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What Happens After a Water Leak | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

5/1/2024 (Permalink)

water dripping from ceiling into a large puddle on tile floor Trust SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to provide comprehensive services for a full recovery for all your water damage restoration needs.

Is there anything worse than dealing with a water leak in your home? It’s no fun when you are home and can deal with it immediately, but it’s even worse when you have been away for a while and come back to find water all over the floor.

Dealing with water, especially anything that has been allowed to sit for a little while, is much more involved than just grabbing some towels or a mop and bucket. If water has been hanging out in your home, there is a good chance you are also dealing with mold and odors.

The faster you can call in the pros, the easier your restoration process will be.

Addressing Water Leaks

When water starts getting into all the places it shouldn’t be, it can cause complete havoc in your home. Even a small amount of water can end up in your walls, under the floors and in some of the most difficult-to-reach places of your house.

Unfortunately, drying up the water you can see may not be enough, especially when you don’t catch leaks right away. Moisture that gets under your floorboards or into your drywall doesn’t just evaporate or dry up on its own either. Due to the enclosed, tight nature of some of the spots water can get into, water droplets can linger long enough to create mold, smells and other damage.

The longer moisture is allowed to stay inside your walls without airflow, the more things can start to wear down over time. Metal support systems can start to rust, and mold can start to set in and spread. When mold starts spreading, it can move fast, leaving your home at serious risk for a major outbreak.

Following Your Nose

One of the earliest signs of mold and mildew growth is a musty odor. If you notice a wet, earthy smell after you have cleaned up a water leak, use your nose to sniff out the source. If you can’t locate where the smell is coming from, it’s time to call in the pros.

With one call, day or night, our water damage restoration experts will start reversing water damage and everything that comes along with it. We will remove and replace damaged drywall, warped or soft floorboards and track down and stop mold growth. We will disinfect and remove as much odor-causing mold and moldy materials as we can, and we will seal anything that cannot be removed permanently.

We will also dig a little deeper to make your house smell like home again by cleaning your HVAC system and sanitizing all the surfaces around the affected area. We won’t be done with your recovery until every sign that a leak happened in the first place is gone.

Don’t ignore signs of a water leak. Contact SERVPRO® for a full recovery.

Managing Insurance Claims, Made Simple | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

4/15/2024 (Permalink)

team of servpro workers unloading a branded work van and entering a business for a commercial job SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is Here to Help® with your business' disaster recovery!

When a disaster strikes, there are so many things that will go through your mind. Considerations for your safety and the safety of those around you are likely the first things you will think about, along with how much damage has been done to your house.

While you start sorting out everything that has happened, thinking about filing an insurance claim might initially be far from a priority. Safety should always be your No. 1 focus, but the faster you can start your recovery process, the better.

Our crew is here to pick up the pieces around the clock after a flood, fire, storm or any other disaster. We will get you on the right road to recovery, including working with your insurance company, so you can keep your focus on caring for the ones you love.

Start Fast, Document Often

Regardless of the kind of disaster that has happened, the faster you can start your recovery process, the less compounding damage you will have. Remember to make safety your first priority, though—stay in a safe location, out of floodwaters, away from downed power lines and clear of potential fire hotspots until you know everything is completely safe.

When you can safely move around, check in with loved ones and neighbors to ensure immediate medical attention isn’t required. Once you know everyone is OK, call our SERVPRO® office while you safely walk your property. We will put together a team to head to your property as we gather as much information about your situation as possible.

Take as many photos as possible of the damage done. The more you can document, the easier your claim process will be. If you see immediate issues that can be corrected—like a faucet that can be turned off, for example—go ahead and fix them, but make note of what was wrong and how you corrected it.

Leave It to Our Team

Once our crew arrives, we will prioritize securing your home to prevent any further damage. As your roof is secured or broken windows are covered, we will also take a look at everything you have already documented in order to start the insurance claim process. Our team is highly trained not just in repairing damage, but in what is required by insurance companies for an expedient and successful claim.

Our crew will put together an itemized list of your losses, as well as the photos you took and the ones our professionals will take in order to make reporting damage simple. We are also trained to meet insurance inspection standards in order to lower your potential costs. With a goal of restoring rather than replacing, our team works hard to keep as much of your property as possible, further lowering your recovery costs.

