation shelter is located
  6. Create a list of pet-friendly shelters and hotels
  7. Prepare your home for heavy rainfall
  8. Clear your yard before the storm hits
  9. Do not put tape on your windows
  10. Prepare your car in case you need to evacuate
  11. Do not attempt to drive through floodwater
  12. Insulate your clothing if in wet or cold conditions
  13. Put a quarter in a cup of frozen water in your freezer
  14. Clean your home quickly after a storm ends to prevent mold growth

For more in-depth information about each of these tips, check out this article.

Major storms and flooding events can overwhelm many restoration companies, but that’s not the case for SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We can readily access resources from 1,700 Franchises across the state and country and even utilize Disaster Recovery Teams for major storms and disasters.

The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team can provide help whether you're dealing with a tornado, hurricane, blizzard or flood. The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you. Available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, we are prepared for the unpredictable.

Here’s another resource to learn more about Hurricane Florence. Track its progress here.

If your residential, commercial property or community is hit with a fire or water damage, storm or natural disaster, our SERVPRO community can aide you and be there with you throughout the entire journey.

Pray for our team of heroes, all the families, all the first responders, everyone impacted by this powerful hurricane.

Hurricanes can be highly devastating and stressful. But, thankfully, with a trusted company and partner like SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties, we’re with you every step of the journey to help alleviate some of that stress from you by helping you to restore your home or business back to “Like it never even happened.” Just contact us to find out how.

Storm Safety Tips

8/22/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties restores your home or business after a storm or flood damage, so it's like it never even happened.

Storm safety tips are incredibly important, especially considering the large number of storms, flooding, rain we’ve had over the past couple of weeks, months. As a result, chances are, you had some water seep into your residence or commercial building. And if it’s not addressed quickly, it can cause some serious damage. Storm and flood damage require specialized restoration techniques and equipment. And that’s where the SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties’ pros (heroes) come in. With us, you can feel confident you have a trusted leader in the water restoration industry and highly trained storm damage specialists right here in Cape Girardeau and the surrounding areas.

Here are 4 storm safety tips in the event your home or business is hit with storm or flood damage.

Keep a Battery-powered Radio Nearby

Keeping a battery-powered radio nearby is a must, especially during a storm. As consumers, we’ve become so reliant on our mobile devices and landlines. But, what if they didn’t operate during a storm? What if they lost signal? What would you do? It could be very scary. That’s why it is vital you keep a battery-powered radio in your home or business so you can tune to local radio stations if you lose electricity. During a storm, it’s incumbent to be in-the-know and stay well-informed for you and your family’s protection.

Check or Change Batteries Frequently

Make it a regime to check or change batteries (perhaps, once a month) of any device you would possibly need during a storm. This could range from a flashlight to a radio to a remote control, etc. Never assume the batteries are working properly in any device. It’s always a good idea to test it frequently to ensure it’s functioning properly, that way, you’re well-prepared should a storm strikes.

Keep a Flashlight On-hand

It’s a good idea to keep a flashlight on-hand. And the key is to store it in an easily accessible spot on every floor of your home and/or business. Make sure everyone knows where they are stored. The last thing you want during a storm is for everyone to be frantically running around trying to locate the flashlight. Communication is key.

Keep Candles and a Light Source in Close Proximity

Keeping candles and a light source (matches or lighter) in close proximity is another great storm safety tip. Should you lose electricity during a storm, candles will help illuminate your space until electricity is restored. But, also, keep in mind, if you have little ones, be sure to keep candles and light sources out of their reach.

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has a team of heroes who are faster to any size disaster should your home and/or commercial property is hit with storm or flood damage. Our team has helped out with local storm damage as well as others throughout the United States. We are strategically positioned and mobile so we can better serve you -- and faster. We are locally owned and operated with national storm resources. So, this affords us the opportunity to easily access resources from more than 1,700 Franchises and utilize our Disaster Recovery Teams for major storms and disasters. When it comes to storm damage cleanup, it’s the SERVPRO advantage. We are your storm damage cleanup and restoration company.

Don’t wait for a storm to happen; be well-equipped for when a storm happens. Preparation is key. Contact us to see how our heroes can get you prepared if your home or business encounters storm or flood damage.

Summer Storm Flooding

7/3/2018 (Permalink)

Our Cape crews are helping Iowa residents because of the severe flash flooding.

Flash Flooding in Iowa

Over the past weekend, Des Moines, Iowa suffered from intense flash flooding. It is reported that cleanup may take months, according to CBS News.

SERVPRO franchises are already there helping people restore their property.

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties sent two crews to help alleviate the mess. On Sunday evening, we sent a team of four people to clean and dry out the houses of Iowa residents.

Here to Help

Whenever a local disaster happens, SERVPRO is the company you can trust to service you and your entire neighborhood.

We have Storm Teams that activate and bring in as many crews needed to service all the customers in a timely manner. So if the 8,000+ residents of Perryville all had water throughout their house all at once, we can take care of them. When storms come through the entire city of Sikeston, we've got you covered. If all of the major employers in the Cape Girardeau area, including St. Francis Medical CenterSoutheast HospitalP&G, SEMO, and The Isle Casino, had feet of floodwater in their facilities from the same storm, we can take care of all of them. 

There is only one name you need to remember: SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties. We have the equipment, the man power, and all the resources needed to take care of our entire community. 

Call 573-339-1948 because we are "Faster to any size disaster."

Lightning Safety Tips

5/1/2018 (Permalink)

Although lightning can strike anytime, the chance for lightning increases in the summer months. Stay safe with these basic tips.

  • Have a  lightning safety plan, and cancel/postpone outdoor activities if thunderstorms are expected.
  • If you do get caught outside, avoid high ground, open spaces, and all metal objects including electric wires, fences, etc. Seek shelter in substantial building or a fully enclosed metal vehicle.
  • If you are indoors, stay away from doors and windows. Do not use the telephone. Consider unplugging computers, power tools, and TV sets. Lightning may strike exterior electric/phone lines, inducing shocks to inside equipment.

If your building is struck by lightning, give SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties a call to take care of any of the damage. 

Source: The National Weather Service

Watch vs. Warning

4/2/2018 (Permalink)

Call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties for your storm cleanup needs.

As we go further into spring, we can expect more storms to come our way. It is important to be prepared for storms. In order to know how to be prepared for storms, we also have to know when to be prepared.

Severe Thunderstorm WATCH

A severe thunderstorm watch means that the potential exists for the devlopment of thunderstorms which may produce large hail or damaging winds. A watch is issued bu the SPC (Storm Prediction Center).

Severe Thunderstorm WARNING

A severe thunderstorm warning means that a severe thunderstorm is occurring or is imminent based on Doppler radar information or a reliable spotter report. A warning is issued by the local National Weather Services, which for us is in Paducah.

How Can SERVPRO Help?

Unexepected emergencies like severe weather call for immediate action. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is the professional team near you that knows that immediate reaction to the disaster is important to helping you get your life back to normal.

Utilizing our 1-4-8 Service Response Guidelines*, we strive to:

  • Contact you within 1 hour from ntoice of loss to arrange for service.
  • Be on-site to begin mitigation services within hours of notification.
  • Provide verbal briefing of scope to you within 8 busiess hours sof on-site arrival.

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can also perform pack-out services, which is removing salvageable personal property from the affect area for off-site cleaning and storage.

Call 573-339-1948 for your storm damage needs.

*Exceptions may apply under certain conditions, such as a local catastrophic event or storm situation.

Watch vs. Warning information is provided by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)

Winter Weather Tips

1/9/2018 (Permalink)

Frozen pipes are common in cold weather. Turning up your heat can help prevent that.

Don't we all wish winter just means snow days where we get to stay home and lounge all day in our pajamas, watch movies, and play in the snow?

Too bad that's not reality.

Winter storms can bring all sorts of issues for your home or business, so we have compiled some tips to counter those issues:

Tips for Preparing Your Home for Winter Weather

  • Keep cabinet doors open during cold spells. This allows warm air to circulate around pipes.
  • Keep a slow trickle of water flowing through faucets, especially if the pipes for faucets run through unheated or uninsulated areas of your home.
  • Consider shutting off outdoor faucets. Find the shut-off valve in the basement or crawl space and turn it to "off."
  • If you follow the previous step, then open the outdoor faucet to help ensure it drains completely and the inner valve is shut off.
  • Ensure gutters are clean and secure. Leaves and debris accumulate, causing a damming effect on gutters, which could lead to roof problems and water damage.
  • Proper maintenance of your furnace can help reduce the risk of puffbacks.

When winter weather strikes, SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties strikes back.

How Hurricanes Affect Southeast Missouri

9/12/2017 (Permalink)

No job is too big for us to handle

How Our Local Community Responds to Hurricanes

SERVPRO® works as a team across the country to help those that have been affected by a disaster. In years past, our local franchise has sent crews to various hurricane sites to help reach customers faster so that they can begin putting their lives back together. Local crews from SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties have helped with Hurricane storms Ivan (2004), Katrina (2005), Lee (2011), Isaac (2013), and now Harvey (2017).