When you leave it to our team, we will not only get your home put back together quickly—we will make sure your insurance claim process is smooth and your losses are minimized. With one call, we can put your life back together after any disaster.

When a disaster strikes, call us to make your recovery process—insurance claims and all—simple.

Preventing Flood Damage: The Basics | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

4/1/2024 (Permalink)

rain water pooling on a hardwood floor after a storm with a man in work boots walking through it SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is ready to help in a moments notice after spring showers leak in to your home or business.

Have you ever thought about how if you really want to get something done well, you just have to take it back to the basics? If you have kids and have ever had to help with their math homework, going back to the basics is the easiest way to avoid the tears (yours) that can come along with learning new skills.

Going back to the basics is a good way to protect your home from potential disasters, too. With basic home maintenance, you can take action against most of what Mother Nature has in store for us. We may not be able to keep her completely in check, but when you have covered the basics, you can mitigate major damage and get back on your feet faster.

Flooding is one of the top ways homes across the nation are damaged—which make covering the basics of preventing flood damage crucial.

Know Your Zone

Flooding can happen in a number of ways, and not all of them stem from the weather. While manmade disasters can catch you off-guard and leave behind a good deal of damage, they often tend to be easier to find, correct and recover from than a natural disaster. Flash floods, ponding water from heavy rain, roof leaks and other flooding can be pretty devastating, and they can happen to anyone.

Get to know our area’s flood zones. This can help you better understand your risks and how much preparation you need to do.

Even if you are not in a flood zone, it’s important to note how wet your yard and community can be when rains get heavy. If you are in a low-lying area, it may be helpful to add extra drainage to your yard or lengthen your downspouts to keep water away from your home.

If your home is surrounded by a lot of trees, covering your gutters to prevent blockages can be a great investment. It is also a good idea to keep a close eye on your roof during the fall and after windstorms to keep everything clear so water can move cleanly and quickly away. The more you can get to know your area, the safer you can keep your home.

Prepare to Prevent

While getting to know your area is a great first step toward protecting your home from water damage, there are a few other steps you should take as well. Start with your yard—the more you can help the rain move, the less likely it will be to enter your home.

Make sure your yard slopes away from your home. If there is a particular spot in your yard that just stays wet, consider adding a rain garden or other organic materials that will pull water down into the earth. Go underground with your gutter downspouts if you can. These can run the length of your yard and dump water directly into drainage areas to help keep things dry.

Inside your home, make sure your basement, windows and doors are well-sealed. Check and update caulking seasonally as needed, and have your basement professionally sealed when there are visible cracks. Add a sump pump to your basement to pull water out before things get flooded.

Taking things back to the basics is the best way to get and stay prepared. Add these simple items to your monthly checklist and rest easy knowing that your home is protected from flooding—and it was easier to do than teaching your kid math.

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us at SERVPRO® for fast recovery.

Dealing With Sewage Leaks | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

3/15/2024 (Permalink)

sewage water pooling on a kitchen floor after a leak SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is always ready to respond to your call when biohazard incidents strike.

On the list of things you never want to deal with, sewage leaks should rank pretty highly. A sewage leak at home or your office may not be the most destructive disaster that could happen, but it is likely one of the grossest ones!

Sewage leaks are actually fairly common, and they can happen to anyone at any time. The faster you can respond when things start to get stinky, the less damage and mess you will have to deal with.

What to Do First

Most sewage backups happen because of a block or clog somewhere in the septic system. When wastewater can’t flow down into your tank or sewers, it rises back up into just about any drain it can reach, including your sinks and showers. Sewage leaks can also happen if a pipe or water line is damaged or begins to wear down.

There are three kinds of water that can leak into your home, including white water, gray water and black water. While white water and gray water are generally considered non-toxic, black water is toxic and a biohazard. Sewage leaks are always in the black water category, and you need to stay out of them if at all possible. This kind of water can continue bacteria, viruses and other particles that can make you extremely sick.

As safely as you can, find your water shutoff valve and cut the water to your home. Open windows around the area containing the leak to allow for fresh air. Tell your family to stay away, and block off the area so any pets you have can’t get into the mess. Call us right away.

Where SERVPRO® Comes In

From the moment you get us on the phone, we will start putting together a restoration team. Our professional crew is trained to handle biohazard situations safely and quickly.

We will gather as much information as we can about the source of the leak so that when our team arrives they are prepared with the proper safety equipment and tools to get your home or office cleaned up.

While you are waiting for our team to arrive, take some photos of the sewage leak. While these aren’t exactly keepsakes, they can help to identify the cause and subsequent damage for insurance purposes. The more pictures you can get, the better.

When our professionals arrive, we will first attempt to identify the source of the leak in order to correct it. At the same time we will begin removing the sewage and water from your property. Because sewage is toxic, this should only be done by our trained crew with the proper protective gear on—so remember to keep everyone away.

Our cleaning process will include deep-cleaning and sanitization of the entire space. We will also ensure odors are addressed so that nothing sticks around long-term. Any other physical damage will also be repaired while we get everything put back together. Our goal is always to get your space back to normal as fast as we can.

If you experience a sewage leak, stay out of it and call us for fast restoration. We will get things cleaned up and safe so you can get back to living.

Sewage leaks should always be cleaned up by professionals. Call SERVPRO, and we will take care of you.

Be Prepared for Spring Storms | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

3/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pouring down on an outdoor metal roof in a storm Let SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties help you get from April showers to May flowers.

Spring has arrived, and we know well that spring in our area can come with the possibility for strong storms. Our spring season often brings cold mornings, warm afternoons and heavy thunderstorms.

The further we get into spring, the more severe storms can become. Tornadoes are not uncommon this time of year either, which means it is crucial to be prepared for anything all season long.

When storms are headed your way, you need to have reliable sources from which to receive weather alerts from. Getting an alert in time to move to safety can save your life, so it is very important to make sure you are staying well informed when the weather is getting strong.

The Power of the Internet

It’s likely that you are never very far away from your cell phone or some other kind of screen, which makes these one of the most common ways to receive weather alerts. There are many apps that will issue weather alerts, and there are Wireless Emergency Alerts that are issued automatically.

When it comes to choosing an app to use for weather alerts, make sure you are choosing a reliable source. Use a local weather station app or stick with something that is nationally recognized in order to get the best information possible. Make sure you have signed up for Rave alerts for the most localized information direct from the office of Emergency Management.

Ideally, you want to have at least two different sources for real-time updates on not just the progress of the storm but also potential shelters so that you can find a place to go as needed.

Non-Electronic Options

While our electronics make our life highly convenient and can be a great way to keep up with real-time news, they also have batteries that can die rather quickly. For that reason, it is important to have a backup alert system that does not require electricity. Even if you have a wireless battery charger, you still only have a slightly prolonged life for your cell phone or other electronics.

If there are weather sirens near your home, familiarize yourself with what they sound like so you can keep an ear out when storms are moving your way. You should also invest in an NOAA weather radio.

Weather radios often require no external source of power. Many of them are powered by a hand-crank or solar power, and they can remain on for a great deal of hours. These are portable, which means they are easy to keep by your side when you need to head to a safe space or evacuate.

Be prepared to keep your weather radio on and at hand even after the storms have moved out since strong storms can come in waves and there may be more danger coming.

Even the most prepared home could still end up damaged when a storm rolls through town. If you ride out a storm only to find damage once it has passed, call us. We are available and ready to respond around the clock so that you can get your home put back together fast.

Serious storms can cause serious property damage. Call SERVPRO® 247 for immediate restoration assistance.

Reopening Your Business After a Disaster Strikes | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

2/15/2024 (Permalink)

business man in office talking to female SERVPRO rep SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is here for your business every step of the way, from ERPs to disaster recovery.

When a disaster strikes, the damage that is left behind can feel completely overwhelming. Your home, your community and your business can all be affected, leaving you wondering how to even begin recovery.

While getting your life back together at home is crucial, when you are a small business owner or manager, getting work going again is just as essential. With some preparation before a disaster and a team like ours at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties that is ready to respond immediately afterward, you can get your business running in no time.

Prepare Ahead of Time

The best way to recover when a disaster strikes is to have a plan. When your team knows how to prepare before and respond after a storm, fire or flood, you can seamlessly move through the process and keep your workflow going.

Communication is key when it comes to disaster plans. Make your emergency plans part of your regular training program. Your staff needs to know what every step of the process is.