Faster to Any Size Disaster

Being a part of SERVPRO®, we know that our job is to help customers and victims of disasters put their lives back together. It’s nice to know that if a tornado, flood, ice storm, or any other disaster were to strike the heartland, that there are over 1,700 franchises in our system that can come to our aid to help you put your life back together.

Just remember that SERVPRO® is faster to any size disaster.

Responding to Hurricane Harvey

8/29/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO® works with the Red Cross to help victims of any size disaster.

Hurricane Harvey

Hurricane Harvey hit land on Friday night, August 25, 2017 as a Category 4 hurricane. Earlier the day before, it was being tracked and categorized as merely a Tropical Storm. This put many people in an immediate emergency evacuation situation. Not only were there 130 mph damaging winds, but the rains that came resulted in historic flooding in Texas. 

SERVPRO® Efforts

SERVPRO® leaders from across the country gathered for a conference call Friday morning before the storm hit to prepare for the disaster ahead. The Storm Teams were organizing crews and developing a plan of action so that SERVPRO® could best serve the victims of Hurricane Harvey. We are always ready for whatever happens. We are proactive and not reactive.

Working with the Red Cross

We are a proud sponsor of the American Red Cross. We work hand-in-hand with them to help victims of disaster. There has been a lot of damage in Texas already, and there is more to come. It will be a long road to recovery. Please consider making a donation to the Red Cross and their Hurricane Harvey relief efforts.

Every Day is Gameday

7/7/2017 (Permalink)

Storm damage and flooding cleanup is one of our big games, but we've put in the practice time to make your storm damage "like it never even happened."

Data drives decisions. Just like sports teams study video footage of themselves and their opponents, we study our performance in the field and in the office to learn how to better ourselves and beat our opponents. Serving our customers is the most important thing we can do. That’s our game. We want to treat every day like gameday because we know that the customer doesn’t care how well we did on our last job, they only care about how well we took care of them. We want to treat each job like the “big game” because to the customer, it is a major event in his or her life.

When major storms happen, we put on our game face, devise a plan of action, and take the field. SERVPRO® works together—across the country—to make sure that whoever is affected by flooding or a major storm has the help they need. While entire communities may be underwater and suffering damage, we want each customer to know that their needs are our priority and they are important to us. We want to do everything in our power to help them see the light at the end of the tunnel and that we want to help them put their lives back together.

SERVPRO® just held its 48th Annual Convention in Seattle at the end of June. Our owners attended to learn how they can better help Cape Girardeau, Jackson, Sikeston, Perryville, and all the surrounding towns. There were presenters, speakers, and workshops to help motivate our teams and provide them with new gameday strategies. Victories were also celebrated with honors and awards. It was a great reminder that we should always treat every day like gameday.

Rainwater, Flooding, & Sump Pumps, Oh my!

5/1/2017 (Permalink)

Flash flooding has been an issue all across the Heartland.

Our local community as well as other parts of Missouri have dealt with inches of rain this past weekend.

For many of you, that means it's now in your home or office.

Storm damage comes in many forms. Your roof can leak, causing a pool in your kitchen; your sump pump fails and overflows into the rest of your house; a basement window leaks and starts an unwanted waterfall in your newly finished family room. Sometimes it’s an empty room, but most of the time your precious belongings are getting soaked. It can be a horrifying moment.

At SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties, we understand what it’s like to feel that panic. The great news, is that we also know what to do when it happens. Our crews are professionally trained to take care of your water damage situation so that you can have a peace of mind.

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties can handle your flooded basements or any other unwanted water you may have. We have the resources to take care of ALL our customers. You are not just another number to us; we want to take care of YOU. We have been in business in your local community since 1992 with an owner that has been with SERVPRO® since 1980. We have the experience to handle your needs.

Don't be afraid to give us a call…because we can handle it! Call 573-339-1948, and we will help make your flooded house "like it never even happened."

Whom to Call About Storm Damage in Jackson

4/4/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties covers Perryville, Cape Girardeau, Scott, Mississippi, and Bollinger Counties.

April Showers...

April showers might bring May flowers, but they can also bring a lot of storm damage to your property. This damage can come in various forms—from flooded basements to tornado damage to strong winds with fallen limbs causing holes in your roof…and then rainwater in your living room. All of these situations require immediate attention. What happens when your whole neighborhood or whole community is experiencing all of that at the same time? Do only a few get attention while everyone else suffers because there aren't enough hands to help? Absolutely not!