Walk them through the building to ensure they know where water shut-offs are, how to safely exit the building from different areas and where fire extinguishers are located. Create assignments for staff members in order to secure your building when a storm is predicted.

Once the threat of disaster has moved out, make sure your employees know how to get back to work. If you are able to work remotely, ensure staffers know how to access any secure networks and have the proper equipment.

If an alternate location will be in use while your main space is restored, your crew should know when and where to report to. Keep in mind that some networks may be down long-term after a disaster, so plan to have multiple ways in which to communicate with your team.

Recover Quickly

With a plan, you can rest assured that your business is on the path to recovery before you even understand how much damage has been done. Make sure contacting SERVPRO® is part of your plan, so that the moment the threat is over restoration on your building can begin.

While our professional team begins to rebuild your physical location, let your customers know how you will keep work going for them. Communicate via multiple sources how you will fulfill orders or when a projected reopening date is. Keep your customers updated throughout the process, too. The more communication, the better.

Keep an open mind throughout your recovery. While we will dry out, sanitize or rebuild, be willing to shift how you operate. You may need to scale back for a while or adjust your offerings. Accepting your new normal will help you push forward and get back to the thriving business you have always known.

Plan ahead in order to best respond after a disaster strikes. Practice your emergency response plan regularly so that you can move through it with ease. Communicate well with your team and your customers—you will be back to work in no time after any kind of disaster.

Has your business experienced a disaster, or do you want help building an emergency plan? Contact us to find everything you need.

One Team, Multiple Kinds of Damage | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

2/1/2024 (Permalink)

heavy rain pounding down on a blacktop surface SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties is Here to Help® when any disaster strikes!

We have all heard the saying “when it rains it pours” one too many times. As far as cliches go, that one holds particularly true, especially when it comes to dealing with damage left behind after a disaster.

Whether Mother Nature dealt a huge blow to the community or one of your appliances sprung a leak and flooded your kitchen, one kind of damage will almost always lead to another.

That is why having a team like ours at SERVPRO® is important. With one call, we can handle every step of your restoration, even with multiple kinds of damage.

The Impact of Disasters

The toll that a disaster can take on your home and your community can be pretty overwhelming. Even when you have time to prepare, weather can be unpredictable and can hit with more force or bring damage you could have never anticipated. Manmade disasters can be just as devastating, especially when they catch you completely off-guard.

Heavy rains can lead to flooding, which can lead to mold growth. High winds can leave you dealing with power outages and debris or other damage to your roof. A fire can leave your home with smoke, soot, structural damage, water damage and lingering odors.

Disasters will always be a “when it rains it pours” situation due to the compounding damage that can set in. And the longer one type of damage sticks around, the quicker other kinds of damage will begin to appear.

While the physical toll of any kind of disaster is great, so is the mental toll. You deserve to get life back to as it should be quickly, which is why you deserve a team that can handle all your repairs.

A Single Team, Total Restoration

Timing will always matter when it comes to any kind of disaster, which is why our professional team is available to take your call 247, 365 days a year. From the moment you call us, your restoration begins. With our resources, we can put together a team and have them dispatched to your property fast.

Our certified experts are highly trained in handling a wide variety of disasters. Not only do we make sure our team is well-trained, certified and available, we also have experienced years of natural and manmade disasters here at home. Our office is locally owned and operated, which means that our experience is also local. We have cleaned up many of the homes and offices right here at home, and we understand how important this community is.

When your roof is damaged in a storm, we can tarp it as soon as it is safe to do so in order to prevent additional damage. If you experience a flood, we will remove standing water while working to dry out soft goods and save as much of your personal belongings as possible.

We can rebuild entire sections of your home when they have been damaged beyond repair as well. Whatever it takes to get your life back to normal, we’ve got it covered.

Total restoration means that our crew is with you from start to finish. We never walk away from a project until you are completely satisfied. If you still smell lingering odors after mold has taken over or a fire left things charred, we will keep working until your house smells like home again.

With highly trained staff, industry-leading equipment and around-the-clock availability, we are the only call you will have to make when all that raining and pouring starts. Sunny days are right around the corner, and we are here to make sure you get to enjoy every minute of them!

Have you experienced a disaster and need restorations? Make one call to our office to start recovery fast.