Whom to Call

When SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is the company you choose for your storm damage restoration needs, you are getting more than just the local franchise’s crew and equipment. By calling 573-339-1948, you are calling a local business that has access to resources from over 1,700 SERVPRO® franchises from across the state and around the country (even Canada)! The Disaster Recovery Team is a unique resource SERVPRO® offers. These DRTs coordinate large storm and disaster events for the local franchise so that all customers affected by the storm can be taken care of in a timely manner—because the longer the water sits in your home or business, the more damage that occurs.

Ready for Whatever Happens

At SERVPRO®, we all work together as one big family to help take care of your family. So when the rains fall and the winds come, call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties and know that your property is our priority, and we are fully capable of handling any-sized disaster. No storm is too big. We will help make it “Like it never even happened.”

Other Types of Damage That Can Follow Storm Damage

8/19/2016 (Permalink)

All across the United States, storms and heavy weather continuously cause damage to homes and businesses. Storms are one of the most common catalysts for home damage, and we at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties often see significant rises in calls immediately following a storm, heavy or not. It's not just water and flooding damage that can happen to a home either; storms cause many different types of damage due to their unpredictable nature. These are some of the most common types of damage we encounter immediately following a storm.

Water Damage

Perhaps the most common call we receive following storm damage in the Cape Girardeau and Jackson areas is water damage. Water damage can come from a number of sources during a storm, particularly ones with heavy or persistent rains. Water can find its way into a home through damaged roofing and siding, or simply an unsecured door or opened window. Common damage sources include carpeting, fabric and leather furniture, and electronics, all of which can sustain heavy damage from limited rain. Furthermore, water damage, if untreated, may lead to mold growth in the home, which carries its own array of problems.

Flood Damage

In addition to ordinary water damage, after heavy rains, flooding may be an issue for some areas. Floods can cause massive and costly damage to a home, and require a much more extensive cleanup treatment than other types of water damage. Some types of floodwaters, commonly referred to as black water, may also be dangerous to handle, and must be treated with extreme care.

Fire Damage

Fires can start in many storms, regardless of rain volume or intensity. Some of the most common fires during a storm are electrical fires, where electronics malfunction and heat up enough to catch fire or a power line may snap and fall on your home. Furthermore, there is potential for chemical or fuel fires as well, as fuel or chemical containers commonly found in homes may tip over and spill, where a stray spark may ignite them.

Physical Damage

Your home may also encounter physical and kinetic damage during a storm, as heavy winds may blow objects onto or through your home and its walls. Common types of damage include roofing being torn off, broken windows, and smashed siding and wood. Experienced with and ready to handle all types of home damage following a storm, we at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties bring safety and reliability to all of our repair, restoration, and cleanup jobs. If you have incurred any damage to your home following a storm, contact us at (573) 339-1948 for 24/7 emergency service.

Cape Girardeau Area’s 24 Hour Emergency Water Damage Service

8/16/2016 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties provides 24 hour fire and water damage restoration service from Perryville to Sikeston

With the recent rainfall, we wanted you to know that SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is available 24 hours a day for water emergencies, large or small. When you are dealing with water damage, immediate action is crucial. A delay of just a few hours can greatly increase the severity of the water damage.

We Answer the Phone Ready to Help
Call Today – (573) 339-1948 

We understand that when you call us, you may be feeling confused, stressed, and vulnerable. You need an expert to guide you through this crisis. SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties has the specific water damage training and experience to help you through this tough time. We specialize in water damage restoration—in fact, it's the cornerstone of our business.

What to Expect

When you call, we will ask several questions regarding your water damage emergency. These questions will help us determine what equipment and resources to bring, including how many trained SERVPRO Professionals may be needed.

Our SERVPRO Representative will ask several questions:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Your insurance information (if applicable)
  • The street address of the water-damaged home or business
  • When did the flooding or water damage occur?
  • What caused the water damage (if known)?
  • Is there electricity available (on-site)?
  • About SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

    SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties specializes in the cleanup and restoration of residential and commercial property after a fire, smoke or water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

    When Storms or Floods hit the Cape Girardeau area, SERVPRO is ready!

    7/8/2016 (Permalink)

    SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau and Scott Counties specializes in storm and flood damage restoration. Our crews are highly trained, and we use specialized equipment to restore your property to its pre-storm condition.

    Faster Response

    Since we are locally owned and operated, we are able to respond quicker with the right resources, which is extremely important. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces the restoration cost.

    Resources to Handle Floods and Storms

    When storms hit the Cape Girardeau area, we can scale our resources to handle a large storm or flooding disaster. We can access equipment and personnel from a network of 1,650 Franchises across the country and elite Disaster Recovery Teams ( that are strategically located throughout the United States.

    Have Storm or Flood Damage? Call Us Today (573) 339-1948