Preparing for Water Damage Inside and Out | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

1/24/2024 (Permalink)

Flooded floor in kitchen from water leak. Damage , Property insurance concept. Flooded floor in kitchen from water leak. Damage , Property insurance concept.

Just picture hanging out at home and enjoying a little peace and quiet…and then you spot a growing puddle coming from the kitchen. Or you step off the last stair into the basement, into ankle-deep water. 

There are so many risks to our homes, both internal and external. While Mother Nature sometimes gives us plenty of warning before literally raining down her fury, some disasters can strike without any notice at all. 

Preparing for water damage in your home is the best way to mitigate as much losses as possible and keep your home safe. And the good news is that with a few simple steps you can keep your home prepared year round from water damage inside and out. 

Natural Disasters

We live on the Mississippi, so flooding is something we all have to be very cognizant of. We have seen the banks of the river swell many times, and understand what it means when heavy rains are forecast. 

To keep your home safe, get familiar with your specific risks. Has your area seen extensive flooding in the past, or is your home in a direct flood path? Take note of how your yard drains during a rain storm as well, and add sloping where necessary. Organic materials in your yard or a rain garden can also help increase absorption and drainage as well. 

Keep some home maintenance on your regular to-do list to make sure your home stays safe when flooding is predicted. Your gutters should be cleaned often, and downspouts should be clear of debris. Install a sump pump in your basement or crawl space to keep your basement dry, and make sure your foundation is fully sealed and free from cracks. Seal doors and windows well too. 

Store important documents in a waterproof container on an upper level of your home. Make sure your emergency plan includes contact information and a place for your family to meet together in the event of an evacuation. 

Internal Incidents

Being prepared for natural disasters is crucial for your safety, but not all water incidents are going to come from outside the home. We use a lot of water in our daily lives, and all of the water leaves our home vulnerable to plumbing or appliance failures. 

Just like preparing your home for a natural disaster, preparing for unpredictable accidents can be done with simple home maintenance. Keep a close eye on the areas of your home most prone to water damage, like bathrooms, kitchens and laundry rooms. 

Check under sinks often for signs of leaks. Watch for moisture, mold or musty odors which are all indicators that there is an issue. Pull out your dishwasher, refrigerator and washing machine every few months. Clean under and behind them while checking for puddles, mold growth or soft spots in the floor. Look at their water lines and check for signs of aging. Even a hole the size a pinhead can result in massive damage when not caught early. 

The more you do on a regular basis to protect your home from water damage, the fewer your losses will be. Even when the unpredictable happens, a prepared home can be restored quickly, especially when you call us right away. We are ready 24/7 to start drying out any water in your home, regardless of the source. 

Do you have water damage in your home? Contact us and get things put back together.

Staying Fire-Safe in the Winter | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

1/16/2024 (Permalink)

brick chimney with lit fire logs Fire safety is a top priority for us at SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties this winter. Keep your home safe with these helpful tips!

It’s the coziest time of the year! Even if you hate the winter season, you have to admit that curling up with a fuzzy blanket and a calming fire is a pretty nice scene. It may be a nice scene, but fireplaces and space heaters come with their own dangers.

During the cold months, the number of house fires goes up drastically. Many of the fires that start come from accidents that are easy to prevent. That’s good news—by taking some simple actions, you can enjoy your fuzzy socks, fuzzy blankets and all other things fuzzy without worry.

Addressing Your Fireplace

Fireplaces in the home are a great source of alternate heat when the power goes out, but without proper care, things can get pretty dangerous. If you have a wood-burning fireplace, ashes and other debris should be cleared out after every fire. Your chimney should be cleaned and inspected by a professional every year regardless of what your heat source is.

Don’t have decorations on your mantle, and avoid putting anything flammable near the fireplace. You should have a smoke detector in the room with your fireplace, and if your fireplace is gas, you should also have a carbon monoxide detector. Keep everything clean around the fireplace to avoid the chance of a spark burning dust. It is a good idea to keep a fire extinguisher not far from your fireplace as well.

Space Heater Safety

Space heaters are a great way to warm up a room, especially in early or late winter when the temperature tends to swing widely from hot to warm in a day. Space heaters cause nearly 1,700 house fires every year, all of them from malfunction or improper use.

Make sure your space heater is always on a flat surface and has a clear space to run. Check the cord before plugging it in to ensure everything is in good shape, and always plug your space heater directly into a wall outlet.

Tell the kids to stay clear of the heater, and make sure your four-legged friends also do the same. Even if you want the heater right next to you, running the heater near curtains, the couch or any other soft materials can be hazardous. Another great way to stay safe is to add a blanket to your bed for cold nights instead of running a space heater.

Suggested Safety Features for Your Space Heater

Many space heaters on the market today come with a number of safety features, but there are a few you will want to make sure anything you run in your home always has. This could mean replacing your current heaters, especially if they are more than five years old.

Only make space heater purchases from a manufacturer that is both reliable and certified. Do your research to make sure they put their items through rigorous safety testing before they put them on the market. Any space heater you own should have an automatic shutoff feature that turns off the heating elements if it is tipped over. Space heaters should also have a feature that either acts as a thermostat, preventing overheating, or automatically shuts off after a number of hours running.

Cords on space heaters should be pretty heavy duty and at least six feet long. You should never plug your space heater into an extension cord, so make sure you are purchasing one with a long enough cord to be plugged directly into the wall.

Never leave a space heater unattended. With these safety tips, you can keep your home the exact temperature you want it to be while you stay comfy. If you do experience a fire, you can rely on SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to put your home back together fast, day or night.

A quick fire damage restoration is just a phone call away. Call SERVPRO® for immediate assistance.

Moisture Hiding in Your Home | SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties

1/2/2024 (Permalink)

close up of condensation on window pane and ledge Water damage can happen anywhere in your home. Call SERVPRO of Cape Girardeau & Scott Counties to restore water damage on your property 24/7, 365.

Water does a lot for our homes. Just think about how many times a day you run your dishwasher or wash a load of laundry. Even if it is just hosing down the dog (or the kids) after a particularly muddy romp, having simple access to water is really a blessing.

It is a blessing when we need it, but water can also create total chaos in our lives. Mother Nature might bring us heavy rains, flooding or even the occasional snowstorm that leaves our home wet, or a simple leak can have you uncovering water that has seeped through floorboards and walls.

Getting to know the top places that moisture likes to hide in your home is the best way to find and correct issues before damage becomes extreme.

Under Your Sinks

Sinks are one of the top places that leaks can be hiding out. With so many water lines under one sink, it can be hard to catch small leaks that could be causing big damages. Start looking under your sinks in your kitchen and bathrooms at least once a week.

Check the water lines by running your hands all along them to feel for moisture. Make sure all of the connecting points are tight, and replace anything that has corroded. Run water while you hold a flashlight under your sink to watch for any loose seals so you can correct them fast.

Beneath Appliances

Another common place for water to hide out in your home is under your appliances. We count on our appliances day in and day out, and likely don’t think about how much water is running through them. Dishwashers, washing machines and refrigerators with an ice maker or water filter are all susceptible to leaks that might be hard to find.

Pull your appliances away from the wall every few months in order to check the water lines and look for excess moisture that could be an indicator of a leak. A musty odor, mold growth or soft spots in the floor are also signs of a bigger problem. Give everything around them a good clean while you have them pulled out so you can find issues before they cause damage.

Behind Your Walls or Floors

A leak that might be harder to find is one that has seeped behind your walls or under your flooring. While the leak itself may have originated from somewhere else, water moves quickly and can get into the smallest of spaces.

The best way to find water in these spots is by investigating any musty odors. Use your nose, your family members’ noses, the dog’s nose, whatever it takes to identify the strongest smell location in order to start looking for problems.

Around Your Windows and Doors

Condensation around your windows and door can be pretty common, and it is often one of the most-ignored signs that there is too much moisture in your home. While changes in temperature are often the cause, when condensation lingers it can cause damage to the structure of your home.

Any kind of moisture on your windows can seep through cracks or any gaps and down into your walls. Run your hand along window ledges and door frames. If it is moist, it is time to reseal.

If you do find damage from water in your home, don’t let it cause you to panic. Call SERVPRO®, and we will get things restored fast. We can handle anything from a major flood that leaves behind standing water to structural repairs after a leak that hides out too long.

Don’t ignore signs of water damage! Call SERVPRO for a quick restoration.